Sample job description for a management company

Sample job description for HOA manager

Basic provisions

  1. The HOA manager is hired and fired by decree of the chairman of the HOA board.
  2. The manager reports to the chairman of the HOA board.
  3. The HOA manager must meet the following requirements:
      completed secondary (higher) education;
  4. work experience in the field of operation of an apartment building for at least two years;
  5. also meet other criteria established in current legislation.
  6. In case of temporary absence of the manager (treatment, business trip, etc.), his functions, by order of the chairman of the HOA board, are transferred to another person.
  7. The manager is subordinate to the operation service employees (cleaner, electrician and others, according to the established staffing table).
  8. The HOA manager must understand the following issues:
      provisions of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and other norms defining the procedure for the activities of the HOA;
  9. features of managing an apartment building and interaction with its residents;
  10. rules for document management in HOAs;
  11. features of the location of the HOA;
  12. characteristics of the infrastructure and interior of the house;
  13. rules for working with specialized technical documentation;
  14. principles of representing the interests of the HOA in communication with third parties;
  15. criteria for assessing the performance of subordinates;
  16. sanitary standards, labor protection rules, and safety standards relevant to HOAs;
  17. basics of economic functioning of HOAs.
  18. The HOA manager is guided by:
      sections of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, as well as other relevant laws and regulations;
  19. HOA documentation, including the Charter;
  20. current administrative acts;
  21. provisions of this instruction.


The HOA manager is responsible for:

  1. Conducting preventive inspections of the HOA territory.
  2. Interaction with members of the HOA within the limits of their competence.
  3. Monitoring current meter readings (water, electricity, etc.), as well as monitoring the condition of seals on devices.
  4. Informing the HOA board on the current state and prospects of infrastructure and other components of the house.
  5. Maintain documentation within the scope of your responsibility.
  6. Signing contracts on behalf of the HOA within its powers.
  7. Guidance of subordinates in matters of carrying out work in the house and in the surrounding area.
  8. Procurement of materials and tools necessary for the activities of subordinates.
  9. Selection of third-party organizations to carry out work necessary for the HOA.
  10. Monitoring the maintenance of sanitation, fire and technical safety parameters on the HOA territory, as well as taking measures to eliminate detected deficiencies.
  11. Participation in the activities of HOA commissions.
  12. Providing residents with up-to-date information on the activities of the HOA.
  13. Monitoring the activities of third-party organizations (garbage removal, routine repairs, etc.).
  14. Current accounting of resources consumed by the HOA.


The HOA manager can be held liable for:

  1. Damage incurred by the HOA due to its activities is in accordance with the current provisions of the regulatory framework.
  2. Disclosure of internal information to third parties - within the limits specified in the relevant sections of the law.
  3. Failure to perform one’s professional functions as enshrined in this instruction is within the limits specified in labor legislation.
  4. Violations of laws and regulations committed during the performance of work duties - in accordance with the provisions of the current regulatory framework.


The HOA manager is vested with the following powers:

  1. Represent the HOA (including by proxy) in relations with third-party organizations.
  2. Demand assistance in the performance of labor functions from HOA employees within their competence.
  3. Participate in HOA board meetings on aspects of current activities.
  4. Receive data necessary for work from the HOA board.
  5. Propose to the board measures for punishment, reward and personnel transfers in relation to subordinates.
  6. Suspend subordinates from work for a certain period of time if they violate parameters in the field of labor discipline, compliance with sanitary standards and safety rules.
  7. Manage the resources of the HOA within its competence.
  8. Receive compensation from the HOA for expenses, in a pre-agreed amount, incurred in the performance of its functions.
  9. Have access to a special room with the necessary office equipment and materials used in their work.
  10. Exercise other powers established in the employment contract and current legislation.

“APPROVED” Chairman of the Board of Homeowners Association “Ruchevskoe”

Kozyrev V.V.

