Major renovation. Concept. List and types of work

Major repairs of a real estate property mean the replacement or restoration of building structures or their individual elements. Depending on the circumstances, major repairs can be planned or extraordinary, and can be carried out by the developer, or by organizations and individual entrepreneurs who have entered into a construction contract. To carry out repairs, design documentation is drawn up, the terms of which the contractor must comply with.

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What is a major renovation of a building?

The characteristics of a capital construction project may deteriorate as a result of natural wear and tear, violation of operating rules, natural impacts, or under emergency circumstances. To eliminate the threat of destruction of the facility, restore or improve the characteristics of structures, major repairs are carried out. The decision to carry out major repairs can be made by the owner or developer, service organization, or tenant.

The procedure and grounds for repairs will differ depending on the type of object. For example, for apartment buildings, major repairs are carried out within the framework of a state program, and are financed from budget funds and contributions from residents. Special norms are provided for the timing of planned major repairs of public and administrative buildings.

Capital Improvement Fund

Current repairs and its concept

The goal is to maintain the building's engineering systems in working order (for example, strengthening the roof with rafters).

Let us highlight the features of this process:

  • Plan.

The plan is drawn up many years in advance, but after the building (territory) is inspected, an inventory of the design details will take place.

  • System.

Systematic planned maintenance of real estate and engineering systems in working condition increases the service life of the building.

Planned preventive measures are carried out either by the housing office or by a contracting company. They are not only planned preventive, but also urgent (unforeseen). The goal is to eliminate unexpectedly discovered breakdowns: such breakdowns are found by residents personally.

Let's figure out who is obliged to do routine repairs:

  1. If we talk about this process inside housing (apartments), then the owners (tenants) are obliged to carry out such work exclusively on their own. To do this, owners can attract commercial companies. The main thing is that the owners will pay for the procedure from their own funds.
  2. If repairs to the property of an apartment building are necessary, then either the Housing Office or contractors attracted by the Housing Office are required to do it. Depending on the method of managing the house (HOA or management company), the following algorithm of actions is used:
  • a plan for ongoing activities is being developed;
  • the procedure is determined;
  • a contractual agreement is concluded;
  • Owners of apartment buildings are notified about the price, volume, and duration of work.

Overhaul in simple terms

Even with the use of high-quality materials and modern construction technologies, building structures and equipment cannot maintain their original characteristics forever. Deterioration of characteristics, wear and damage to walls, ceilings, and other elements of the building can lead to complete or partial collapse, creating a threat to the safety of citizens and property. To eliminate such problems, the owner must carry out major repairs in a timely manner.

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Carrying out major repairs may be associated with the following circumstances:

  • standard or natural wear and tear, when extending the service life of an object depends on scheduled repairs;
  • the need to replace or restore damaged structures and elements of a capital construction project;
  • making decisions to improve the characteristics of buildings and individual elements, including the use of more durable or modern materials;
  • elimination of comments from supervisory authorities if the inspection reveals an improper condition of structures.

Depending on the reasons, major repairs may be planned or extraordinary. For example, extraordinary or urgent work may be required in case of damage from natural disasters.

Expert commentary . Major repairs can be carried out in industrial, administrative, public, residential and other buildings. Accordingly, the decision to order the project and carry out repairs will be made by the owner, authorized government body, and operating organization. The law also places the obligation to carry out major repairs on the tenant, unless otherwise specified in the lease agreement.

Major repairs in legal and technical language

The legislator classifies capital repairs as one of the types of urban planning activities. It is carried out only on capital construction projects - apartment buildings, public and administrative buildings, industrial facilities and unfinished construction projects. Such work is not carried out on temporary buildings, pavilions, kiosks and other similar structures.

The concept of a major overhaul of a capital construction project, as well as the general requirements for its implementation, is enshrined in the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. This is what Article 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation includes in overhaul:

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  • replacement and (or) restoration of building structures or elements of such structures, with the exception of load-bearing structures;
  • replacement and (or) restoration of engineering support systems and engineering support networks or their elements;
  • replacement of individual elements of load-bearing building structures with similar or other elements that improve their performance, and (or) restoration of these elements.

Overhaul and species differences

Fundamental is carried out during a complete redevelopment of the building, installation of engineering networks, improvement of existing equipment, but not during the construction of an apartment building. There are two types of overhaul categories:

  1. Complex.
  2. Selective.

The first option (comprehensive) involves a one-time “revival” of all unusable elements of the building. The second is used when the condition of the house is satisfactory, but, nevertheless, it is necessary to carry out reconstruction for one or more types of work (for example, replacing the roofing).

