Law on silence in St. Petersburg in 2021 with amendments for repair work on weekends

For a person, a home is a place of solitude and tranquility, where after a working day there is an opportunity to relax, sleep at night, and on weekends enjoy a morning sleep. But, unfortunately, this does not always happen, this idyll is disturbed by noisy neighbors who have started renovations, and I do it almost around the clock, or outside the window the construction of a high-rise building does not stop for a minute.

Federal and regional legislation comes to protect citizens. Laws at the state level establish a general set of rules that everyone without exception must comply with; at the local level they are more specific and tailored to each subject of the Russian Federation individually.

Law on silence in St. Petersburg 2021 with amendments - what is it and where to find it

Federal Law 52-FZ “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” establishes only a general rule, according to which residential premises must meet the requirements and provide safe living conditions for citizens, including noise levels.
In addition, the Government in its Resolution enshrined SanPiN dated 06/10/2010. It gives an idea of ​​the permissible volume limits and time periods when you can increase the volume. However, each subject of the Russian Federation must have its own legislation; it is there that you can set your own restrictions. Thus, Law No. 273-70 “On Administrative Offences”. Otherwise known as the law on silence in St. Petersburg, it regulates the rules that residents of an apartment building, service and construction organizations, and other legal entities must adhere to in order for the citizens of this region to feel comfortable.

It also sets the size of fines for violating noise regulations. Penalties are subdivided and their size depends on their source. Thus, the lowest sanctions are provided for citizens, slightly higher for officials and the highest for legal entities.

The official text of the law can be viewed in official sources, including on the Administration website.

Amendments from 2021

The new Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for a norm that is already called the law on silence from January 1, 2021. It establishes general rules for maintaining silence and responsibility (fine from 1000 to 2000 rubles), including for “passive” violators (for example, leaving a dog alone for a long time or not turning off the alarm). However, it is not yet known when the new Code of Administrative Offenses will be adopted and in what form.

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Basic requirements for silence in St. Petersburg, permissible noise level

In St. Petersburg, law No. 273 - 70 establishes how much noise you can make and when you need to freeze. It prohibits making loud noises from 10 pm to 8 am on weekdays and on weekends from 10 pm to noon. This interval is recognized as night time and is necessary for a person to fully rest.

Federal legislation and the Leningrad Region have determined night time to be an hour less on weekdays and two hours less on weekends. But the law does not prohibit the city from setting its own standards.

The volume of sound is measured in decibels. Acceptable noise limits are:

  • during the daytime you can make noise in the range of up to 40-55 dB;
  • at night the volume of sounds should not exceed 30-45 dB.

Rules for silence in an apartment building

There are no generally accepted rules. But you can gather homeowners and agree with them on something that does not go beyond the law.

In particular, at night it is expressly prohibited:

  1. Make loud noises from TV, karaoke, car alarms, etc.;
  2. Sing songs, shout, use musical installations, move objects in the apartment, etc.;
  3. Set off fireworks and firecrackers. An exception is made for New Year's Eve.
  4. Carry out construction work and loading and unloading operations. Exceptions are only for snow removal and various situations that require immediate action.

If you break these rules, you may face a fine.

According to the law in St. Petersburg, how much noise can you make and listen to music in an apartment during the day?

At night, you cannot turn on music or make other sounds, even in your apartment, that are higher than 40-45 dB. During the day you can exceed this limit, but not higher than the norm established for daytime noise and only up to 10 o’clock, after which the time will be considered “night time”.

It is worth noting that the requirements of the law apply not only to citizens living in apartment buildings, but also to private homeowners and even car owners.

Quiet hour in St. Petersburg

Quiet hour has not been officially introduced. However, some deputies are taking the initiative to amend the law and consolidate it from 13 to 15 daily. The text of the bill has not yet been approved, since there are those who disagree with it.

Many citizens, especially those with small children, need similar amendments to the law. Children need daytime sleep, and some residents of apartment buildings make loud noises during these hours, which disturbs or even scares the kids.

