How to calculate fees for hot and cold water

Time limits for taking water meter readings

To transfer settlements to the management company, a date is selected from the 15th to the 30th of the month .
The contract with the authorized organization usually states the date of transfer of the testimony. If there are no such recommendations, then the homeowner needs to have time to transfer data from water meters in the second half of the month. Then there will be no discrepancies with accounting - everything is clear and transparent, there are no “floating” balances.

For greatest accuracy, data should be taken every month on the same date . In this case, the consumer sees real consumption on a monthly basis and can accurately plan his payment expenses.

If the homeowner for some reason does not provide evidence, then payment will be calculated based on the average consumption for the last 3 months.

You can correct the data after checking the meters by a management specialist. This check occurs once every 6 months.

Norm per person

If for some reason it is impossible to install an individual hot water meter, then payment is made according to the standards adopted for one person. Currently, the hot water consumption rate is 4,745 cubic meters per person. This means that if there is no meter, you will have to pay for the service according to these indicators, and the latter are set for one person. They pay according to the standard for each person registered in the apartment.

If you divide the norm by thirty days, the figure will be very impressive. It’s not a fact that residents waste so much water, so it would be more economical to install a meter.

How to remove data correctly?

Water measuring devices are distinguished by the color of the device body:

  • cold water – blue or black meter;
  • hot water - meter in a red housing.

Each device can be marked with a marker: “X” and “G”. There will definitely not be any confusion.

On a kind of “display” under the glass of the water meter there is a scale with numbers - each of them in its own window. The numbers come first in black, followed by red .

The resource supplying organization is only interested in “black” numbers. They show how many cubic meters of water were used in a given apartment. Red data is current consumption in liters, it is not taken into account.

Correct reading consists of the following steps:

  1. Write down the first 5 digits from the counter.
  2. If there are more than 500 liters on the red part of the scale, add one to the last black number.
  3. Readings of the red part of the dial that do not reach 500 are simply discarded.

There are meters in which the scale shows the cubic capacity of the water, and the displacement is reflected on additional round dials. There are usually 4 such dials. The leftmost one shows data that is interesting only to a specialist - the technological flow of water. The other three are hundreds, tens and units of liters.

Readings from this type of device are taken in the same way: only 5 digits of the scale are taken . They are also rounded: if you used more than 500 liters, you need to add one to the last number; if you didn’t use them, you should not take into account the displacement.

Counting water using a meter

How to count hot water by meters? The correct calculation of water will be if you follow the rule when calculating. If in the first month seventeen liters of water were consumed, and in the next month there are already thirty liters on the meter, this does not mean that in the second month you spent 30 liters. It is necessary to subtract the readings for the first from the hot water meter readings for the second month. That will be thirteen liters, which the owner of the apartment will pay for.

The meter readings must be monitored regularly so that they do not diverge from the values. If the readings do not agree, then it is time to look for a leak. Faucets or radiators may leak.

Step-by-step instructions for calculating hot and cold water consumption in an apartment

When installing metering devices, you should inform the management company or the resource supplying organization (depending on with whom the consumption agreement is concluded) about their presence in the apartment. Afterwards you need to report the initial meter readings. These will be the first 5 digits of the black segment of the scale.

Further actions:

  1. The previous or initial readings are subtracted from the last readings. The resulting figure is the water consumption for a certain period in cubic meters.
  2. Submit current testimony to the Criminal Code in person, by phone or electronically (by e-mail).
  3. Multiply the number of cubic meters consumed by the tariff for 1 m3 of cold water. The result will be the amount to be paid, which, ideally, should match the amount in the receipt from the management company.

The calculation formula looks like this : NP – PP = PKV (m3) PKV X tariff = CO, where:

  • NP – real indications;
  • PP – previous readings;
  • PKV – consumed amount of water in cubic meters;
  • SO – amount to be paid.

The tariff for cold water consists of two tariffs: for water disposal and water consumption. You can find out each of them on the website of the water supply organization or your management company.

For example: a new cold water meter has been installed in the apartment. The meter scale consists of 8 digits - five on a black background and 3 on a red background. Initial readings during installation: 00002175. Of these, the black numbers are 00002. They should be transferred along with information about installing the meter to the Criminal Code.

A month later, the numbers 00008890 appeared on the counter . Of these:

  • 00008 on the black scale;
  • 890 – on red.

890 is a displacement exceeding 500 liters, so 1 should be added to the last digit of the black scale. Thus, in the dark sector the number 00009 is obtained. This data is transmitted to the Criminal Code.

Consumption calculation: 9-2=7. This means that over the course of a month, family members “drank and threw away” 7 cubic meters of water. Next, we multiply the quantity by the tariff, we get the amount to be paid.

The rules for hot water are similar to cold water:

  • take readings (all numbers up to the red scale) from the meter;
  • round the last number to one, discarding or adding liters of the red part of the scale;
  • subtract the current readings from previous readings;
  • multiply the resulting number by the tariff.

An example of calculation using a type 2 meter with a 5-digit scale and three displacement displays: in the receipt for last month, the latest reading of the hot water water meter is 35 cubic meters. On the day the data was taken, the scale numbers were 37 cubic meters. m.