How is a major overhaul different from a reconstruction?

Reconstruction is also a type of urban planning activity. It also represents the performance of construction work, but is associated with changes in the parameters and characteristics of the object or its parts. During reconstruction, an increase in the number of storeys of an object, reconstruction and expansion, complete replacement and restoration of load-bearing structures can be carried out.

Reconstruction differs from major repairs in the following ways:

  • reconstruction is associated with the replacement and restoration of load-bearing structures, while major repairs can only be carried out on their individual elements;
  • To carry out reconstruction, you need not only to formalize the project, but also to obtain a building permit;
  • reconstruction may involve changing the basic parameters of the object (number of floors, area, etc.), while major repairs can only improve the quality and properties of the building and its structures.

Reconstruction may also involve redevelopment and refurbishment work, since they are always associated with changes in the characteristics of the building or individual premises.

Expert commentary . To carry out reconstruction, it is not necessary to detect damage, wear or destruction of load-bearing structures. Such a decision can be made by the owner who plans to change the type of intended use of the property (for example, to place retail space instead of a production facility), or to increase the construction volume or usable area of ​​the building.

The difference between a major overhaul and a current overhaul:

The difference between a major overhaul and a current one


We found out that repair is either a global restoration of the premises (building) or the correction of existing breakdowns. This is a set of specific actions, the goal is to “revive” a specific property to life.

Capital and current, we found out, are similar, but have many differences. Despite the similarities, their main differences are: the current one does not require obtaining regulatory approvals and does not last long. Does not make global changes to the “skeleton” of the house, maintaining the original layout.

Major repairs require the collection of permits, are carried out with the agreement of the owners of the premises, and are carried out with the financial support of government agencies.

Major renovation design - main sections

If the overhaul involves an impact on supporting structures or involves the replacement of their elements, it is necessary to draw up design documentation. It is also necessary to do without a project if, as a result of construction work, the configuration of the internal premises, the location of non-load-bearing partitions or engineering equipment will be changed.

You can order a project from an expert organization that is a member of the SRO. The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for the approval of documentation for major repairs, however, this may be required if the scope of the project includes redevelopment and reconstruction work. As part of the overhaul, current repairs of individual parts or premises of the facility can also be carried out.

To draw up a major overhaul project, the provisions of GOST, construction rules, instructions and reference books of the State Construction Committee, and other regulations and by-laws are taken into account. The contents of the capital repair project in 2021 include the following sections:

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  • explanatory note;
  • land plot diagram;
  • architectural solutions;
  • constructive and space-planning solutions;
  • work on finishing, cosmetic and current repairs of individual parts of a building or structure;
  • color passport if work will be carried out on the facade of the building;
  • a list of data on the engineering equipment and networks of the building, the composition of engineering solutions (filled out separately for water supply and sewerage systems, electricity supply, gas supply and other types of engineering networks);
  • project for organizing construction work;
  • list of measures to ensure fire safety of work and environmental protection;
  • estimate for repair work;
  • other sections, depending on the type of object and the scope of the upcoming work.

It must be taken into account that the content of the design documentation will be influenced by the type of object. In particular, special rules are provided for the design of repairs in residential buildings, social and cultural facilities. The basis for the design will be the technical specifications.

Understanding the term overhaul

Such a familiar concept to every person as “major repairs” will help define the law. Under the “mask” of a major overhaul the following works are hidden:

  1. Replacement or absolute “revival” of structural, non-load-bearing parts of MKD.
  2. A change or absolute “rebirth” of engineering.
  3. Restoration or complete “revival” of load-bearing parts.

Law clause 3.11, which talks about the repair of buildings, under the overhaul of apartment buildings means such work, in a comprehensive manner, as replacing outdated parts with new, modern, safe ones.

The list of work activities is given in the text of Appendix No. 8 to the general Regulations. The activities included in the overhaul are global and concern the internal “skeleton” of the apartment building. Capital measures initially imply the solution of extremely serious problems.

The goal is not selective maintenance of the “organs” of the house in a viable condition, but a comprehensive “revival” of the properties of the new building. A visual illustration of the overhaul:

  1. Complete external renovation of the building.
  2. Global replacement of complex intra-house equipment, such as heating pipes, electrical networks, sewerage.

Therefore, the concept of overhaul implies:

  • set of actions;
  • updating home equipment.

Walls and foundations of MKD, which have a supporting structural nature, are not included in the “circle of interests” of major repairs. Wear and tear requires recognizing the house as subject to demolition (or reconstruction).

