What is included in the payment for common household needs (CHN), who should pay and how much in 2021?

Moscow, 06/01/2021, 02:20:48, editorial office PRONEDRA.RU, author Victoria Korovaeva.

Throughout 2021, the authorities changed the rules for paying for water and electricity, which are consumed by Russians for general household needs (abbreviated as ODN). In 2021, this issue was resolved by officials. According to the new rules, property owners in multi-apartment buildings will pay for ODN and housing and communal services.

In 2021, general household needs included hot and cold water and electricity. The authorities published a decree on official Internet resources, which states what is included in the ODN payment. Payment can be made to resource supply organizations or to a homeowners' association (abbreviated as HOA).

Transfer of payment for general house needs to the housing and communal services receipt

General household consumption includes resources that are spent on the needs of the home. The amount indicated on the receipt depended on the share in the common property. No exemption from payments was provided.

Penalties apply to owners who ignore payment receipts. General household needs were highlighted as a separate line in monthly receipts.

Consumption that exceeded the standard was compensated by management companies. Management organizations found a way out and reduced the cost of maintaining the property.

It is worth noting: the essence of the changes is that charges for general household consumption are moved to the “premises maintenance” line from the “utilities” column.

Apartment owners will see that changes have appeared in receipts since the beginning of 2021. The maintenance of common property replaces the ODN.

In the February notices, household consumption will be indicated separately for each resource.

3 components of payment for housing:

  1. Payment for the maintenance of the house. Includes house management services, property repairs and maintenance, light, heat, hot and cold water.
  2. Payment for major repairs.
  3. Utility payments in accordance with Article 154 of the Housing Code.

If suddenly you didn’t already know, then we advise you to read the article about when and how electricity is cut off for non-payment according to the law.

About consumption standards

Every Russian can calculate who and how much to pay in 2021, knowing the total area of ​​all apartments, common areas and non-residential premises that are the property of the house. Such data is owned by the parent organization or homeowners association. Today, up-to-date information can be found on the website of State Services and the State Information System of Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

The specified amount of electricity must be multiplied by the total area that can be used by the residents of the house. The area of ​​the elevator is also taken into account. The resulting figure must be divided by the total area of ​​real estate and non-residential space, then the figure is multiplied by the area of ​​the purchased apartment. The result obtained is the monthly standard for real estate; it should be multiplied by the electricity tariff. The result is a payment for common house electricity needs, which must be paid every 30 days.

In 2021, it became clear what will be included in the ODN payment: water and electricity. It is possible to reduce the cost of general house needs, which are included in the payment, if all residents promptly provide the management company with readings taken from the meter.

One standard for water

Estimated indicators are established for each month. Sizes from 0.029 to 0.067 cubic meters per square meter.

5 general house payments for water:

  • cleaning the stairs and landings;
  • watering the garden and lawn near the house;
  • water losses during repair of heating systems;
  • water discharge in the internal networks of the house

Good to know: the standards provide for the volume of water for wet cleaning of the entrance and flushing the heating system twice a year.

Calculation of ODN for electricity in an apartment building

Standard electricity consumption is a component of the calculation of ODN and is established by regional authorities. Accordingly, the costs incurred for electricity in excess of the norm will fall on the pocket of the organization managing the house.

Lamps that illuminate the previously listed common areas in and around the house consume a certain amount of electricity. Also an elevator and other communications that are in common use. Of course, these are expenses, and far from small for a year. These ODN are distributed to all owners of residential areas of the house.

One Standard for Electricity

An amount of electrical energy is used to illuminate the entrance and area near the apartment building.

Factors influencing the amount of payment:

  • number of floors in the house;
  • availability of an elevator;
  • intercom installation;
  • installation of communication amplifiers;
  • technical features of the equipment installed in the house.

The indicators are set: from 2.84 to 11.17 kilowatt-hours per square meter for each month.

5 components of electricity payment:

  • maintenance of intercom and elevators;
  • operation of water supply pumps;
  • operation of alarms;
  • lighting of attics and basements;
  • loss of electricity during equipment operation.

Please note: payments for light are regulated by the Federal Law “On Energy Saving”, as well as Government regulations. The applicable standards will be determined by local authorities.


General household needs include the following expenses:

  1. Technical losses of electricity, water, heat, gas, including in emergencies, preventive measures and tests.
  2. Maintaining order in common areas and surrounding areas.
  3. Improvement. This includes watering lawns, refurbishment of playgrounds, lighting on the street and in entrances, heating, including basements.
  4. Maintenance of elevators, video surveillance systems and telecommunications.