During the period of self-isolation and a large number of non-working days, many citizens began repairs and completely forgot about other citizens and their peace.

Sometimes quiet times are determined by the property management company or homeowners, but such arrangements will not constitute “laws.” If an agreement is violated, it may be difficult to punish the culprit.

Quiet mode on weekends

How much noise can you make in an apartment in St. Petersburg? As a general rule, the noise ban on weekends is valid from 11 pm to 10 am. Weekends are Saturday and Sunday, as well as public holidays. Moreover, the law speaks not only about apartments, but also about construction sites, noisy industries or repair work on city streets.

The silence regime in St. Petersburg established slightly different rules. It turns out that the regime begins to operate on Friday evening, namely from 10 o’clock until 12 noon on Saturday . Similar rules apply to official holidays.

Exceptions to the General Rules

Of course, there are life situations when it is not possible to freeze and not make noise. There must be serious reasons for this, and they are prescribed by the legislator:

  1. The night when the whole country celebrates the New Year, it is allowed to set off fireworks and firecrackers from 11 a.m. on December 31 to 4 a.m. on January 1.
  2. Loading and removal of snow is permitted at night.
  3. Elimination of offenses during emergencies and other situations that require immediate action for personal and public well-being.
  4. During religious holidays and cultural and sports events.

This list does not provide for other exceptions; it is closed. In all other cases, liability is provided for violation of silence.


Prolonged noise, loud, sharp sounds have a very negative impact on people's health. To feel comfortable, most of the time a person should be in a calm environment. From Monday to Friday, on weekdays this is especially difficult.

Loud music in neighbors' apartment

Staying in silence becomes more difficult, especially for those who live in large cities. Due to population density, the need to increase the number of highways and additional construction of large facilities has increased significantly.

Unfortunately, the negative impact of noise is not felt immediately, but after some time. This entails serious consequences affecting human health.

Noise can have a negative impact on both a person’s well-being and the body as a whole. Loud sounds can trigger panic attacks, headaches and dizziness, insomnia, decreased hearing, increased blood pressure, nervousness, and also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Elderly people and children are particularly vulnerable.


Therefore, following the law, it is necessary to know in advance the hours and mode of silence in the subject. It is necessary for every resident of apartments in an apartment building to read the resolution interpreting the time of silence in St. Petersburg. It will be especially useful to know this regulatory act for those who like to make noise in apartment buildings.


In order to avoid health problems associated with loud sounds, you need to periodically study the noise level. There are certain standards of sound vibrations that are safe for people, measured in decibels. Their measurements at the official level are carried out by specialists from Rospotrebnadzor.

Drilling the wall

Do not forget that we ourselves can be the source of noise, causing harm to others. If you are planning to carry out repair work at home, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the law on silence in a given region, which contains all the necessary standards. Their implementation should not cause difficulties.

It contains all the information you are looking for, indicating how much noise you can make in an apartment, make repairs and drill in St. Petersburg on weekdays and weekends. The official text of the peace and quiet regime can be downloaded for free below on the website. If you print the document, you can always have it at hand.

Rules for carrying out noisy repair work in an apartment building in St. Petersburg

There is a period of time during which the noise level may not be maintained. For example, you can start renovating your apartment.

Article 38 of Law No. 273-70 of May 31, 2010 establishes the basic regulations. Compliance with the conditions is mandatory.

So, before carrying out repair work, it is necessary to agree on a schedule for its implementation. It is agreed upon with an authorized person. Who has the right to approve the schedule is chosen at a general meeting of homeowners; it can also be the management company.

Violating the agreement or starting work without it at all means non-compliance with the law, which means you may receive a warning or such a citizen may be fined one or two thousand rubles.

It is best to print out the schedule and post it on a notice board so that everyone can see it.

However, if the work is short-term and lasts no more than one hour and is not associated with damage to common property, then it is allowed to make noise without a schedule.