Note! Homeowners are wondering: what to do when the house is “chronically ill” without repair? A complaint is filed with the housing inspectorate.

Such a complaint is filed collectively, on behalf of the copyright holders of the MKD. When officials are in no hurry to react and take appropriate measures, then they turn to the prosecutor’s office and file a corresponding lawsuit.


About the timing of repair work

The time allotted for major repairs is regulated by the Housing Code. Owners of apartment buildings should seek advice on the timing of the event from the regional operator: he is the responsible person to the owners of the apartments.

In a situation where the owners suffer material losses due to the fault of the regional operator, he is obliged to compensate for the damage incurred in an amount that is established within the framework of Russian legislation.

Important note! The time for major work can not only be postponed, but even extended. The estimate is prepared in advance.

The main regulatory act on the regulation of capital works is the text of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The schedules depend on two factors:

  1. Geolocation of the property.
  2. Regional affiliation of the property.

The timing of the overhaul depends on:

  • time of construction of the building (house);
  • level of deterioration of the building;
  • deadline boundaries for reconstruction;
  • climatic conditions (if the building is located in a temperate climate, then the reconstruction period reaches twenty-five years).

Note! Calendar (time) intervals for major repairs are specified in GOST. For example, the lifespan of a garbage chute is fifty years. After this period of time, the old garbage disposal will be replaced with a new one.

Major home renovation

Financial aspect of resolving repair issues

The money needed by MKD comes in two targeted “channels”: for current needs and for capital needs. Current ones go to the section “Maintenance of housing stock”, and capital ones go to a special personal account.

Owners of apartment buildings can independently create such a personal account, determining the sequence of work.

Installation of major repairs - main stages

Major repairs must be carried out in accordance with the standards of design documentation. The contractor can be organizations or individual entrepreneurs that are members of the SRO. Only a contractor performing work whose cost does not exceed 3 million rubles can do without membership in a self-regulatory organization. In addition, the contractor’s registration data must include specialized activities according to the OKPD directory.

Depending on the terms of reference and the project, major repairs can be comprehensive or selective. In the first case, work will be carried out throughout the facility. During selective repairs, individual elements and structures that are subject to replacement and restoration are determined. Major overhaul milestones in 2021 include:

  • design, coordination of estimates and conclusion of an agreement with the contractor;
  • preparatory stage - emptying the building of furniture and equipment, dismantling structures and coatings to be replaced, installing fences, disconnecting from utility networks (if necessary);
  • general construction work - replacement and restoration of structures, construction of new partitions, laying of new cables and installation of utilities, replacement of equipment, other types of work;
  • work on facades, if they are provided for by the project - restoration or replacement of facade elements, finishing and painting;
  • interior decoration, cosmetic repairs, flooring installation, installation of doors, sockets, and other types of work;
  • connecting the building to utility networks, carrying out commissioning work;
  • carrying out an inspection based on the results of major repairs with the participation of the customer and contractor, signing the report.

The exact list of works will be indicated in the project documentation. The customer may be involved to perform certain types of work. For example, when a building and premises are emptied of furniture and equipment, the owner may be responsible for their transportation and storage.

Expert advice . When choosing a contractor, you need to check membership in the SRO, the availability of the appropriate OKPD and OKVED codes, reviews and recommendations on previous orders. It is also advisable to check the register of unscrupulous suppliers according to Federal Law No. 44-FZ, which is publicly available.

How to properly organize a major overhaul

The procedure for organizing major repairs will be indicated in the project. To do this, the designer takes into account the provisions of regulations and reference books, GOST. For example, to determine the list of works and the procedure for their implementation on non-residential facilities, the USSR State Construction Committee Decree No. 279 (Regulations on carrying out scheduled preventative repairs of industrial buildings and structures) is used. The organization of major repairs includes:

  • ensuring fire and construction safety measures at all stages of repair;
  • use of building materials for work and finishing specified in the project and estimate documentation;
  • providing places for storing construction materials and waste, the procedure for its removal and disposal;
  • conditions for connection to utility networks for the period of work;
  • other requirements specified in the project or regulations.

The organization of major repairs is entrusted to the contractor under the contract. In case of deviation from the project, violation of the procedure for carrying out work, the contractor will be liable under the contract (including free elimination of defects, payment of penalties, etc.).

Expert commentary . The customer has the right to provide in the contract norms for ongoing monitoring of work performance. For example, a representative of the customer may be present at the site and participate in the signing of acts for individual stages of overhaul. If there is a need for additional work, it is necessary to order changes to the design documentation.

