Description of receipt for payment of utilities: sample, transcript

  • Columns 9 and 10 show the recalculation (its amount), as well as the presence of subsidies and various benefits.
    And in columns 11 to 13 inclusive, you can find information about the total amount to be paid (registered for the apartment and ODN in separate amounts). On the left in the table the services themselves are indicated, namely: If, during an inspection, damage is suddenly discovered (cracks in the walls, collapse of plaster, etc.), a day must be appointed for partial repair of the damaged areas. If the entrance door to the entrance is damaged, then repair work is also carried out. This is called current repairs.
  • Sample housing and communal services receipt 2021

    Another method is payment terminals located in large stores, institutions, metro stations and gas stations. Unlike ATMs, the terminals only accept cash bills and most do not provide change. They work around the clock, and you can deposit money quickly.

    There is no need to be afraid of fines if you are not one of the persistent defaulters. If you do not pay a small debt within a couple of months, there is no need to worry about service outages, and this is specified in the housing agreement. The debt will simply “transfer” to a new receipt. Fines are imposed only in the following cases:

    New receipt for payment of housing and communal services 2021

    Today, Russians pay for absolutely all utility services, presenting a housing and communal services receipt when paying off debts - the basis for completing the transfer of funds. A receipt for payment of utilities is an official payment document that reflects information about the amount of debt of utility users for the past period. This document may also indicate the need to pay for the security of the territory of the house or the operation of a video surveillance system. Please note that coordination of absolutely all additional items with citizens living in the house is mandatory.

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    WATCH THE VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: Where and how to pay for utilities more profitably

    Why is it necessary?

    The receipt for payment of housing and communal services contains information about the management company and its bank details. In addition, a payment document for utilities allows you to see a specific list of services provided, how much was charged for them and the total amount. In this way, residents can control the accuracy of the invoice.

    New form of housing and communal services receipt in 2021

    The usual amenities of modern people are home heating, water, gas and electricity. These resources are provided to citizens by various organizations and public utility enterprises. Payment for consumption is calculated through a special document at the place of consumption of energy resources.

    Previously, a separate payment was issued for each utility service, which led to confusion and loss of time from staying in long queues. With the advent of a uniform receipt, the task of depositing money has become simpler.

    What kind of form this is and what its features are, the reader will find out in this article. There are no requirements for the form and content of a receipt for utility services approved by legislative acts. They are taken from various regulatory documents. Today, the Ministry of Construction has developed a different type of receipt with the ability to enter more information in a single format.

    It must indicate the consumer’s residential address. It also includes:. The receipt for utilities contains amounts for cleaning the area adjacent to the house and public staircases, garbage removal, as well as maintenance of utility networks. Usually, the management company issues blank forms of payment documents to residents. It happens when they do not reach their recipients.

    But the law does not consider this fact a serious argument not to make payment. The new type of receipt differs from the old versions in the transparency of the information it contains. The payer, making a payment to the cash desk, sees what the payment is calculated for.

    Each utility management company has developed its own form. But the main sections have the same shape. There are two features here:. The housing management company decides when to pay for services. Payments for accepted energy resources are paid according to meters and always for the current period of time.

    It is allowed to recalculate readings if the fact of inaccuracy in their taking is established. Most formats contain separate lines where the number of residents is entered. This is important for owners of residential premises that are not equipped with metering units. The number of people in one living space is the main component in the formula for determining total consumption and calculating cost.

    The owner has the right to recalculate for a long period of absence of a family member. To confirm this fact, you will need to provide evidence. In comparison with the old version of the receipt, the new form of payment contains 7 sections:. The listed sections exist in a new format. Also, filling must be done according to the accepted standard.

    In the general form of a receipt for housing and utility services, there are many abbreviated terms. They are difficult to understand for an inexperienced subscriber.

    Other designations are clear without translation. They talk about electricity supply, water supply, heat supply and gas supply. The general receipt indicates the payment for the use of common property. The total payment is calculated: for heating general purpose areas; for lighting the adjacent area to the house, staircases, heating units, and so on; for keeping common property clean and in good technical condition.

    Advanced software technologies allow subscribers to fill out a payment document and make payments online. There are several services on the Internet where subscribers can make financial transactions for utilities. They all work according to the same algorithm. After simple registration and creation of a personal account, the payer fills out a receipt online and, after approval, makes a money transfer.

    The form for filling out the document is no different from the standard one. All sections are filled out and calculations are made according to the specified rules. You need to keep the old payment slip in order to avoid a potential conflict situation and document that you are right. Only the presence of a receipt can confirm payment for the disputed period of use of housing and utility services. Regulatory documents define the approximate format of such a payment, but do not establish a storage period.

    In this case, you need to refer to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regarding the limitation period. It is equal to 3 years. After the specified time, receipts can be thrown away due to loss of relevance and possibility of further use.