There are cases to which the law does not apply. For example, in new buildings, in the first year and a half, repairs are allowed even during prohibited hours. This is due to the fact that having bought a new apartment, you want to quickly finish the renovations and move into your home.

What time can noisy repair work be carried out in St. Petersburg?

From Monday to Friday, it is allowed to operate a hammer drill and a drill from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. But this does not mean that work should continue continuously.

It is advisable to draw up the schedule in such a way as to satisfy all neighbors. In particular, there should be breaks for lunch and quiet time so that newborn children can rest. To do this, it is advisable to communicate with the other residents of the house and take into account their wishes.

Noisy work on weekends in St. Petersburg (from the beginning to the end you can make noise, drill, work with a hammer drill)

On a day off, the morning should not begin with the noise of a drill and hammer drill. Therefore, it is allowed to work with these tools from 12 noon to 22 o’clock. Of course, if such a schedule is agreed upon.

Repair work during holidays

The same rules apply to holidays as for weekends. The law prohibits repair work from 8 to 12 am on red days of the calendar. And it provides for liability in the form of a warning or a fine.

Repair work during quarantine in St. Petersburg

Unfortunately, declared non-working days are not holidays or “weekends” by law. Therefore, nothing changes, and from Monday to Friday you can make noise from 8 am. For some, the period of self-isolation became the reason to start repairs, while for other citizens it became a hindering factor.

Many Russians have switched to remote work; they are naturally disturbed by the constant sounds of their neighbors’ renovations.

Until what time do neighbors have the right to make noise?

Specific time frames regulating the possibility of noisy activity of neighbors are not specified in the law “On Silence”. The right to regulate this issue in a temporary space is vested in regional authorities.

Thus, in each individual region, the time of the “noise day” may differ slightly.

A similar restriction is adopted by local councils. The average time during which the silence regime must be observed in the regions of the country is between 23:00 and 7:00.

In addition to the above rules, others also apply:

  • Continuous noisy construction work cannot exceed 6 hours;
  • Repair work, regardless of whether it was carried out daily and whether it was noisy, should not last more than 3 months;
  • The noise coming from special equipment should not be higher than 40 decibels;
  • If there is a need to carry out any construction or repair work at a time not intended for this, it is imperative to agree on this issue in writing with all neighbors without exception;
  • Any music lessons, development of practical skills in playing musical instruments or singing should be stopped when a period of silence occurs;

Where to call and complain if neighbors are noisy and violate the law on silence

Unfortunately, residents are not informed about where to go or what number to call in order for violators to be fined or at least given a warning that they are violating the order.

It is a mistake to think that only a police officer can bring noisy neighbors to justice. The Law, Order and Security Committee under the executive branch of government is now called upon to resolve this issue and conduct similar cases.

However, you can first contact the police. This can be done either by telephone or by sending an application by mail to the local police officer. The district police officer is obliged to take explanations from both sides, collect available evidence and then transfer the case to the municipal committee.

At night

At this time of day, when noisy residents interfere with a restful sleep, you need to call the police. The police must respond to such a call within an hour to eliminate the offense and restore law and order.

In addition, if troublemakers behave unpolitely and aggressively, they may be taken to the police station.

During the day

During the daytime, you can call the district police officer authorized to resolve such issues. In such cases, it is better to write a collective statement, inviting several more neighbors as witnesses.

Of course, it is imperative to measure the noise level and present this as evidence. The noise can be recorded on audio or video, and the testimony of witnesses who are also bothered by it can be collected.

If after several applications there are no changes or the district police officer does not identify and eliminate the offense, then you can go to civil court. The court will consider the case on its merits.

Where to complain about noise near your home

As already mentioned, you can call the police and the local police officer. If the situation is urgent and requires an immediate solution and it is necessary to identify the fact of violation.

If there is construction work near the house and it does not stop at night, then you can contact Rospotrebnadzor with a complaint.

