Repair of facades of buildings, cottages and apartment buildings in Moscow and the Moscow region

Who is responsible for the condition of the façade of the MKD?

As stated in, the owner of the apartment is obliged to bear the costs of maintaining the premises that belong to him, to maintain the optimal condition of the common property in the apartment building in proportion to his share in the right of common ownership. To do this, he pays a fixed fee monthly. This rule also applies to owners of non-residential premises in the house.

If a company manages the property of an apartment building on the basis of a contract, it is responsible for the proper maintenance of the facade. As for who repairs the façade, if the building has an HOA, as a rule, residents turn to a contractor for services.

In the context of this topic, it is useful to find out what the rights and responsibilities of an HOA are.

To initiate action, you need to send an appeal addressed to the director of the organization. The letter should argue for the need to improve the external elements of the building.

We recommend that you understand in more detail what the rights and obligations of the management company of apartment buildings are.

What applies to the current update of the MKD?

It is important to know what current façade repairs include . According to Gosstroy Resolution No. 170, these are works related to:

  • sealing joints and cracks of external coatings;
  • elimination of defects in wooden cladding;
  • painting facades and eliminating minor damage to the coating.

Routine repair of the facade is an event carried out depending on the planned major repairs or physical wear and tear of architectural elements (part 2.3, paragraph 4). The duration of executive measures is regulated by housing and communal services standards (what are the differences between capital and current repairs in apartment buildings?).

A major renovation of the façade of the house is the result of joint work between the residents and the management company. In this case, the financial burden lies entirely with the persons living in the house. The schedule for implementing a set of measures is determined by the regional program or initiated by the decision of the majority of residents. Legislative acts regulate the list, timing, and procedure for carrying out measures for major repairs of the facade.

The sight of the collapsing facade of a multi-storey residential building causes concern among residents: why are no repairs being carried out?

The legislative framework

Many legal acts of varying legal force regulate the rights and obligations of apartment owners and the management company.

Organizational measures for carrying out major repairs are listed in the Federal Law. According to this document, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide for different methods of financing major repairs.

The provisions of the following regulations should also be taken into account:

  1. Art. 166-174 LCD. They indicate general requirements for carrying out major repairs in apartment buildings.
  2. on the burden of maintaining property).
  3. .
  4. .

The listed documents are intended to regulate the interaction between apartment owners and regional authorities. Thus, Government Resolution No. 615 indicates what work is included in the overhaul, defines the obligations and responsibilities for their implementation.

Territorial authorities are entrusted with organizational and control functions. The owners are required to raise funds to pay for the work.

What are the rules for doing the work?

The Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 170 and SP 71.13330.2017 describes the rules and requirements for a set of measures for restoring the facade of an apartment building.

Before starting work on finishing the facades, the rules establish the completion of the following stages of repair:

  1. Installation of building and protective structures: scaffolding, mesh covering for protection from moisture, sunlight and dust.
  2. Installation of electrical lighting networks, if provided for by the project.
  3. Elimination of interpanel and interblock seams using the prescribed compounds.
  4. Glazing of window openings and balcony spans.
  5. Elimination of gaps between the frames of window and balcony blocks.
  6. Installation of embedded elements.
  7. Installation of hydro- and thermal insulation, leveling the surfaces of external walls.
  8. Fixing fasteners for drainage systems.

All stages of the activities carried out on the façade of the apartment building are recorded in a special work acceptance log.

Finishing is carried out at the average daily temperature of the environment and the base of the building within the range of 5 to 30 degrees. They begin activities while maintaining such values ​​two days before the start of work and seven days after their completion.

If the thermometer shows less than 5 degrees, then the rules require the use of materials with frost-resistant components and increased resistance to moisture.

Current repairs of the facade

There are two types of repairs: current and major. The first includes a range of works aimed not at large-scale restoration and at maintaining the condition of external wall coverings. As a rule, cosmetic measures are performed for this:

  • repair of plaster in certain areas;
  • spot putty, primer;
  • façade tint.