Deadline for major repairs. Reasonable time

The timing of major repairs is either established by the parties or established by regulatory legal acts (LLA). If there is no indication of the timing of repairs in the contract or regulation, then it is carried out within a reasonable time.

The concept of a “reasonable period” is traditional for civil law and is mentioned repeatedly in the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (see Article 314 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in relation to collateral relations - paragraph 4 of Article 345, paragraph 1 of Article 358 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

A reasonable period for carrying out major repairs depends on the condition of the property, its properties, climate characteristics, features of major repairs, technical capabilities and other reasons.

In addition, the regulatory legal acts may provide for specific terms for carrying out repairs, and may also establish the procedure for determining them and establish the frequency of certain types of repair work.


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Difficulties and problems in major repairs

The design and implementation of major repairs must take into account safety measures for the execution of work. Therefore, you need to carefully consider the choice of designer and contractor, compliance with building codes and regulations. The customer may encounter the following problems and risks:

  • incorrect definition of the list and nature of work when reconstruction will actually take place;
  • violation of requirements for project design and work on site;
  • lack of authority for the contractor or designer to perform the work (for example, if the contractor is not a member of the SRO and has not indicated the core activities according to OKPD);
  • poor quality of work performed by the contractor;
  • exceeding the scope of work and budget indicators.

These violations may lead to financial losses, the need to eliminate deficiencies, and look for a new designer or contractor. If during construction work there is a violation of safety rules, you may face claims from supervisory authorities.

Expert advice . To avoid these problems and difficulties, we recommend ordering a major renovation project through ]Smart Way[/anchor]. We guarantee the elimination of any risks when preparing and carrying out major repairs at any facility in Moscow, and the cost of our services does not exceed the average offerings on the market.

List of overhaul measures

According to Part 3 of Art. 15 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ and Part 1 of Art. 166 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, major repairs include the following work:

  • repair of in-house engineering systems of electrical, heat, gas, water supply, drainage;
  • repair or replacement of elevator equipment deemed unsuitable for operation, and, if necessary, repair of elevator shafts;
  • roof repairs;
  • repair of basements belonging to common property in apartment buildings;
  • facade repair;
  • installation of collective (common house) meters for resource consumption and control units (heat energy, hot and cold water, electric energy, gas); repair of the foundation of the apartment building.

This is a list of works and services for the overhaul of public buildings in apartment buildings, financed from the capital repair fund, which is formed on the basis of the minimum amount of contribution for overhauls established by the regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The list can be supplemented with works (Part 2 of Article 166 of the RF Housing Code):

  • on façade insulation;
  • conversion of an unventilated roof to a ventilated one;
  • on the arrangement of exits to the roof;
  • on the installation of automated information and measurement systems for accounting for the consumption of utility resources and utilities;
  • on the installation of common house meters for resource consumption;
  • other types of services and works.

How much does it cost to design and install a major renovation of a non-residential building or premises?

The exact cost of designing and carrying out major repairs in 2019 will depend on many factors - the type of building or structure, their intended purpose, the amount of work to be done, and the actual condition of the facility. Therefore, it is possible to determine and agree on a price only after studying all the terms of the technical specifications and assessing the condition of the object.

When you contact ]Smart Way[/anchor], you can take advantage of free expert advice. It will determine the scope and timing of work, customer requirements and other terms of cooperation. After this, an agreement is drawn up, which will indicate the exact cost of the work.

Template of technical specifications for design and major repair work

To formalize the project and carry out construction work, it is necessary to prepare technical specifications. The contents of this document contain the following sections:

  • the purpose of design and work (for example, preventing premature wear);
  • information about the object;
  • a brief description of the scope of the overhaul, including the procedure for the preparatory stage, the timing of work or individual stages, requirements for the final stage, finishing and cosmetic repairs;
  • basic technical requirements, i.e. reference to regulatory standards and rules;
  • procedure for monitoring the performance of work, acceptance after completion of repairs.

The terms of reference will include defective statements for the entire facility, as well as for individual parts of the building. They indicate deficiencies in structures or their elements that need to be eliminated.

Sample technical specifications - Appendix 1 Technical specifications OVERHAUL RM Edition 2

Sample government contract - No. RTS254A180309(D) dated 06/04/2018

Order a major overhaul

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You can order design and technical documentation for major repairs at ]Smart Way[/anchor]. We specialize in providing services in the field of design and construction in Moscow, we will ensure thorough compliance with the requirements of GOST, other regulatory standards and rules. To clarify the terms of cooperation with our company, call the numbers listed on the website and sign up for a free consultation.

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