There is also the possibility of online appeal on the website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region (just call 02 or 102...) or on the website of the Committee on Legality, Law and Order and Security. If all these services are inactive, then you can leave your complaint at the electronic reception desk of the St. Petersburg Administration.

How to fight against offenders?

It is advisable for neighbors to independently agree on when and how much noise they can make on weekends. If this cannot be done peacefully, then it is necessary to involve law enforcement agencies. The district police officer, first of all, must conduct a conversation with the violators. If this does not help, then next time he issues an administrative violation report. This documentation will become the basis for imposing penalties.

It is also recommended to record the noise in any available way. This is necessary in order to prove the fact of violation to law enforcement agencies. After all, it often happens that while the local inspector arrives to the call, the noise stops. This recording will also become evidence at trial.

If the noise produced harms the health of neighbors, namely, it causes insomnia, increased blood pressure, and nervous disorders, then after recording a violation by the sanitary and epidemiological service, the attending physician and the local inspector must file a lawsuit. The judicial authority is obliged to consider the claim and award compensation for moral damage.

The following categories of citizens are allowed to be held administratively liable for failure to maintain peace and quiet:

  • citizens over 16 years of age;
  • legal entities;
  • officials.

How to negotiate with a silence breaker

Before taking any drastic measures, peaceful methods should be used to solve the problem. Go and chat with neighbors who, in your opinion, are violating the law of silence.

Perhaps these people don't even know what is disturbing your peace of mind. Try to tell them the whole situation and about the law they are breaking.

And only after the actions have been taken and if they do not lead to results, call the police and write a statement.

Here's a video about how to quiet noisy neighbors.

Punishment for violators

Russian legislative acts provide for the following options for bringing to responsibility:

  • warning;
  • fine. Moreover, it is collected in favor of the state.
  • Different regions of the country have their own fines:
  • in the Moscow region, penalties range from 1,000 to 8,000 rubles;
  • the fine for legal entities in Moscow is in the range of 40,000–80,000 rubles;
  • in St. Petersburg, the fine for citizens is 500–4000 rubles;
  • fine in the Northern Capital for officials - 5,000–10,000 rubles;
  • The fine for legal entities in the Northern Capital can be 25,000–50,000 rubles.

In order not to break the law and not spoil relations with neighbors, you need to clearly know how much you are allowed to exceed the normal noise level in your region.

Apartment buildings are the most common type of housing for most citizens. Of course, getting along with neighbors of different temperaments is not so easy, and therefore there are a number of administrative rules. Eg ,

How long can you make noise in an apartment in 2021? We need to figure it out.

If you cannot independently solve the problem of tactless citizens in your neighborhood, then relying on legal grounds will not be superfluous.

Any city is a constant noise, and after hard everyday life we ​​dream of relaxing in tolerable conditions. Therefore, making noise, celebrating or swearing is allowed until 23.00. If at any moment the peace of citizens is suddenly disturbed, then it is allowed to call a squad to solve a minor problem.

Reasons to call the police:

  1. There are rehearsals or performances in the house.
    Any playing on an instrument, even on wooden spoons, must be stopped at the specified time or transferred to the rehearsal room. Otherwise, the apartment owner will be fined, but this contingent also understands the warnings.
  2. Operation of the equipment.
    Television and music are now a serious source of problems if houses have poor sound insulation. Sometimes you can solve the problem using the classic old-fashioned method: knocking on the battery.
  3. Repairs.
    Yes, renovations of premises, especially in new buildings, last for years. And the first permanent residents are not even aware of the unplanned psychic attack.

Committee on Noise and Silence of St. Petersburg: what is it and how can you write a complaint to it

In accordance with Art. 51 of Law No. 273-70, you can complain about noise violations to the Law, Order and Security Committee. It is he who has the right to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense and fine violators.

An appeal can be submitted on the official website of the Committee You will first need to fill out a form, indicating the necessary information about the applicant. You will need to provide a correct email address to which a response regarding the results of the application review will be sent.