Current repairs involve quickly eliminating minor problems and replacing faulty elements of the engineering system. The attentiveness and efficiency of the management organization and residents are key factors that will help significantly save money on major repairs in the future.

We invite you to find out what other features the current renovation of an apartment building has.

Cosmetics under repair

A new façade requires only cosmetic work, approximately every five years. The rest of the time, simply removing dirt with a variety of cleaning solutions is sufficient. Buildings of more advanced age need to be renovated more often - at least once a year. Small repairs help the house maintain its original freshness and beauty, and also save the owners money - major repairs will cost more than a penny.

The work being carried out does not involve a significant change in the appearance of the house; it is simply cleaned and renovated. The most important thing here will be to choose the right materials in appearance and compatibility. Without meeting the last condition, they may “conflict” with each other, which will quickly reduce the results of the repair to zero.

Cosmetic repair work can be easily done on your own, although a team of builders will complete the work faster and with better quality. Cosmetics are the simplest and most undemanding repairs. This includes: putty, painting, applying a new decorative coating (plaster) to replace the old one that has flown off.

When is a major façade renovation necessary?

In most cases, damage to the facade is noticeable to the naked eye, but a full visual inspection is carried out by a commission with the participation of specialists, management company employees and residents of the apartment building. If we are talking about major repairs, representatives of the regional operator are involved. To identify hidden shortcomings, instrumental research is needed.

Obvious signs that indicate the need to restore the facade:

  • the plaster layer is damaged or falls over an area of ​​more than 30%;
  • seams are visible between blocks/panels;
  • the insulation layer cracks;
  • gutters are deformed;
  • precipitation accumulates on the outer wall.

If the above symptoms are detected, repair work must begin as soon as possible.

Find out more about the range of work included in the major renovation of apartment buildings.

High-quality work on facades

Any facade wall in the building will be carefully restored by us and brought into an attractive aesthetic appearance. The list of all events, timing and final prices are pre-agreed with the customer. Cooperation is based on an agreement.

We carry out:

  • Facade repair service (current, cosmetic, major).
  • High-quality high-altitude washing of facades by climbers.
  • Maintenance of advertising banners and glass display cases.
  • Sealing and insulation of interpanel seams.
  • Cleaning from mold, dust, soot and traces of construction.
  • Rough and finishing plaster of the facade.
  • Painting and painting works.

We also insulate the outer wall of the house with modern thermal insulation materials that help create an optimal microclimate for work and living. We have set a loyal price for external facade insulation, and all work is completed in the shortest possible time.

Frequency of façade overhauls

Large-scale repairs are carried out at certain periods of time. Its frequency is established taking into account the characteristics of the technical operation of a residential building. For example, in conditions of constant frost, repairs to foundations as a basic structural component should be carried out at least every 10 years, while in central Russia, in the absence of extreme destructive factors, this work is planned once every 25 years.

The exact frequency of overhaul of the facade is not determined by the legislator. For example, in Section 9 of the RF Housing Code, which discusses issues of major repairs in detail, even approximate deadlines are not indicated after which certain works should be carried out.

When planning repair work, you should focus on GOSTs for certain materials and study the instructions that govern different types of work.

So, the frequency of overhaul of the façade is individual for each apartment building. This also follows from.

Early overhaul of the facade

Although major repairs are usually completed as scheduled, sometimes they may be required earlier. If the owners believe that elements of the house need immediate restoration, there is no need to wait for the set date.

Often in this case there is a problem with financing. In addition to the already approved mandatory contributions (Article 189 of the Housing Code), additional investments will be needed for unscheduled work.

In this situation, payment adjustments are provided. This means that for a certain time, residents who have invested money in additional repairs will be exempt from contributions.

In addition, the development of design and estimate documentation will be required. To do this, it is better to contact the Criminal Code. She interacts on behalf of residents with local authorities and the regional operator.