JOB DESCRIPTION for the manager of the Ruchevskoe HOA


1.1. This job description defines the job responsibilities and rights of the house manager (hereinafter referred to as the manager) of the Ruchevskoe HOA. 1.2. HOA "Ruchevskoye" (hereinafter - HOA) is a non-profit organization created to manage a multi-apartment residential building at the address: St. Petersburg, Nauki Ave., building 28, bldg. 3 (hereinafter referred to as the house). 1.3. The manager is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation by order of the Chairman of the Board of the HOA. 1.4. The manager reports directly to the Chairman of the Board, and during his absence - to the person performing his duties. 1.5. The main responsibility of the manager is to ensure the technical operation of the house in accordance with the requirements of regulations in the field of housing and communal services. 1.6. The manager in his work must be guided by: - ​​Housing Code of the Russian Federation; — Rules and regulations for the technical operation of housing stock; — Methodological recommendations for managing an apartment building in St. Petersburg; — Rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building; — Rules for the provision of public services to citizens; — Rules for the use of residential premises; — Internal labor regulations of the HOA; — Rules and standards of labor protection; safety rules, sanitary standards and regulations, fire safety rules; — Design and technical documentation of the house; — Contractual documentation of the HOA on issues of technical operation and supply of utilities. 1.7. The manager ex officio heads the HOA operation service, consisting of an electrician, plumber, janitor, cleaner and other technical workers (hereinafter referred to as the operation service employees). 1.8. The manager himself observes and monitors compliance by maintenance service employees with job responsibilities, internal labor regulations, labor safety rules and regulations, sanitary standards, and fire safety requirements. 1.9. The manager himself carries out and ensures that the employees of the maintenance service carry out the orders and instructions of the Chairman of the Board of the HOA. 1.10. The manager is paid in accordance with the staffing schedule.


The manager is obliged: 2.1. Be present at the workplace every day (except for weekends and holidays) and monitor the work of the operation service and the proper performance by employees of their job duties. 2.2. Monitor the performance, serviceability and safety of all engineering equipment of the house (heat, water, gas, electricity supply systems, elevators, intercoms, dispatch communications, video surveillance systems, fire protection systems). 2.3. Periodically, but at least once a week, inspect the common property of the house, in accordance with current regulations, to determine its technical condition, degree of wear, and operating efficiency. 2.4. Interact with authorized representatives of resource supply organizations and contractor organizations regarding the proper fulfillment of their contractual obligations to the HOA, ensure support and access for these persons to the engineering equipment of the house. 2.5. Monitor the proper fulfillment by resource supplying organizations and contractor organizations of their contractual obligations to the HOA, promptly inform the HOA board about facts of improper fulfillment of their contractual obligations. 2.6. Represent the interests of the HOA in relations with government authorities and control (district administration, GUZHA, KUGI, SPH, municipal council, state supervision, sanitary supervision, technological supervision, etc.) on issues of house maintenance, conduct relevant negotiations and correspondence. 2.7. Take measures to eliminate emergencies and emergency situations in the house (leaks, accidents, equipment shutdowns), at the request of the owners, draw up reports on such situations. 2.8. Once a month, take and record in writing the readings of common house meters for electricity/energy, cold water, hot water and thermal energy, report the readings of the devices to the board of the HOA and to the accounting departments of the relevant resource supply organizations. 2.9. Ensure the safety of seals on common house metering devices. 2.10. Keep monthly records of water, heat, and electricity consumption. energy, amount of waste removed. 2.11. Create a garbage collection schedule once a month, and also order a container for removal of bulky garbage as needed. 2.12. Ensure timely notification of owners about shutdowns (restrictions) of the supply of utilities and other services by placing announcements on information boards at the entrances; 2.13. Ensure the availability of information at stands according to the established list. 2.14. Monitor the timely recording of requests from owners regarding home maintenance issues, and their timely execution by maintenance employees. 2.15. Monitor the proper sanitary condition and cleanliness of the local area (including a park, children's playground and container playground), as well as common areas (including staircases, basements, attics, technical floors and roofs). 2.16. Do not allow unauthorized persons to enter the heating center, metering center, main electrical panel, or onto the roof of the building. 2.17. Purchase the necessary equipment, office equipment, consumables, inventory to ensure the work of the HOA board and maintenance service; 2.18. Monthly inform the HOA board about the current work plans of the maintenance service, report to the board on the results of the work done. 2.19. Ensure the availability and replenishment (if necessary) of the technical documentation of the house (registration certificates, diagrams, plans, drawings, etc.), keep a log of material assets. 2.20. Maintain and promptly update the database of apartment owners in the building. 2.21. Pass certification and testing of professional knowledge within the time limits established by law, constantly improve your professional qualifications. 2.22. Do not disclose confidential information that has become known in connection with the performance of official duties (including personal data of home owners) 2.23. When performing official duties, be polite and communicate correctly with HOA employees and home owners. 2.24. Perform other duties established by current legislation and the employment contract.