You can write an application and send it by mail. Address for written correspondence: St. Petersburg, Kondratievsky Prospekt, 40, building 13.

Thus, it is not at all necessary to visit the Committee itself to submit an application; this can be done in any convenient way.

Features of the act in St. Petersburg

The duration of restrictions in different regions of the country may vary significantly. For St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, a noise ban has also been introduced at strictly defined times. The amount of penalties and the possibility of applying penalties are indicated in the amended law “On Administrative Offenses,” which was adopted by the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region on May 27, 2021.

At the federal level, Law No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999 is in force, to which new additions were made on July 13, 2021. A feature of the application of a regulatory document in practice is the possibility of tightening its norms in various regions of the country. First of all, local legislators are given the opportunity to regulate the length of time noise restrictions are in effect.

Measuring the noise level in an apartment: cost

If you still can’t come to an agreement with your neighbors or the organization that is developing your new area, or you simply don’t know where the constant extraneous sounds are coming from in your apartment, then you can use the services of companies that measure the noise level.

There are quite a lot of companies that can provide this service for a fee.

Rospotrebnadzor provides free consultation on this issue. In addition, they have special laboratories and all the necessary equipment for measuring sound levels.

At the request of citizens, a specialist with special equipment comes to the apartment and takes measurements.

The prices for such services vary greatly. Thus, a home visit by an employee costs from 900 rubles, the actual examination will cost from 10,000 rubles and will be calculated individually.

Is it possible and where can I rent a sound level meter in St. Petersburg?

Due to the relevance of this issue, there is an offer on the service market for renting sound level meters. But you need to know how to use it correctly. You can find such companies on the Internet. To choose the best one, it is best to call and ask everything in detail. And then choose the most optimal one and conclude a lease agreement.

Here it is necessary to understand that the device itself is not enough. There must be all the necessary equipment to record the testimony, otherwise it will not be possible to use his testimony as evidence. However, as judicial practice shows, in any case it is advisable to hire a licensed surveyor.

Noise from renovation

Repair is a separate topic for discussion. On the one hand, if one of the neighbors starts it, it can greatly worsen the quality of life of many residents of the entrance. On the other hand, every citizen understands that he can begin repairs in his apartment at any time. Noise during repairs is inevitable, and it doesn’t matter at all whether the team will work or the residents will decide to do it on their own.

Important! The law of the city of St. Petersburg has made separate regulations regarding this. Repair work here is only possible at certain times, it is limited to 8:00-22:00 hours.

In order to avoid any problems, it is advisable to coordinate your actions with the management company or HOA. Such approval will not be required if there is no plan to maintain background noise for a long time, up to 1 hour in length. If the noise continues during prohibited hours and it is known that it is due to repair work, then violators face a fine of 1-3 thousand rubles for ordinary citizens, 5-10 thousand for officials, 10-30 thousand for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

Repair work is often prohibited in St. Petersburg, even during the allotted time. For example, when families with small children live in the entrance. In such cases, a work schedule is developed, it must be agreed upon with this family and work within the allotted hours.

Fine for violating silence in St. Petersburg

According to the latest edition of the Law on Silence in St. Petersburg, people making loud noises are subject to financial punishment. There is a regulated system of fines for individuals, officials and legal entities.

If the violation occurred for the first time, then you can limit yourself to a warning. If you break the law again, you will have to bear responsibility for:

  • For exceeding the norm established by law and loud sounds, such as whistling, singing, TV, musical installations and others, a fine for citizens is from 500 to 5000 rubles, for persons performing official duties, it is significantly higher from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles, for organizations from 50,000 to 200,000 rub.
  • For repairs at the wrong time, residents can pay 3-5 thousand rubles, performing duties will be punished by 25-50 thousand, companies by 250,000 - 500,000.
  • For construction at night, a fine of 5 thousand citizens, 25-50 thousand officials and 500,000-1000,000 rubles for organizations is required.