Advantages of curtain facades

  • Repair work does not depend on the time of year.
  • Any surface defect is eliminated.
  • Great appearance.
  • The air gap allows excess moisture to escape naturally, which allows you to maintain the thermal insulation qualities of the insulating pads.

Despite the rather long service life (manufacturers assure that replacement will not be required in the next 30 years), few can afford a curtain wall.

And, secondly, if installed incorrectly, it will be “death” for the wall material - moisture will accumulate there. The walls will be constantly damp, and the appearance of mold and other parasites is possible.

Despite the strength and durability of facing materials intended for a ventilated facade, it also sometimes has to be repaired. The cladding cannot withstand severe mechanical damage (impact from heavy objects). If mistakes are made during installation, the fasteners will quickly wear out.

And if you have complaints about defects in their work, contact the same construction company, and do not take up the hammer yourself.

Making a decision to carry out unscheduled overhauls

The decision-making process for extraordinary repair work can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Residents of the building appeal to the management company with an initiative to carry out major repairs of the facade.
  2. Visual inspection of the house by specialists.
  3. Discussion of further orders regarding additional examinations.
  4. Preparation of estimates.

Residents of apartment buildings can ask the management company to carry out façade repairs even before the scheduled work is due.

Submitting an application to the Criminal Code

To initiate early repairs, owners of apartments in apartment buildings need to draw up a collective application to the management company. As follows from Part 7 of Art. 189 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, it will be possible to satisfy the residents’ request if there is a sufficient amount in the house account.

If there are too few funds, the owners have the right to convene a general meeting and discuss the possibility of obtaining a loan or lending from some financial organization.

When submitting an application to the Criminal Code, you should attach evidence of the need for major repairs of the facade: photographs, video materials, expert opinions.

Inspection of the facade and drawing up a report on the need for work

The façade of the house is inspected by specialists. Their goal is to make sure that early major repairs are necessary. The conclusions are recorded in a separate act.

Management company employees identify defects and the reasons for their occurrence, and draw up a list of work to repair the brick facade of an apartment building. During the inspection, the process of operation and maintenance of residential premises is analyzed. This allows us to ensure compliance with the requirements of Art. 17 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The commission inspects the residential building. Its members elect the officials of the MA and at least one representative of the MKD council. Details of the inspection are set out in The procedure consists of 3 main stages:

  1. Home inspection.
  2. Drawing up an act.
  3. Creating a list of necessary activities.

Studying individual components of communication systems may require the participation of a specialized specialist. In this case, employees of a management or contracting company are involved.

Restoration work plan

According to the law, repair work must be carried out in accordance with the plan. If necessary, an estimate is drawn up for the repair of the basement, balcony and other areas of the residential building.

The choice of measures depends on the characteristics of problem areas, the degree of wear of utilities and structural components.

The management company draws up a plan, the chairman of the HOA or the residents' council agrees on the finished list of works or it is approved at a general meeting of apartment owners. After this, the management company determines the timing of the repairs.

An important point is drawing up an estimate of the cost of major repairs.

This responsibility is assigned to an authorized person. Owners of apartments in apartment buildings decide to overhaul the facade at the suggestion of the person managing the building, the regional operator, or on their own initiative.

The estimate for the repair of the blind area, drainage and other elements is the calculation of the costs necessary to carry out the work.

Approval of work deadlines at a meeting of residents

The General Meeting of Residents (GMT) of an apartment building is the governing body of the building. The main stages of organizing and holding a meeting:

  1. Definition of initiator.
  2. Preparation of documents.
  3. Informing about the OSJ.
  4. Conducting the event in full-time, part-time or part-time format.
  5. Registration of voting results.
  6. Notification of the results of the meeting of owners and interested parties.
  7. Submission of documents to the housing supervision authority.

