Information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN)

What it is?

An extract from the State Property Committee is a document that displays all the necessary information about any required real estate. It may be necessary to obtain it in several cases:

  • To resolve disputes by court decision;
  • To carry out transactions related to real estate.

You can obtain this document from Rosreestr, since the State Real Estate Cadastre is maintained by this organization. This organization also provides services for issuing the required information from this register.

There are several ways to obtain this document:

  • Use the online application form posted on the organization’s website;
  • Visit the branch and personally ask for a certificate.

Not only owners of real estate may need an extract from the State Property Committee. Considering the fact that the vast majority of information is freely available, if desired, anyone can order an extract to verify the accuracy of the data and learn about the property in more detail.

If a certificate for a land plot is required, it can be obtained by contacting the cadastre. The GKN, created after 2007, is a powerful and complete resource. It displays information not only about the land, but also about all the structures and buildings located on it.

As with residential space, an extract from the State Property Committee should be obtained from Rosreestr. A distinctive feature of the passport is the presence of information about the boundaries of the site.

A sample extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the main characteristics and registered rights, which you will receive through the widget:

A sample extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the transfer of rights to a property, which you will receive through the widget:

What else can you find out?

The GKN information resource also includes information about objects of natural and artificial origin: lakes, rivers, water reservoirs, ponds that are located on land plots. Data about them is entered into the electronic database when real estate is registered with the state.

The confidential information section contains information by which a person who has the right to lifelong use or inheritance of property can be contacted, for example, postal address, email. Information is also available regarding:

  • The presence of burdensome and limiting circumstances - their type, duration, to whom they apply, details of the accompanying documentation on the basis of which the entries were made, when they were made;
  • Territories that are combined into a complex, their registration numbers and the dates of their assignment, the total area in square meters, rounded to one and indicating the error, a description of the boundary lines;
  • The cadastral value of the plots, when it was determined, on the basis of which document, the average cost of land in the region, municipality;
  • Cadastral engineer, who is responsible for carrying out cadastral work at the site (surname, initials, qualifications, how it is confirmed, what legal entity this specialist belongs to, what work he carried out);
  • Liquidation of an object (when it was deregistered);
  • The current status of real estate.

Why do you need an extract?

When carrying out any real estate transactions, an extract may be required. For example, when:

  • Establishment of easements;
  • Transfer to collateral;
  • Insurance;
  • Inheritance;
  • Registration as a gift;
  • Purchase and sale, etc.

In the state service Rosreestr you can obtain two official cadastral documents - an extract and a passport.

A passport may be required to carry out transactions, and an extract may be required to carry out boundary work. Although these documents are similar in name, they differ in the information provided.

The extract is more informative. But you should know that when filling out an application, it is possible to indicate only the sections of interest. At the same time, the extract is twice as expensive, so if you can limit yourself to a passport, then there is no need to order an extract.

The following information can be found in the extract:

  • Object area;
  • Purpose;
  • Encumbrances;
  • Physical adress;
  • Number of the requested object in the cadastral service.

The document consists of six sections (КВ1-КВ6). First of all, basic information about the object is indicated, followed by its plan, and then all information about encumbrances. If received from the cadastre, plans for each part of the site are also attached, including plans for all buildings located on it, as well as their coordinates and a description of the boundaries.

What power do previously issued documents have?

Not a single regulatory act says anything about the fact that documents previously issued by Rosreestr lose their validity.

But you need to take into account a number of notes when making new real estate transactions:

  1. When making such a transaction, you must order an extract.
  2. It is advisable to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate once every 3-5 years in order to receive updated information, if any appears in Roskadastre.

If any changes occur in it, the property owner is not notified about it. You can find out about such changes only by personally applying for an extract.

All owners are recommended to independently submit information to the register on the updated cadastral value of their property by 2021. If this data is not submitted, then Roskadastre will conduct a revaluation of the property itself.

Important! For the release of any information, a fee must be charged in the amount established by law.

How can I get it?

A certificate from the State Tax Committee is a paid service. You can only get a free consultation on this issue. To obtain information from the cadastre, it is necessary to perform a certain list of actions:

There are several ways to get the information you need:

  • Make an individual appointment with Rosreestr;
  • Make a request to the multifunctional center;
  • Send an application by mail;
  • On the Rosreestr website, obtain all the required information electronically.