It's worth thinking before you make noise. Perhaps it is better to maintain order and respect the peace of other citizens!

Federal rules

In the Russian Federation there are general standards for permissible noise according to SanPiN. Together with the Russian silence law 52-FZ, they determine the standards for silence time for residential apartment buildings.

Average values

According to the law, during the daytime (7-23) in the apartment building the noise level cannot be higher than 55 dB. In the area adjacent to the house - 70 dB. At night (23-7) – 45 and 60 dB for home and street.

Subjects have the right to change the hours of silence, which they use.

Judicial appeal against unlawful actions of a neighbor

You can go to court if all the evidence has been collected. To consider a case, a judge needs properly collected evidence so that it is admissible and can be relied upon when making a lawful decision.

First you need to try to peacefully resolve the conflict. Then interview other neighbors and record their testimony in writing; you can collectively write a complaint and collect signatures. Next, contact the police or the local police officer and the Law and Order and Security Committee. If it doesn’t work, then you can go to court and attach all the statements that were sent to all these authorities.

Most likely, the court will make a positive decision, oblige the violators to pay a fine and collect legal costs and compensation for moral damage.

When is it allowed to make noise?

Every rule has exceptions. The law on silence may not be observed in the following cases:

  1. Elimination of accidents that disrupt the integrity of communications and threaten the safety of residents of an apartment building. For example, a gas leak or a broken heating pipe. It is clear that restoration work sometimes continues late at night and on holidays.
  2. Elimination of the consequences of natural disasters and emergency situations - here it is unlikely that anyone would think of complaining about the inappropriate time of day for rescuers and other services to work.
  3. Prevention of crimes and offenses by relevant authorities and services.
  4. Church events and ceremonies - religious processions, services.
  5. Planned events - rallies, parades, demonstrations.
  6. Operation of snow removal equipment is allowed at any time of the day, even at night.
  7. New Year's celebrations - noise allowed all night until 6:00 am.

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Requirements for sound insulation of a building, interior and inter-apartment walls

The generally accepted opinion is that the overlap of inter-apartment walls should be at least 100-150 mm. To soundproof rooms, reinforced concrete floors of at least 160 mm are required. But it’s better if it’s thicker, then the likelihood of not hearing extraneous sounds increases.

The thickness of the walls in the room can be 100 mm. The material that builders use is important. To improve sound insulation, a material without cavities inside is better suited.

In addition, seams and joints between slabs or blocks must be sealed. And according to the standards, the gaps should be minimized as much as possible. Cracks in ceilings are not allowed.

But the above are wishes. But in practice, open SNIP SP 51.13330.2011, this is a multi-page document that talks about sound insulation standards in every detail! There are specific requirements for windows, for laying heating pipes, and for inter-apartment walls.

Time limits according to which neighbors can make noise on weekends

On weekdays, loud repairs or other sources of noise do not often disturb neighbors, since most people are at work during the day. But doing noisy work on weekends can cause increased dissatisfaction and even lead to the emergence of conflicts and scandals on this basis.

In order to avoid clashes, neighbors can agree in advance how and when they can make noise. Otherwise, you need to be aware of local regulations that allow you to work at high volumes on Saturdays and Sundays or other legal holidays.

By law, in almost all regions of the country, the silence regime on Saturday is no different from weekdays. But on Sunday, neighbors do not have the right to violate the silence throughout the day.

This rule also applies to all holidays except January 1st. Although there are, of course, still regions in which Saturday is also a day to rest from noise.

How to protect yourself from noise

In general, before purchasing an apartment, you should request documentation from the developer, including in order to see what material the walls are made of and their thickness.

When inspecting the apartment, pay attention to the grouting of seams and cracks between the floors, and to the absence of cracks in the walls. If the apartment has been remodeled or is planned, then pay attention to the noise zones in the apartment.

Noise protection headphones

In general, noise is harmful to health. To protect yourself from it, you can buy headphones. They will make loud sounds comfortable to the ear.

