Deprivatization and deprivatization - what is the difference? Deprivatization means that the judiciary was
Territorial distribution of schools Each school is assigned to certain microdistricts. This distribution appeared several more
GIS Housing and Communal Services is a new service that began operating at the beginning of 2016. Abbreviation used
Clause 34 of Part 1 of Art. 26 of Federal Law No. 218-FZ “On State Registration of Real Estate”
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⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Legal topics are very complex but, in this article, we
In the process of determining the boundaries of a land plot that has a boundary plan drawn up earlier, situations sometimes arise
Why call a specialist There are the following situations when you need to call a plumber to your home: installation of the system
The author of the document Dogovor-Yurist.Ru is offline Status: Legal. company rating460 84 / 6 Personal
The question of whether the management company is a provider of public services in the absence of a written agreement with