Information about land plots Rosreestr

Elena Vinogradova Oracle (99850) 2 years ago This means that the property is not registered. Perhaps you have a certificate for lifelong use or something else. Post a scan of the certificate - we can explain everything in detail to you “on your fingers”. Nadezhda Kochergina Enlightened (26147) 2 years ago This means that the privatization of the plot took place before 1998, when there was no registration of land rights.

The map is published in the world coordinate system in the cylindrical Mercator projection on a sphere based on the WGS84 spheroid - Web Mercator WGS 84. The purpose of creating a public cadastral map is to provide cadastral information to an unlimited number of people. These are realtors, lawyers, surveyors, and ordinary people, of course. Information from the state real estate cadastre is publicly available under Russian law, but access to such information was often difficult.

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What documents are required?

First of all, you need to send an application (request). Proof of identity will also be required by presenting a passport or other identification document. If there is a need for information that is known only to the owner of the property, then a certificate of state registration of title may be required. This information can also be found in the State Real Estate Cadastre.

You can obtain a request form from the Rosreestr branch. It is also possible to download it on the official website or obtain it from the MFC. If the application is submitted electronically, you must fill out the form on the website.

When choosing a modern method of receiving an extract via the Internet, you should know that the document can be provided to the applicant in two versions - in paper or electronic form. The selected option must be indicated when submitting your application. If the electronic option is selected, it will be sent by email. If paper is selected, it will be delivered to the addressee by Russian Post.

In what cases do you need to pay for an extract from the Unified State Register?

When receiving an extract from the Unified State Register online through the official website, you need to pay a state fee. For apartments and land plots there is only one fee - 350 rubles (for an urgent certificate, which is sent to the email specified by the user).

If you need information about the transfer of ownership (history of owners), you will need to pay 700 rubles, if you only need the owner’s name and surname - 90 rubles. For a complete inspection of the property “in all respects” the user will have to pay 1,950 rubles.

Important: there may be delays in providing the certificate, but if nothing is received by email within 24 hours, the money paid will be returned to the user’s account.

There are 2 ways to pay for the information received: through Yandex Money or by transfer from a bank card. In both cases there is no transfer fee.


There is a fee for receiving an extract. The electronic version is ordered after prepayment, and upon receipt of a paper statement, a receipt is required. Payment of state duty is also required. The cost differs for legal entities and individuals. Payment can be made in several ways: through payment terminals, at bank cash desks or using Internet banking.

An extract from the State Property Committee is an indefinite document, but it should be understood that it reflects information about the property at the time of issue. Often, when making transactions, a current document is required, which means you will have to obtain it again.

The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact our lawyer.

To work with real estate - its registration, sale, etc. it is necessary to have a list of information, first of all, about the person - the owner, as well as about the object itself. The specified information is stored in the Rossreestr databases. Engaged in the design and maintenance of databases of the State Property Committee - the state real estate cadastre.

This body carries out registration, storage of records and updating of information on all real estate objects: land plots, houses and apartments, registered.

However, the GKN can present information in different volumes and on different documents, depending on the customer’s preferences. Since the volume of information, the timing of its provision and the cost are completely different, it is necessary to study all types of documents on objects provided by the State Committee for Knowledge.

State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN) - what is it?

What is the State Tax Registration Number, the procedure for obtaining extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate and checking real estate
The Unified State Real Estate Cadastre is a database relating to real estate objects and their accounting.

The State Property Committee covers only those real estate objects that are located on the territory of the Russian Federation, and only recorded information can be found in it.

The main goal of the state real estate cadastre is to ensure the circulation of real estate between citizens.

In addition, the state real estate cadastre system plays an important role in real estate regulation, since it has a connection:

  • with sectoral accounting of natural resources;
  • with state forecasting and planning;
  • with taxation systems;
  • with organizations registering rights to real estate.

In the latter version, information data from the State Property Committee are required for the formation of the Unified State Register. Objectives of the state real estate cadastre:

  1. Provide guaranteed property rights to property owners.
  2. Ensure efficient property tax collections.
  3. Make the operation of real estate units the most thoughtful and productive.