When it comes to determining the timing of the overhaul of the facade, professionals are invited to the event who will estimate how much time it will take to restore the outer sides of the apartment building. Taking into account their recommendations, the residents of the house express their opinions and then vote.

Restoration of historical buildings

To save money when repairing the facades of buildings built several decades ago, lime plaster is often replaced with a cement layer, which soon becomes covered with cracks. When repairing the facades of old houses, we use modern technologies and use appropriate materials to eliminate the appearance of defects in the plaster and deeper layers.

Types of repair work

We carry out various types of repair work at height, including cosmetic and complex repairs of facades.

  • Redecorating. If the overall condition of the facade is satisfactory and only individual parts of it need repair, there is no point in using the services of specialized construction companies - industrial climbers do without installing complex mechanisms on the roofs of buildings and will carry out repairs in the shortest possible time.
  • Comprehensive renovation. If numerous cracks and collapses are observed along the entire perimeter of the facade, the building needs a complete renovation of the front part. We will clean, plaster and paint the surface of the facade, replace worn gutters and damaged flashings, cornices and other external structures.

You can clarify prices and order the services of industrial climbers by calling us at tel. +7 (495) 774-09-18

What is included in the overhaul of the facade of an apartment building?

Before discussing what is included in the overhaul of the facade of an apartment building, we must admit that it is not easy to find a single list of actions, because everything depends on the specific situation. In one case, the degree of surface destruction is low, in the other it reaches a critical point.

Since different materials can be used to decorate external walls, this affects the technology for overhauling the façade of MKD. In addition, the estimate will also be very different.

Although there are no absolutely identical work plans, there is an approximate list of what is included in the repair of the facade during the overhaul of apartment buildings:

  1. Cleaning the coating from dust, plaster, whitewash or painting materials.
  2. Sealing of seams, their heat and waterproofing.
  3. Plastering walls, applying putty, primer.
  4. Coating walls with water-repellent agents.
  5. Repair and replacement of individual components of the drainage system.

Specialists form additional items on this list taking into account working conditions.

Preparatory stage

To carry out restoration work, the surface must be prepared. This stage significantly affects the final result.

The preparatory work includes the following activities:

  1. Cleaning walls of old coating, removing dirt.
  2. Installation or replacement of hydro- and thermal insulation.
  3. Priming the walls with special means to ensure better adhesion to the decorative layer.
  4. Plastering walls for painting or finishing the coating with siding systems.
  5. Restoration of utility networks.

Preparatory work also includes actions aimed at creating optimal working conditions.

How to insulate facades

Insulating a building is one of the most difficult and expensive stages of renovation. As a rule, one of two types of facade is used:

  • plastering (wet);
  • ventilated (hinged).

The plaster facade consists of three layers: insulation, reinforcing mesh and finishing with plaster. This option is versatile and reliable, but requires a lot of labor and time. Finishing is carried out only at above-zero temperatures and in good weather. The service life of a “wet” facade is 20-30 years.

The ventilated type is more popular than the plaster type. In this case, the first step is to attach a metal frame, lay insulation, and install a screen on top. If the installation is done correctly, moisture will not accumulate in the façade. Residents can forget about mold and mildew. The service life of a curtain wall reaches 50 years.

One of the advantages of the second type of finish is the variety of exterior design options.

There are two main types of insulation on the market: expanded polystyrene and mineral wool. Both are perfect for every type of façade. Since mineral wool is more expensive than expanded polystyrene, polystyrene foam boards are usually used when insulating MKD. In this case, there is an ideal ratio of price and quality.

Finishing plinths and blind areas

Before proceeding with the repair or reconstruction of facades, it is necessary to establish the reasons why the surface was destroyed. Since deformations are most often caused by exposure to water, the roof and gutters should be repaired. After this, it is necessary to restore the waterproofing of the base and the blind area (an asphalt strip along the perimeter of the external walls used to drain surface water from the foundation).