The earcups are filled with noise-absorbing material and fit snugly to your ears.


All citizens, officials and legal entities are responsible for violating the law on silence and non-compliance with noise levels in residential buildings and adjacent areas.

Such violations are subject to administrative liability and are considered by municipal commissions for administrative fines. These commissions operate on the basis of regional legislation.

Dealing with noisy neighbors can be quite difficult. Therefore, for the greatest effectiveness, you should act in stages.


This stage cannot be avoided, since neighbors may simply not realize that they are causing negative emotions in someone due to their overly noisy lifestyle or constant repairs. It is necessary to try to explain to such neighbors in a civilized manner that their activity in the neighbor’s apartment is too noisy. Perhaps people will listen to this and calm down a little. Then you won't have to take any more steps.

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Complaint to the HOA

If the previous measure does not help, you need to file a complaint with the HOA or management company. But here it is important to understand that, apart from explanatory work, they will also not be able to do anything against the troublemakers.

Contacting the police

You can try calling the police or writing a complaint to the local police officer. Based on the fact of the appeal, a protocol is drawn up, which will subsequently become the basis for the work of the commission on administrative violations.

Unfortunately, this step often has its pitfalls. As you know, the squad may simply not arrive on time, and when it arrives after a few hours, the offenders will calm down naturally and everything around will be quiet. In addition, the squad may not be sent at all to respond to noisy neighbors - I’ll just say that at the moment there are no free people. Even if the squad has arrived, they may not draw up a report, but to punish neighbors it is absolutely necessary, especially if the case goes to court.

But in any case, it’s worth trying to call the police or at least scare the neighbors with this - sometimes this is quite enough.

Complaint to the prosecutor's office

The prosecutor's office is the government body that should guard the interests and rights of citizens. By the way, if improper actions of police officers are noticed when complaining about neighbors, this is also worth mentioning to the prosecutor’s office. She orders an inspection, and based on its results, a further decision is made. It’s good that when a complaint is of a collective nature, they usually receive attention first. Therefore, you should first enlist the support of your neighbors.

Contact Rospotrebnadzor

Every citizen can turn to this organization when his rights as a consumer, as well as sanitary and epidemiological standards, are violated. This specifically includes excess noise levels in a residential area. A well-written application is important for success in this matter. It requires referring to Article 17 of the Constitution and citing excerpts from the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

This organization is also good because it has everything necessary to carry out noise measurements in premises. If specialists are sent, the noise level will be measured and a report will be drawn up indicating the results. It will prove useful even in court. This work can also be performed by independent experts for a fee.

Force majeure and silence

When clearing snow at night, equipment often makes noise under the windows of houses in St. Petersburg. This can interfere with proper rest. But, unfortunately, nothing can be done here. You can patiently wait for the cleaning to finish and then lie down to rest in silence.

Evening city

The same thing happens during the actions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in case of man-made disasters. The noise can come from everywhere. However, this does not contradict the law of St. Petersburg, and you need to patiently wait for the completion of work at any time of the day or night.

Also, the silence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs vehicles that are involved in special operations is often disturbed. Such noise is usually short-lived and quickly fades away.

Fire crews can also disturb the peace and quiet of citizens. They rush, turning on flashing lights and sirens, to eliminate fires and fires. It is difficult to imagine today's life without their help.

How long can you legally carry out renovations in an apartment?

Compliance with these standards and requirements must be monitored by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority (measures the noise level, draws up a protocol on this fact), Rospotrebnadzor , as well as the district police officer , who accepts written applications for violations from residents of the house and, if necessary, is present at the scene of the proceedings.

  • Repair work and other noisy activities must not be carried out:
  • From Monday to Friday inclusive from 22-00 to 7-00;
  • On Saturday, Sunday and non-working holidays from 23-00 to 10-00;
  • Every day from 12-30 to 15-00 (does not apply to country and garden plots).