The key foundations of the state real estate cadastre (GKN) are accounting, fiscal and information.

  • The first, as stated earlier, is required for the Unified State Register.
  • The second contributes to the construction of tax bases, which require state cadastral valuation of real estate.
  • The latter is intended to inform government authorities and authorities, individuals and legal entities. persons about the cadastral value and legal status of a particular unit of real estate. To perform each task, sections of the Civil Code differ in the nature of the work.

What is GKN?

The State Real Estate Cadastre is an information base containing data on all objects on the territory of the Russian Federation - plots and real estate objects.

GKN is a division of Rosreestr.

Main goals:

  1. Keep records of objects;
  2. Monitor borders;
  3. Carry out land surveying;
  4. Conduct an assessment of the value of objects.

In the process of accounting and registration of objects, an individual plot number is assigned, which contains data about the object, including its size and the material from which it is made, or the type of land on which it stands, as well as its value.

The specified number is called cadastral, since the basis for its formation is cadastral data on the location of real estate.

  • The number is the basis for calculating the cost of the object and its justification.
  • The number is confirmed by the fact of its registration.
  • The number allows you to find out additional information about it.

Basically, cadastral numbers are of interest to potential real estate buyers, since with their help you can obtain comprehensive information about the property, including its official value.

Once every 5 years, the State Property Committee re-evaluates objects and re-evaluates their value. However, documents issued by the State Property Committee have an unlimited status, except in cases where the data of the object have been changed: redevelopment, division of the site, increase in the site, etc.

Receipt of data by citizens

The electronic database of the state cadastre of real estate is, at its core, both an electronic and paper format for storing and processing information to meet the needs of Russians.
This archive contains data on all objects located within the Russian Federation. Every interested person has the right to submit a request for information from the State Tax Committee by presenting a personal passport or his or her SNILS. The time frame within which the requested information is provided is regulated by current government orders. So, for example, if any request is received that does not relate to territorial plans, Rosreestr is given no more than five working days to respond to it. If you need data on the territorial plan, the processing time for such a request is up to fifteen working days.

The State Property Committee register actually contains data on all registered objects, plus background information on the papers that served as the basis for their inclusion and thanks to which they can now be obtained. Most of them are provided not only to owners of real estate.

In what form is the information submitted?

  • Cadastral passports for real estate objects;
  • Copies of documents according to which data on objects was entered into the state register database;
  • Cadastral plans of land plots;
  • Other forms permitted in accordance with current Russian legislation.

The type of provision of information from the State Tax Committee, which is requested by a person in electronic format, is sent to an email address (XML version of the document) or is issued in a standard paper format, if the applicant wishes and has the opportunity to appear at the relevant authority in person.

In what form can I obtain information from the State Property Committee?

Depending on the situation: buying a house or selling it, resolving disputes with neighbors regarding the boundaries of a plot, etc., you may need certain data about the object. In this regard, the GKN provides the opportunity to obtain information in several forms, each of which differs in the volume of data and its privacy.

Cadastral passport

It is the main document reflecting data about the object. The legal significance of a passport is that in its absence it is impossible to conduct real estate transactions. Those. a passport is one of the required documents provided to register the transfer of ownership of an object.

Contains data on forms B1-B4:

  1. Cadastral number of the object
    . The number is unique and it contains the basic and main information about the site, house or apartment. The basis for generating the number is cadastral data: region, district and quarter of the location of the real estate (address).
  2. Information about dimensions
  3. Material
    from which the building/apartment is made;
  4. Year
    of construction;
  5. Cadastral value.
  • It is worth noting that only those objects that have been registered with the state registration authority - in the Rosreestr branch at the location of the object - have a passport. Otherwise, when applying, the object is first registered, and then its cadastral passport is drawn up.

Amendments to the legislation provide for the mandatory inclusion of data on the boundaries of the territory for plots in the passport. Without this information, it will be impossible to carry out any manipulations with the site related to its sale. This amendment will come into force in 2021. For this purpose, since 2015, Rosreestr has been conducting a total revision of borders.