Sometimes it is not easy to determine whether the repair of a blind area is a current or a major repair. It is classified as overhaul when it involves the restoration of more than 20% of the total area of ​​the blind area. The management organization is responsible for this part of the building.

If the blind area is not repaired in time, groundwater can easily get into the foundation of the house. As a result, the foundation of the apartment building is constantly being washed away, which is why cracks appear in it and in the walls.

When repairing a basement, contractors usually use mineral materials: concrete and brick. They have a porous structure, so they strongly absorb moisture.

When the temperature drops, water trapped inside the structure freezes and expands. The pores of the concrete burst, destroying the base or façade. To protect these building elements, it is advisable to use protective and decorative paint coatings. They will provide long-term protection of the surface from the destructive effects of the environment and give it a decent appearance.

Reconstruction of balconies

According to Art. 15 of the RF Housing Code, balcony slabs and ceilings are classified as common property for the repair of which the management company is responsible. On the other hand, the balcony is part of the apartment, which means the tenant must maintain it in proper condition.

The management company is obliged to repair loggias at its own expense if the site is recognized as unsafe and poses a danger to the life and health of people.

If the owner of the apartment believes that the balcony is in disrepair, you need to apply to the management company, describing the situation and attaching photographs. The more signatures on the application, the better.

Installation of new glass

Three methods of glazing the facades of MKD are used:

  • cold facade - glass panels are mounted on the walls;
  • exhaust facade - double-glazed windows with additional glass at a certain distance are used;
  • structural glazing - different materials such as metal, ceramics and others are connected using silicone-based sealants.

The choice of method depends on the condition of the wall surface. The set of actions for façade glazing includes:

  1. Replacement of double-glazed windows.
  2. Sealing of pressure decorative strips.
  3. Cleaning profiles from old sealant.
  4. Fixation of glazing to the roof, load-bearing walls and facade.

The glass replacement is carried out by the management company as part of preparing the building for the autumn-winter period.

Waterproofing and sealing seams

Cold air and water penetrate through the cavities between the panels of the house. To retain heat, eliminate dampness and drafts, you need to seal the interpanel seams.

Since liquid can enter through the joint cavities between the wall of the house and the canopy of the loggia, waterproofing of the seams or sealing of the joints will be required.

The corners of the walls of a panel-type apartment building must be repaired. Modern materials for sealing interpanel seams can withstand temperatures from +50 to -50 °C.

Through the seams of the technical floor, moisture leaks onto the balcony and into the apartment. To eliminate problems, a set of measures is performed:

  • waterproofing the balcony roof;
  • roof repair on the loggia;
  • opening of the old coating;
  • installation of new waterproofing using a burner and waterproofing materials.

Sealing of panel seams is completed by plastering the space between the joints.

Restoration of external drainage

A clogged or destroyed drain causes the walls in apartments to get wet, which causes damage to the owner’s property. In addition, disruption of water outflow during rain leads to destruction of the building facade.

Employees of the management company must maintain the drainage system in working order and correct faults in a timely manner.

If the management company does not notice a problem, residents should file a statement. The document outlines the essence of the problem, the location and extent of the breakdown, and possible consequences. It is also worth attaching photographs of the wet wall to the application and taking pictures inside the apartment.

Other jobs

Other types of work related to facade finishing include the following activities:

  • glazing of balconies and loggias;
  • installation of canopies over the entrances to the entrances;
  • repair of fire escapes;
  • restoration of external walls of elevator shafts and so on.

Stages of work

The first step is to carefully inspect and tap the entire surface of the walls with a small hammer for external damage and possible voids that have formed: cracks, crumbling plaster, peeling paint layer. The amount of materials needed is calculated. Then the facade is cleared of everything that is held on, so to speak, by “fish glue.” The loose plaster is chipped right down to the places where it fits tightly. Using tools, cracks and cracks are widened and deepened. All surfaces are thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt.

At this preliminary stage, the condition of the house's airtightness is determined.