The manager has the right: 3.1. Make proposals to the HOA board on imposing disciplinary sanctions on maintenance service employees, as well as on their rewards. 3.2. Give instructions to the operation service employees that are mandatory for execution. 3.3. Temporarily suspend operation service employees from work in case of gross violation of their job duties, internal labor regulations, labor protection rules and regulations, sanitary standards, and fire safety requirements. 3.4. Receive from the HOA board the information necessary for the proper performance of the manager’s duties. 3.5. When performing official duties, use a comfortable workplace, office equipment, equipment, materials, clothing and inventory provided by the HOA and meeting the established requirements. 3.6. To compensate for expenses incurred in the performance of official duties in an amount previously agreed upon with the HOA board. 3.7. To be treated politely and correctly by HOA employees and home owners. 3.8. The manager has other rights established by current legislation and the employment contract.

I have read the instructions: ____________ __________________________ signature Full name

"______" __________________ 20__

Aspects of the job description

The structure and other parameters of the job description are not enshrined in current legislation, so employers rely on standard document samples and office work principles. In accordance with them, instructions can be created in two types: standard and extended.

Standard instruction format:

  • General section.
  • Profile functions.
  • Official powers.
  • Parameters of possible liability.

This document format is most popular in medium and small organizations, as well as for describing the characteristics of mass professions.

In large organizations with numerous employees with varied tasks, the extended format is popular. It can add to the four standard sections:

  • Features of the work.
  • Performance evaluation criteria (KPI).
  • Parameters for changing instructions.
  • Prohibition on certain actions.

The extended option allows you to document many aspects of work activity, but reduces the flexibility of employees and their bosses.

Attention! The provisions of the instructions should not conflict with the parameters of the employment contract, which is considered the defining document for official relationships.

Main section

Main tasks of the section:

  • Describe the general parameters of the employee’s activities.
  • Fix the requirements for the qualifications of the applicant for the position, which will allow you to select employees of the appropriate level.

If the position provides for any specific requirements (medical examination, license, need for instruction on labor protection, etc.), then they are given in this part.


The manager's responsibilities specified in this section may vary slightly depending on the characteristics of the organization where he works. But this applies only to auxiliary duties - core duties remain unchanged. Management of subordinates, representation of the employer in contacts with other organizations and other similar characteristics are prescribed in any instructions for top managers.

The functions of compliance with fire safety rules, labor protection standards, document flow standards are separately specified - they are mandatory for almost any profession.

Attention! The characteristics of many professions are given in the relevant professional standards and sections of qualification reference books. Thus, the main parameters for the management of an HOA can be taken from professional standard 16.018, which describes the activities of the manager of an apartment building.


The process of bringing a manager to justice can take place in an administrative (within the organization) or judicial format, with the involvement of witnesses, lawyers, etc. In both options, the penalty is determined on the basis of the current regulatory framework, which has a significant scope and complexity. This circumstance prevents its full inclusion in the job description, therefore, in the section, potential responsibility is stated in a general form, with a small number of details.


Managers manage material resources, represent the organization in relations with third parties, and manage subordinates. All these powers, in the most comprehensive form possible, are described in this section. If the manager is provided with additional benefits (compensation for cellular communications, transportation costs, etc.), then they can also be described in this part.

Persons in managerial positions, such as the manager of an HOA, not only manage the activities of their subordinates, but also manage significant amounts of resources. Their illiterate actions can not only lead to damage to the organization, but also lead to its liquidation. A well-drafted job description, with its requirements for the qualifications and level of the manager, helps reduce personnel risks. To do this, it must go through a certain approval procedure. First of all, it is checked for:

  • compliance with legal standards, in particular the provisions of labor legislation;
  • absence of contradictions with internal rules and documents of the organization;
  • compliance with the professional characteristics of a particular specialty.

The verification process includes consultations with a lawyer, the head of the HR department, and deputy heads of the organization. After the approval of the instructions has been successfully completed, the collection of signatures begins, taking place in accordance with the rules of internal records management. The final signature is placed by the employee for whom the instructions were created, agreeing with its provisions.

Features of the agreement

An employment contract is concluded with the chairman of the HOA for a period not exceeding 2 years - Article 149 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Moreover, the chairman is both an employee and an employer. But such an agreement cannot be concluded, therefore the employer acts as a partnership, and one of the board members signs it - Article 147 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Attention: if the selected chairman has a job, then you can conclude a part-time employment contract - Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

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