    For information on the rules for filling out a payment document for payment for consumed utilities, see the following video:

    This is due to the fact that from January 1, ODN moved from the category of utility services to housing services. The transition was approved by the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from A on the form of the new payment document, which we will use starting this month, we will tell you today. In the new receipt for housing and communal services, ODN will move to a higher point - they will move to housing services and will be divided into separate lines in the receipt for:. ODN changed their name, became consumption during the maintenance of common property in apartment buildings and moved into the category of housing services.

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    Residents had already paid for water and electricity, which were used for general house needs. The payment was made up of the difference between the ODPU readings and the sum of the IPU readings in apartments, along with the standard volumes of those who do not have such devices. The excess standard for one-room apartments was distributed in proportion to the area of ​​the apartments among residents.

    The excess standard also included volumes of resources that residents kept silent about or that they stole. The principle for calculating the volume of resources has not changed.

    What has changed is that now the excess standard cannot be redistributed between owners without a corresponding decision of the OSS. Overexpenditures will be paid by management organizations. In general, the transfer of ODN from utility services to housing services is a formal redistribution. If the tenant previously paid rubles in total for all ODN, this amount will go into the fee for the maintenance of the residential premises.

    For apartments in which PUs are not installed, an increasing factor of 1.5 will be applied to receipts. By June 1 of the year, regional authorities must approve new standards for resource consumption at one-way sites. After the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation approves the new receipt form, we will publish its form on the blog. Stay tuned. A housing and communal services receipt is a payment document that is intended to pay bills for provided utility services and general household needs.

    Each service and the tariff at which it is calculated are always entered in separate lines on the receipt, and the total amount payable is also recorded. The document consists of several sections. Below you can see information about the presence of debt for previous periods, the amount of the advance and the total amount for payment from which the advance is deducted. The rows in the table can be supplemented with other names of services. It all depends on the specific organization that services the house - management company, HOA and others.

    If this is regulated by regional acts and the consent of the residents is obtained. Receipts never contain unnecessary or unnecessary information. The form was developed so that all payers could understand as much as possible: for what and in what amount the amounts were accrued and calculated.

    Each receipt has its own serial number. Thanks to this figure, it is possible to track and identify this particular payment so that the funds paid are credited to a specific address. Absolutely every payment document is assigned a number in order when it is generated in the program.

    If a person wishes to insure his apartment on a voluntary basis, then payment for such a service is included in the receipt. You can insure the following:. These are designations of hot water for general household needs. Thus, the service organization offers the owner to make a payment for the hot water consumed in the previous period. The quantity is measured in cubic meters. The personal data recorded on receipts is the payer’s full name and address. This is basic information, and in case of delays and arrears in payments, funds will be collected from this citizen.

    These types of services are paid per unit of area. Since the beginning of the year, the receipts have included services for supplying hot and cold water, as well as electricity to the one-room heating station. The article of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation clearly regulates that the condition of apartment buildings must be under the supervision of an engineer from the management board.

    Maintenance of housing in housing and communal services payment documents - verification:. If, during an inspection, damage is suddenly discovered, cracks in the walls, collapse of plaster, etc., a day should be appointed for partial repair of the damaged areas. If the entrance door to the entrance is damaged, then repair work is also carried out. This is called current repairs. However, the list can be changed by general vote and consent of residents.

    Such situations occur quite often. And there could be many reasons for this. What to do in such a situation?

    Changes in the procedure for paying utility bills in 2021

    The innovations affected not only the form of filling out the receipt. Now residents have the opportunity to enter into contracts with heat, water suppliers and other contractors directly. Thus, the management company will no longer play the role of an intermediary - receipts will come directly from the supply company. Now residents can pay for them not through their management company (DEZ, HOA, etc.), but directly, like for electricity and a landline telephone, that is, without intermediaries.

    To do this, you need to conclude an agreement directly with those who supply other resources - water or heat. Payment for utilities, which are currently contained in one document, will be divided into several. At the same time, the management company will continue to charge fees for the maintenance and cleaning of the house, landscaping of the surrounding area, routine repairs, etc.

    Utility bills in 2021

    The usual amenities of modern people are home heating, water, gas and electricity. These resources are provided to citizens by various organizations and public utility enterprises. Payment for consumption is calculated through a special document at the place of consumption of energy resources. Previously, a separate payment was issued for each utility service, which led to confusion and loss of time from staying in long queues. With the advent of a uniform receipt, the task of depositing money has become simpler. What kind of form this is and what its features are, the reader will find out in this article. There are no requirements for the form and content of a receipt for utility services approved by legislative acts.