The list of general purpose property in an apartment building is specified in Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

This includes:

  1. Flights of stairs between floors and apartment landings.
  2. Elevator cabins and shafts.
  3. Corridors.
  4. Technical floors.
  5. Attics and basements containing engineering equipment.
  6. Premises that are not owned by any of the residents, but are intended for social and domestic purposes, leisure activities, cultural development, creativity, physical education and sports.
  7. Roofs, fences and load-bearing parts of the structure.
  8. Electrical, plumbing and mechanical equipment that is located in a building.
  9. The plot of land on which the house is located.

What are general house needs (CHN)?

This also includes objects located in the adjacent territory and intended to serve the building.

Water supply

Water is provided not only to each user in the occupied premises.

The specified resource is used for general needs. This is connected with several goals. First of all, this is the cleaning of apartment areas and staircases. The person who performs work of this nature must have access to sources of water in order to wash the floors, as well as the windows in the entrance. For this reason, the cleaner is given access to technical premises.

General house water consumption is also associated with preventive maintenance and repair of the system. In the process of implementing such procedures, some part of the resource is lost due to objective reasons. Water is also used to maintain order in the surrounding area, for example, watering flower beds. All users therefore bear the costs.


Disposal of used water is included in the cost of general household needs. All apartment buildings are equipped with sewerage. Water disposal is associated with the implementation of sanitary and domestic needs. The used resource is allocated to the common system. A certain part of the funds is spent on its full functioning and repair. Such costs are included in payment for utility services.


Heat is supplied not only to apartments. Common areas are also heated, that is, staircases and the entrance as a whole, as well as basements. The heating system operates using general funds. For this reason, all tenants and owners living in the house are required to pay for it.


This rule also applies to lighting. Electricity supply is provided not only to apartments. Lighting is used in entrances and surrounding areas. Expenses of this nature are also included in utility bills. They concern not only the supply of electricity, but also repairs, for example, replacing light bulbs, cables, transformers.

What are general house needs (CHN)?

Calculation of payment for ODN according to Government Resolution 354 of 2021

When consumers receive utility services of inadequate quality, they have the right to independently, but it is better in the presence of neighbors, record the discrepancies, and then contact the management company with an application and request for a recalculation of payment. If no measures are taken by the management company or a negative answer is given, consumers have the right to contact the housing inspectorate, prosecutor's office or court with a complaint against the management company and demands for an inspection with a subsequent recalculation of payments already paid.

The standard is considered to be a limited amount, however, when consumers do not fit into this value for one reason or another, they have the right to independently decide at a meeting what amount of payment they should make. However, in practice, not a single such case has been recorded yet.

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Clarifications on the inclusion of expenses for one-time use of housing in the payment for the maintenance of housing with

The commencement of the standards for the consumption of utility services used for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building is established by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that approved such standards, but no later than June 1, 2021.

1. On cases of inclusion in the payment for the maintenance of residential premises the costs of paying for utility resources used for the maintenance of common property, taking into account the new rules for paying for utility services.

Accrual of negative one

3) roofs enclosing load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures of a given house, mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment located in a given house outside or inside the premises and serving more than one room;

b) reduce by the volume of the communal resource allocated during distribution to the residential premises (apartment), the volume of a similar communal resource determined for the consumer in the residential premises for this billing period in accordance with paragraph 42 of these Rules, down to zero and use the resulting such a reduction in the volume of a utility resource when calculating the amount of consumer payment for the corresponding type of utility service provided to a residential premises (apartment) for this billing period. If the volume of the utility resource per any consumer as a result of distribution in accordance with subparagraph “a” of this paragraph exceeds the volume of the utility resource determined for the consumer in accordance with paragraph 42 of these Rules, the surplus of the utility resource for the next billing period is not is transferred and is not taken into account when calculating the amount of payment in the next billing period.

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ONE - again according to the counters

Let us remind you that from January 1, 2021, expenses for general house needs were transferred from utilities to housing maintenance services. During the first half of the year, there was a transition period when fees could be charged no higher than the established standards. And from June 1, 2021, after the approval of new standards, accrual was made only according to them.

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By the way, on July 29, 2021, the President of Russia signed another law that allows the installation of automated accounting systems for utility resources at the expense of contributions collected by owners for major repairs (Federal Law dated July 29, 2021 No. 257-FZ “On Amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation” ). This possibility should be enshrined in the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on major repairs of common property.

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