The general meeting of owners of premises in apartment buildings, in accordance with Part 1 of Article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, is recognized as a body
What is a cadastre - in simple words for dummies Most often people turn to the cadastral chamber
Briefly about the main thing Due to the fact that urban development is carried out every year
Who is obliged to deliver the gas meter for verification? In accordance with PR 50.2.006–94 “Procedure for carrying out
Why is this necessary? The process usually takes place without any particular difficulties if the parents are ready for it.
What is it? Since 2021, all data from the state register of real estate rights and cadastre have been combined
In what cases can you check out of your apartment in 2021? Thanks to the opening throughout
Every person must have a place of registration. If there is no such clause, the citizen will be subject to penalties.
Cadastral registration: features of the procedure Share on social networks: Any property in the view