I own a metal garage in the ODO area, besides me there are
Why register rights? The disposal and use of property in Russia is regulated by special federal laws.
Legislative framework Issues of inheritance law are regulated by civil law, and we are specifically interested in Article 1156
Who should I contact for repairs? You can repair the seams by contacting: the management company; private performers.
Who is eligible? Social and material support is provided to rural residents at the country level as a whole
Updated: January 3, 2021, at 10:01 Citizens living under a social tenancy agreement can obtain housing
What are medical devices and why register them? According to Article 38 of Federal Law No. 323-FZ,
KPU drainage The concept of KPU drainage can be encountered by apartment owners in many buildings. It means
Some consumers of electrical energy are faced with forced shutdown of the entire apartment building or a specific apartment
[edit] Entrance structure A standard entrance includes the following parts: Staircases (the number depends on the number