How much noise can you make in an apartment according to Russian law?

In Moscow, two laws regarding noise in an apartment were adopted at once, and, what is most interesting, they contradict each other. Thus, the first law states that silence must be strictly observed from eleven o'clock in the evening to seven o'clock in the morning. This is clearly stated in the Code of Administrative Offences. According to the second law, which describes the procedure for reorganizing premises in a residential building (that is, repair work), you should under no circumstances make noise between seven o’clock in the evening and nine o’clock in the morning. In a word, Moscow residents can drill walls, tear off wallpaper and destroy tiles with a clear conscience until seven in the evening , after which work should be stopped. By the way, this is very convenient. At seven in the evening they finished the repairs, invited guests and began to celebrate the end of the working day with loud music, unrestrained dancing and active games. True, only until eleven.

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There is no single law providing for noise restrictions. Each region of our vast homeland has its own standards. The same applies to punishment for disturbing public peace - each region has its own fines for fun nights. Only emergency incidents that fall under the category of night noise are not covered by the legislation - fires, flooding and other troubles that certainly entail the prompt work of specialists, and here, no matter how you look at it, you ca n’t do without noise .

From what time and until how long can you make noise in an apartment according to the law?

  • negotiate with the team or set for yourself the time for noisy work: from Monday to Friday inclusive - until 19:00, on weekends - break,
  • do not use tools whose operation causes noise exceeding 55 dB,
  • complete large jobs that require the use of noisy tools within a period of up to 3 months.

Inviting representatives of Rospotrebnadzor during the day or evening to measure noise levels is an option available to few. More precisely, not everyone will contact the offender in such a radical way. If you just run out of patience. Although according to the law, sanitary standards strictly stipulate permissible noise level limits, measured in decibels. Having made measurements, it is necessary to draw a conclusion and hold the offender accountable.

Until how long can you make repairs in an apartment in St. Petersburg?

Those who are aggressive say they will sue. But in general, issues are resolved positively, without unnecessary emotions. There was a case when neighbors called the police without warning. The police arrived, checked the documents, called the general and asked to make less noise.

Noisy neighbors not only prevent you and your children from falling asleep, especially if you have a small child and he must sleep during the day, but the neighbors are carrying out global renovations with the demolition of walls and redevelopment. Of course, even a temporary phenomenon when a neighbor drills into the walls in order to hang a shelf will be annoying. A lot here depends on your relationship with your neighbors; if you are a contact person, you can always find a common language and come to an agreement, but if you are an introvert, you will have to endure it.

Repair work

The most serious fines are imposed for loading, repair and technical actions in an inappropriate period of time (exceptions are made only for cleaning or loading snow), therefore a special law “As amended for repair work” was created for such work. Article 38 of the St. Petersburg Law also prohibits repairs to be carried out during the daytime if citizens living nearby and an authorized person have not been warned in advance.

When carrying out any repair work that was not agreed upon in advance, for one hour or longer, fines are provided:

for individuals – from 1,000 to 3,000;

officials – from 5,000 to 10,000;

for legal entities – from 10,000 to 30,000.

How long can you drill and carry out repairs - rules for different cities

The law on silence in the Moscow region was adopted in 2002. Since then, adjustments have been made to it several times. The latest changes took place during 2014–2015. Since the beginning of 2019, new amendments regulate the following points. Drilling with a rotary hammer, drill, working with a hammer, grinder, wall chaser and other construction equipment is allowed from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.. Due to numerous requests, it was decided to introduce a quiet mode during the daytime from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., which was good news for families with infants and small children. children. It is prohibited to make noise on Sundays and holidays.

The operation of a hammer drill creates 90–95 dB. Achieving ideal indicators that meet the norm will be problematic, but it is possible to reduce the duration of exposure. Therefore, give preference to a high-quality and fast hammer drill and wall chaser, avoiding drills and hammers. A sound level meter that monitors noise and vibration levels would also be useful.

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