Certificate form 8 about the child’s registration For kindergarten, school and other organizations, in
What is cadastral work Any real estate object, be it a plot of land, a house, an outbuilding,
Apartment Donation Agreement The costs of concluding and registering this agreement are paid by the Donees. 9. Real
Is it possible and necessary to privatize a garden plot? All garden plots are divided into two types,
If a citizen of the Russian Federation is not registered anywhere, then this is considered a violation of the law. Moreover,
Almost all residential buildings are provided with a centralized water supply system. At any time of the day, turning off the tap
When purchasing an apartment in a new building, the main document before handing over the house is an equity participation agreement
What is LPH? Federal Law No. 112-FZ gives the concept according to which
Act of Inspection of Housing Conditions Where to Get A written refusal may be caused by improper treatment (submission
Checking the fact of inheritance If you are on good terms with your relatives, they will tell you