    Amounts in words

    All utilities, without exception, are currently provided on a paid basis. The basis for paying the fee is a receipt. A housing and communal services receipt is an official payment document that reflects information about the amount of debts of consumers for past billing periods to housing companies that provide utility services. Since different types of services can be provided by different companies, the consumer receives several receipts. A utility bill uses many different terms and abbreviations, which are often not always clear to the average consumer. Let's look at them in more detail in the table:. In this way, the housing and communal services receipt determines the total and living area of ​​the premises.

    The difference between the new form and the old one

    A receipt for utility services is a payment regulatory document that is subject to government review for improvement annually. Its content and standards are regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and are consistent with Order No. 43/pr dated January 26, 2021 on the approximate form of the document recommended for use.

    Tariffs for utilities and household needs are set at the state and regional level, and are not subject to private changes by any housing complex company. The calculation is based on general consumption standards; individual metering devices (meters) are also used.

    We advise you to read:

    • ✅ What is included in utility bills?
    • ✅ If you are registered in one place and live in another, should you pay for housing and communal services?
    • ✅ Drainage in housing and communal services receipts: concept, calculation
    • ✅ Where can I get an extract from the apartment’s personal account?

    Today, a more simplified version of a receipt for utility services with some additions allows citizens to easily determine, based on what indicators, for what and for what period they need to pay.

    GIS housing and communal services identifiers have appeared in the new form. The document has been reduced by two columns and now includes the following:

    • Data of the payer and the company providing the services;
    • Counter data;
    • The amount of payment for housing maintenance and utilities;
    • Reference Information;
    • Payment amount including installments;
    • Recalculation data.

    That is, the calculation is indicated for household needs and separately for each resource spent. Its tariff and volume are indicated per month, based on the area and number of residents. It also contains information about recalculation of balances, fines and penalties.

    A barcode on a receipt simplifies and automates the work for employees of payment companies. It allows you to make payments quickly and accurately.

    All information on major repairs has been removed from the new sample utility payment. It will now arrive as a separate receipt.

    Advertising is prohibited, according to new amendments to the Federal Law “On Advertising” of the Russian Federation. You can only provide socially useful information.

    The payment document for housing and communal services has become two-sided. Columns one through three were placed on the front side, and all other columns and social information were placed on the reverse side.

    The new receipt included the personal account number or payer code. This is convenient for automatically crediting money paid for utilities if a citizen pays via the Internet, terminal or other specialized sites and applications.

    Government-approved receipt form for housing and communal services PDF 231.24 KB

    Receipt for payment of utilities

    A law on a single receipt for payment of housing and communal services may be adopted in Russia. They consider it wrong that instead of one receipt, Russians receive several from different utility providers. This became especially widespread after residential property owners began to switch to concluding direct contracts with resource supply organizations, the publication clarifies. At the same time, the authors of the bill note that data about the same consumer in different payment cards often differ greatly.

    What does the new housing and communal services payment form look like?

    The receipt for payment of housing and communal services has become two-sided. The first sheet contains sections from the first to the third (the most voluminous of all), and the second contains all the other sections.

    Sample receipt for payment of utilities in 2021, front side

    Receipt form for payment for housing and communal services 2021, reverse side:

    Please note that two identifiers are located at the very beginning of the form. This is how a sample housing and communal services receipt for 2021 begins (compiled by the editors of the Sashka Bukashka website):

    Also remember that the form approved by the order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia is not mandatory, but recommended or “exemplary,” as stated in the order itself. And each management organization or HOA has the right and opportunity to transform the form of the payment document to suit its own needs. The main thing is that any form developed independently by the service provider must retain information about identifiers in the GIS housing and communal services system. Using them, the tenant has the opportunity to check the correctness of all charges made and the accounting of the payment made by him.

    About the author of the article

    Yulia Didukh Accountant, commercial lawyer, editor-in-chief of the channels “Legal Council”, “Veteran of Labor” and “Man in Uniforms at School” on the Yandex platform. Zen

    How to pay housing and communal services

    Consumers are required to pay utility bills on time. If this is not done, debt will accumulate, which may ultimately lead to the cessation of some services to the apartment. The housing and communal services receipt, in addition to the amount payable, contains certain data. It is often difficult for consumers to understand what exactly they are paying for. Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique. If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, please use the online consultant form on the right or call the numbers provided on the website.

    What to do if the payment has not arrived?

    Sometimes it happens that the payment document does not reach the addressee or is lost, but this does not cancel timely payment for services. If there is a delay, the company that supplies the resources will impose a penalty or fine.

    If the receipt has not arrived, you can do the following:

    • Submit a request to the housing office or management company to clarify the amount of payment you are interested in;
    • Receive a receipt form by email, upon request to the branch of the local URC (Unified Settlement Center);
    • View and pay the receipt online. You will need a personal account number, settlement period and address (Yandex.Money, WebMoney, Sberbank-online, State Services, etc.);
    • Make a request for payment to the company providing the services.
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