  • The second stage is sealing prepared cracks and potholes with an appropriate composition, leveling and plastering the walls.
  • Cosmetic repairs are completed by applying a decorative coating: restoration of damaged cladding (tiles, finishing stone), if there was one, of course, or a banal painting with a color that matches the overall style.

Roof repair is not a cosmetic issue; all its errors are eliminated during a major overhaul.

Installation of a ventilated facade

The frame is mounted. It consists of vertically installed profiles that are attached to the wall with special brackets. To prevent the occurrence of “cold bridges”, a gasket is installed between the metal of the bracket and the wall. Please note that the heavier the selected cladding, the more powerful the frame should be.

  • Insulation. Many insulation manufacturers sell their products already packaged in hydro- and vapor barrier film. If this protection does not exist, you need to install it yourself. The insulation is attached between the profiles using plastic dowels with “huge” caps or glued. And often both fastening methods are used at once.
  • Facing. Each facing material has its own technology for installation and fastening to the frame, developed for it. To avoid further problems, it is not recommended to violate it.

Overhaul contractor

The restoration of the façade as part of a major overhaul is carried out by a contractor, also called a regional operator. The organization must not be commercial. The company is created by local government authorities for the purpose of implementing a repair program, in accordance with).

The operator is not required to perform the work independently. He can only coordinate them, control payment, quality and deadlines.

The contractor can also be selected by a vote of the owners, but it must be an accredited company that has permits and permits to carry out special types of work.

Types of damage to brick facades of buildings

A brick facade is extremely practical, it can be easily cleaned in case of contamination and efflorescence, it can be further processed (plastered, painted), and various hanging structures can be mounted on it. Unfortunately, even such reliable and durable exteriors are susceptible to damage over time. The most common damage to brick facades includes:

  • Damage to the surface of the brickwork.
  • Formation of voids and cracks
  • Deformation of masonry
  • Formation of rust spots
  • Formation of cracks of various geometries
  • Loose bricks in the area of ​​window sills

Who pays for the façade overhaul?

The overhaul of the facade is carried out through monthly contributions from the owners of residential premises to the apartment building. To make a decision on carrying out work to improve the facade of a house at a general meeting, at least 2/3 of the owners of residential premises must vote for it. They also determine during the meeting the amount of the obligatory payment to the capital repair fund.

The larger the contributions, the more substantial the amount in the MKD account and the wider the range of repair work.

Often the money collected is not enough to cover the full scope of work. In this case, the overhaul of the facade is not cancelled. All activities included in the estimate are carried out. The operator takes funds for this from the contributions of residents of other apartment buildings, work on which will be carried out later.

Although this money will have to be reimbursed, residents will not experience any inconvenience. Their debt will be gradually repaid from monthly contributions (Article 169 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

Scheduled work

Planned repairs are carried out within the time limits specified in the regulatory and technical documentation. The frequency of work is determined taking into account the climatic conditions in which the apartment building is located.

Planned repairs are paid for from the MKD budget through monthly contributions from residents.

We recommend that you study in more detail what the fund for capital repairs of apartment buildings includes.

Unscheduled events

Typically, the initiators of unscheduled repairs are residents of apartment buildings. Due to certain factors, early overhaul of the facade may be required. In this case, the house is inspected, a report and an estimate are drawn up.

Funds from the MKD current account are used to finance the work. If there is not enough money, the management company takes it from the balance sheet of other houses. Gradually, apartment owners are paying off their debt.

Approximate cost of work

Below are approximate prices for the main types of facade overhaul work:

  • priming the coating in one layer – 30 rub/m2;
  • facade painting – 60 rub/m2;
  • repair of a ventilated facade - from 500 rub/m2;
  • elimination of efflorescence and hydrophobization - from 200 rubles/m2 and so on.

If the finishing of facades is carried out using the industrial climbing method, cleaning costs an average of 40 rubles. per m2, plastering the walls costs 350 rubles, painting the walls in one layer - from 60 rubles per m2. The exact cost of the work is announced by the contractor.