On the rightmost dial scale the arrow points to number 2. The next display shows number 8. In the last of the measuring windows – number 4.

This means that during the time from the previous to the last reading, 2 cubic meters of hot water were consumed (37 - 35 = 2).
In liters consumed:

  • 200 liters, according to the first dial (it shows hundreds);
  • 80 liters - according to the second (shows tens);
  • 4 liters is the reading of the third scale, which shows units.

In total, during the billing period, hot water consumption amounted to 2 cubic meters. m. and 284 liters. Since 284 liters is less than 0.5 cubic meters of water, this figure should simply be discarded.

When transferring data to Vodokanal or Management Company, indicate the last reading - 37. To find out the amount to be paid, multiply the number by the tariff.

Functions and responsibilities of housing and communal services

The management company acts as an intermediary between the owners of apartment buildings and persons, as well as organizations, involved in maintaining the technical condition of housing property.

One of the main tasks of the management company is to carry out the function of supporting the sanitary and technical maintenance of the house, as well as the surrounding area.

This function implies the following types of work:

  1. Arrangement of the territory adjacent to the house (landscaping, creation of children's playgrounds, etc.).
  2. Repair of the building (roofs, facades, attics, entrance doors, stairs).
  3. Repair of ventilation, drainpipes, lighting systems.
  4. Ensuring cleanliness (regular cleaning of entrances, areas adjacent to the house and garbage removal).

The organizational functions of management companies in the housing and communal services sector include:

  • organizing general meetings with residents of apartment buildings;
  • interaction with utility companies that ensure the required level of living conditions, as well as the uninterrupted operation of all systems.

An important function performed by the management company is to carry out maintenance and repair work. These include the following actions of the Criminal Code:

  1. Conducting a comprehensive inspection of an apartment building - the condition of all parts of the house from the roof to the basement is assessed.
  2. Creating safe living conditions for residents - if during the inspection of the building deviations in the operation of utility systems or other deviations that could cause damage to property or harm to the health of residents were identified, then these problems become one of the topics at general meetings, and their elimination should be carried out as soon as possible .
  3. Carrying out routine repairs is one of the most important tasks of a management organization. Work can be carried out in stages or on an emergency basis, depending on the scale of the identified problems.
  4. Ensuring the uninterrupted operation of all utility systems - in the event of an emergency, repair work is carried out as soon as possible, and the quality of their implementation is regulated by the management company.
  5. Monitoring regular sanitary and hygienic cleaning of entrances and areas adjacent to houses, as well as timely garbage removal. If there are business facilities operating in the house, then the removal of waste generated as a result of their operation is also implied by the competence of the management company.
  6. Preparing the house for the winter season - ensuring that heating systems are in good working order, as well as carrying out repairs if necessary.
  7. Monitoring the commissioning of utility meters, as well as monitoring their continued serviceability. This function of the EKH management company involves not only putting meters into operation, but also developing an energy saving plan to reduce the cost of paying for utilities.
  8. 24-hour monitoring of the supply of cold and hot water to residents, as well as the serviceability of the electricity supply and sewerage systems - residents must be informed about the date and timing of work on these systems no earlier than 24 hours before they begin.
  9. Ensuring home safety in accordance with fire safety standards. The management company’s functionality also includes the task of conducting conversations with residents about fire safety standards and rules for its compliance.
  10. Providing reports on work done in the housing and communal services sector and planned events at general meetings with residents. Residents of the house should receive comprehensive information about the current state of their living conditions and common property, the timing of planned repairs, as well as the occurrence of emergency situations and how to eliminate them.

Residents can not only report problems in the operation of utility systems, but also be interested in any issues related to safety, timing and stages of work, as well as other topics related to the condition of the house and the surrounding area.

If it is not possible to solve the problems that have arisen, then the management company must enter into agreements with third-party companies.

The rights and obligations of the management company are transferred to it on the basis of an agreement on the exercise of inspection and control powers.

Therefore, this organization has the right:

The cost in the invoice from the management company differs from that calculated independently: how to figure it out?

You need to start by checking the latest and previous readings with the Criminal Code. The calculations on receipts are done by a computer program, but the data is entered into it by a company employee. The human factor has not been canceled - an error can creep in at any stage.

If the readings of the homeowner and the settlement organization coincide, then the following reasons for the discrepancy are possible:

  1. The tariff for cold and/or hot water has changed.
  2. When calculating the cost of water, the owner took into account only water consumption, omitting/not noticing the tariff for sewerage.
  3. A household or apartment is charged more than the required amount of water for general household needs.

It is best to contact the Criminal Code with a statement indicating the latest water meter readings. The statement may contain a request for clarification or, if the owner is confident that he is right, a request for recalculation and return of money.

Water charges: where are the charging rules described?

The main document that describes various aspects of the topic that interests us is “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354.
For simplicity, we will call them “Rules” . Link to the current version of the document.

Further, as we present the material, we will cite the paragraphs of the “Rules”, which spell out certain norms.

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