Cadastral extract

It is formed on the basis of the data specified in the information base of the State Tax Committee. Roughly speaking, it duplicates the information specified in the passport. However, the extract contains complete data about the object. The list of information required to be provided is compiled by the customer independently.

  • Information from the extract is necessary for carrying out land surveying work, as well as for clarifying the boundaries of the site in case of disputes.

Having structured the data according to forms, you can present it in the form of a table:

No.Form numberContent
2KV.1Data B.1 of the passport
3KV.2Data B.2 of the passport
4KV.3Data on the internal boundaries of the site, if it is divided. To be filled in if land surveying has been carried out. Otherwise - data in the form KV.3 - KV. will not be.
6KV.5Data on the boundaries of the site, as well as basic information about the neighbors: numbers, information about the owners, etc.
7KV.6Data on border turning points using a dual coordinate system.

The main purpose of the extract is informative.

  • Available for receipt even for those categories of objects that are not registered with Rosreestr. However, in this case, the extract will contain information only about the location of the site and its boundaries, as well as the fact that the object is not registered.

Cadastral plan of the territory

Contains information about the site, as well as objects located on it. Those. these are forms B.2. and KV.2. passports and statements.

It is mainly used by engineers to carry out cadastral and land surveying work; therefore, it is not particularly significant for other categories of persons.

  • The legal significance of the territory plan lies in the fact that without it it is impossible to formalize ownership of land or an object, as well as to register it in the cadastral register.

The plan reflects to the smallest detail all the objects located in the described territory. The required attribute is an image with a clearly reflected boundary of the site.

The information in the extract is provided using forms KV.1-KV.6.

Having structured the data according to forms, you can present it in the form of a table:

Cadastral certificate about the cadastral value of the property

A document drawn up according to the sample, reflecting the cost of the object.

  • First of all, the cadastral number contains the value of the object. Since the number reflects information about the region, district and quarter, the territory on which the property is located. This is extremely important information when purchasing a plot of land or a country house, since the fertility of the soil directly depends on its location.

The certificate is issued for each of the objects separately. Those. if there is a house on the plot, then a certificate for the plot itself and the house located on it will be drawn up separately.

Data on the value of the object is updated every 5 years. However, in legal transactions, certificates whose validity does not exceed 1 year are accepted.

Copies of documents on the basis of which the information was entered into the State Property Committee

These could be:

  • technical or boundary plan,
  • administrative resolution on the basis of which a change in the permitted type of use of the land plot was made
  • a document confirming the legality of changing the purpose of the premises or building,
  • a document with information about the owner or address of the property, etc.

Additional information GKN

Additional information on land plots includes:

  • Assigned registration numbers (cadastral or conditional);
  • Location (address or detailed description, if the address is not assigned, region, town, street);
  • Address objects that exist on the site (if there are no such objects, this is also displayed in the register);
  • Permits for use - category of land, restrictions imposed on the basis of urban planning regulations or acts of local government;
  • Cadastral numbering of each property located on the territory;
  • Existing forest zones that are located within a certain land plot.

Before contacting Rosreestr, even online, without leaving your home, it is important to clearly formulate what exactly you need to know and for what purpose, when this information will be needed, and in what form you need to receive it.

Obtaining information from the State Tax Committee online

Modern technologies allow you to have access to information of interest online. Rosreestr is no exception. On the portal of a government agency, anyone can obtain general information about the object. However, only non-private information is presented there.

  • To obtain information that is secret, you must leave an advisory request. State Control Committee employees study the data attached to the request, as well as its validity, and provide information within the established time frame.

Request for information from the State Property Committee on the Rosreestr portal

To obtain information from the State Property Committee on the Rosreestr portal you must:

  • Go to the public services portal, select the administrative body - Rosreestr.
  • Then, by going to his website, in the “Services” tab, select the “Reference information on real estate online” function.
  • The search for objects is carried out using several data, including address. You must enter the address of the object of interest in the field.
  • In the information window, the user will be presented with data about the object of interest - a site or a capital construction project.

To obtain additional information reflecting individual characteristics of the object: footage, information about the owner, etc., you must:

  • Go to the public cadastral map of Rosreestr, located in the “Services” tab.
  • Enter the address details of the site/capital construction site.