Price list

Inspection of the site and drawing up an estimateFor free
Thermal engineering calculation of external wallsFor free
Registration of an OATI order10,000 rub.
Development and approval of road transport documents for the duration of repair work30,000 rub.
Registration of a color passportRUB 155,000
Development of PPR30,000 rub.

Cosmetic work

Local repair of coiled areas of plaster200 rub/m2
Local slope repair150 rub/m.
Partial restoration of decorative elements350 rub/m.
Applying primer to slopes, facade decor, cornices60 rub/m.
Painting door and window slopes125 rub/m.
Painting cornices and façade decorative elements180 rub/m.
Joining and sealing cracks200 rub/m2
Applying primer75 RUR/m2
Coloring planes150 rub/m2

Plastering works

Fastening the metal mesh190 rubles per m2
Plastering the surface along the beacons330 rub per m2
Plastering slopes, rub./m.m.450 rub per m2
Reinforcement with plaster-adhesive mixture on fiberglass mesh300 rub per m2
Applying decorative plaster on surfaces400 rub per m2
Application of decorative plaster on slopes, rub./m.m.450 rub per m2


Surface priming:
- facade75 RUR/m2
- metal roofs50 rub/m2
Painting in two layers:
- façade:
in 1 color150 rub/m2
in 2 colors175 RUR/m2
in 3 colors200 rub/m2
— Metal roofing100 rub/m2
— Steel gratings200 rub/m2
— Wooden window frames and sashes200 rub/m2
Primer treatment of facade elements, cornices, slopes60 rub/m.
Painting in two layers:
- window and door slopes125 rub/m.
— facade decorative elements180 rub/m.
- ebbs, gutters, drains150 rub/m.

Repair of interpanel seams

Cleaning old sealant80 rub/m.
Opening and cleaning the seam70 rub/m.
Seam insulation60 rub/m.
Seam sealing90 rub/m.

Restoration of the brick facade

Removing contaminants200 rub per m2
Application of antiseptic100 rub per m2
Hydrophobization75 rub per m2
Dismantling brickwork1000 rub per m2
Brick walls3000 rub per m2
Repairing brickwork of 0.5 bricks2500 rub per m2
Fragmentary repair of brickwork in 1.0 brick3000 rub per m2
Restoration of brickwork decor. element-in 0.5 bricks 8000 rub per m2
Restoration of brickwork decor. element-in 1.0 brick 10,000 rubles per m2
Repair of panel seams300 rubles per meter
Crack repair3500 rubles per linear meter
Strengthening brickwork by injection6600 rubles per linear meter
Plastering walls with brick imitation600 rub/m.
Surface priming75 rub/m.
Painting in two layers150 rub/m.

Restoration of the plaster facade

Restoration of plaster areas200 rub per m2
Cleaning the surface using a primer75 rub per m2
Slope restoration450 rubles per linear meter
Reinforcement on fiberglass mesh300 rubles per linear meter
Puttying450 rubles per linear meter
Finishing of slopes450 rubles per linear meter
Applying primer75 rubles per m.
Painting in two layers150 rubles per linear meter
Restoration of facade decor using repair composition350 rubles per linear meter
Dismantling decorative elements150 rubles per linear meter

When can citizens demand it?

In each region there is a state program for capital repairs of apartment buildings (about how to find out which houses are included in the program for capital repairs of apartment buildings, what if the building is recognized as unsafe or is under warranty, whether you need to pay for capital repairs, read here, about where You can find out the list of housing objects included in the regional program of capital repairs of apartment buildings at the address, find out here).

Six months before the year in which the façade restoration is planned, the regional operator must provide all information about the upcoming repair, including the timing.

After studying all the documentation and making their proposals and requirements, apartment owners submit them to the operator for adjustments. Once all issues have been resolved and no disagreements remain, action can begin to implement the turnaround plan.

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