The advantage of this method is:

  1. No queues;
  2. Information is provided free of charge;
  3. Information is provided instantly.

Principles of formation and content

One cannot underestimate the importance of the formation of the State Civil Code, which provides guarantees of property rights, allows for the establishment of reliable borders taking into account the needs of the regions and at the same time guarantees environmental protection and ensures the economic development of territories.

As a rule, specialists from cadastral registration authorities collect information for inclusion in the State Property Committee . However, in order to avoid conflicts and controversial situations, in some cases it is possible to involve independent specialists who have the appropriate licenses and permits (for example, the owner has the right to attract an independent appraiser and challenge the cadastral value of real estate).

In Part 1 of Art. 7 of the Cadastre Law defines the characteristics of cadastral registration objects that are entered into the register: the type of immovable object, its cadastral number, address and location, boundaries and area.

The Law also contains a list of additional information about real estate, the inclusion in the register of which is determined by a specific situation, for example:

  • accounting numbers that were previously assigned to the object (inventory, cadastral, etc.);
  • information about encumbrances of rights;
  • land category;
  • cadastral number of the original object from which a new immovable object was formed through division, allotment or restructuring, etc.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the cadastral value of the property - this information serves as the basis for calculating property taxes.

The full list can be found in Part 2 of Article 7 No. 221-FZ.

The principle of maintaining the state cadastre, based on the unity of the technologies used, allows us to continuously maintain data up to date and ensure public availability of data throughout the country.

The State Control Committee is being formed into a single state system operating according to uniform standards and in a single legal space.

Information about newly formed objects is also subject to cadastral registration. According to Part 9 of Art. 4 and part 4 art. 24 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2007 N 221-FZ, this kind of information is of a temporary nature, which is lost when registering rights to an object; information about the formed objects is not cadastral.

Information is subject to cancellation and exclusion from the cadastre if the rights to the real estate have not been registered within one year or two years (for land plots).

Payment for information from the State Tax Committee

Depending on the type of customer - legal entity or individual, the cost varies:

No.Name of serviceFYUFYU
Paper formElectronic form
5Technical plan8002400250500

Request to the Rosreestr for information on a land plot

cadastral (or conditional) number of the property;
Object name; appointment; exact area; inventory number (if any); address; Full name of the copyright holders (owners) and their shares (1/2 or 2/3, etc.); the presence of restrictions (encumbrances) and, if they exist, in whose favor and for what period are they established; existence of a share participation agreement; information about existing legal claims and other requirements that have been implemented in court. The difference between electronic and paper statements is in their very form. A cadastral extract about a real estate property is an extract from the state real estate cadastre containing the requests of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2009 N 22409-IM/D23 “Features of the preparation of documents necessary for the state cadastral registration of multi-circuit land plots, the implementation of such registration and the provision of government information” > information about the property.

Information about the land plot Rosreestr

The Rosreestr Office for the Perm Territory analyzed the main errors in requests from representatives of law enforcement agencies, executive authorities at various levels, local governments, notaries, arbitration managers, and other persons entitled to receive free information about registered rights to real estate.

You can use the electronic one on the Rosreestr website if you need to get up-to-date information about the property: description of the property, its address, information about the presence or absence of registered rights, restrictions or encumbrances of rights.

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Request to the Rosreestr for information on a land plot

Moreover, in cases where, in order to carry out banking operations and other transactions of a credit organization, or carry out insurance, the information contained in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It is necessary, credit organizations, insurance organizations request and receive from the body carrying out state registration of rights , information contained in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It, only in electronic form through the use of public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, or other technical means of communication.

02/02/2019 Results of monitoring the cadastral work market for the 4th quarter of 2021 The branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr" in the Yaroslavl region on an ongoing basis monitors the market for cadastral work performed by cadastral engineers in relation to real estate located in the Yaroslavl region. 02/02/2019 The Federal Cadastral Chamber for the Yaroslavl Region received 93% positive ratings on the “Your Control” website During 2019, applicants actively used the “Your Control” website to assess the quality of public services provided by Rosreestr by the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr" in the Yaroslavl Region.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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