Do-it-yourself roof repair: repairing ceramic, natural tiles, sheet metal roofing, metal tiles, bitumen shingles and slate

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MesterulManole December 14, 2017Specialization: many years of experience in finishing works of residential and office premises, dachas, country cottages, etc. Hobby: cycling in all its forms

In particularly advanced cases, roof leakage reduces the strength of the ceiling, and therefore you should not postpone repairs until later

Do you have a leak from the ceiling, but you don't know who should fix the problem? No problem, I’ll tell you who is responsible for repairing the roof of an apartment building and where to go if the problem cannot be solved. Moreover, you will learn how to repair roofs in apartment buildings and you will be able to fix the leak yourself without waiting for outside help.

Technology for repairing soft roofs - a thorough approach to the matter

As mentioned above, a major overhaul of a soft roof involves the complete dismantling of the old covering and the installation of new material in its place.
We have already spoken about the advisability of carrying out such material above; here I will only add that this process is expensive - you should understand that redoing it is always more difficult than doing it again. This is the most compelling reason motivating a person to implement it independently. As in the previous case, we will begin to study this process with the order of work. It looks like this:

  1. Complete dismantling of the old roll covering. At this stage of work there are practically no subtleties. The only thing I want to warn you about is that this work is quite difficult, and it will have to be done entirely by hand.
  2. Partial restoration and, if necessary, complete replacement of the roof screed. Also at this stage of work, the condition of the insulating layer, hydro- and vapor barriers, if any, should be assessed. Particular attention at this stage of work should be paid directly to the screed - a cracked base, replete with potholes and depressions, is not suitable for laying new roofing material. Repair of the roof screed can be carried out either partially or completely over the entire surface - here you will also need to assess the condition of this surface. The advisability of completely replacing the screed is dictated by the degree of its destruction. If we talk about partial repair of the screed, it is done quite simply - the surface is cleaned of dirt and dust, primed, after which all damage to it is repaired with cement mortar.

    Repair of soft roll roofing photo

  3. Application of new roofing material. To begin with, mastic for repairing soft roofing is applied to the screed that has been cleared of dust and dirt - it is directly rubbed into the screed with a brush or brush. This way ensures its penetration even into the smallest pores of the cement-sand mortar. Then rolled roofing material is fused onto the base prepared in this way. This is done in two or even three layers, depending on the angle of the roof slope. All strips of roofing felt are glued from bottom to top, overlapping each other. Each subsequent layer of deposited material must overlap the seams of the previous layer.
  4. Checking and identifying places where water accumulates. This, one might say, is the final stage of work, which provides an answer to the question of how to repair a soft roof. The whole difficulty of this stage lies in the need to identify places where water accumulates - you understand, without rain it is quite difficult to do this. There are two options left - either wait for the next rain and climb out onto the roof immediately after it, or spill the roof. What you do is up to you. After identifying places where water accumulates, they are marked, then these places are dried and an additional layer of waterproofing material is applied to them. If you work the old fashioned way, then you can additionally pour bitumen mastic into this place - make a kind of puddle of bitumen, which will serve as additional protection for this place from leakage.

    How to repair a soft roof photo

To conclude the topic, I will only add that the repair of a soft roof made from the so-called roof is done a little differently. The beauty of this material is that it is possible to replace individual fragments without resorting to complete disassembly of the roof. Such fragmentary replacement can be carried out in both large and small quantities. In general, shingles are quite unpretentious in repair - if you annually analyze the condition of the roof and promptly change one or more of its elements, then there may be no need for major repairs at all. In fact, year after year, replacing element after element, you carry out a major overhaul of the roof with your own hands over time.

Author of the article Alexander Kulikov

DIY roof repair: basic safety rules

When working on the roof, you need to be as careful as possible. If you are afraid of heights or feel dizzy, then it is better to entrust this activity to experienced specialists.

If you decide to repair or update the roof yourself, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not start work in bad weather, be it wind or rain. In this case, working on the roof is dangerous because it becomes wet, and if you slip on it, you can fall.
  • Wear loose clothing that does not restrict movement, and your shoes should not be slippery.
  • It is better to have a ladder that has extra length. It must be stable and well secured.
  • You need to move along the middle part of the stairs, aiming for its sides.
  • It would be nice to have a partner on your team. He can always provide backup if necessary, provide the necessary tools and be useful in cases where it is difficult to carry out work alone.
  • When repairing a roof with a large slope, it is necessary that the ladder has brackets with which it will be securely attached to the roof ridge. This is necessary so that when performing work the load is evenly distributed.

If suddenly you are faced with a situation where it is difficult to get to the damaged area or it is practically inaccessible, for example, if you need to repair the roof of an apartment building, you should not take the risk, but it is better to abandon this idea.

Do-it-yourself roof repair is not a case where you should go anywhere and risk your life. We recommend seeking help from industrial climbers and specialists who work at heights.

Do-it-yourself roof repair made from natural tiles

The reasons why tile roofing may be necessary vary greatly. However, the most common among them is that cracks form on the surface of this material, through which water penetrates into the room. They can form during sudden temperature changes when the roofing material suddenly expands or contracts. Another reason is that the mortar bonded to the shingles can expand over time.

In the first case, the roof structure must be properly strengthened. To do this, you can use wooden blocks that can strengthen the rafters. In this case, the cracks must be covered with cement mortar.

In the second case, you need to replace the old solution with a new one. Moreover, the composition of the new solution can be as follows: 1 part of lime to 2 parts of sand. For a better binding effect, stick fibers are added to it.

When planning to repair a garage roof, use rolled materials. To do this you will need a knife, rope, ladder, gas burner and gas cylinder.

However, the most important cause of roof leaks is where the waterproofing layer, which is laid between the laid sheathing and the rafters, breaks. Tiles are attached to them on top. Such defects can be easily eliminated with simple steps.

Using a tool such as a trowel, where you plan to carry out repairs, you need to remove those pieces of roofing that you are going to replace. Next, drive small wooden wedges under the tiles on top. Then you need to remove all the fasteners on the rafter structure from the slats.

Then you need to insert a piece of cardboard under the slats, and then cut out where the damage is found with a saw.

When all the manipulations have been done, cut off the damaged part of the waterproofing with a knife, and then apply a large patch and glue its edges using polymer-based glue.

Repair of a seam roof may be necessary when leaks occur near the chimney, seams are leaking, or the roofing material is sagging.

Next, you need to measure the gaps between the cut ends of the timber, and then cut the missing parts. At the same time, do not forget to soak such sections with an antiseptic. After processing, it is necessary to nail in new fragments using anti-corrosion nails.

The final stage is returning the new tiles to their place.

Upon completion of all work, care must be taken to thoroughly protect the structure from mold and possible moisture penetration. To do this, the surface is treated with a composition consisting of a mixture of soil and synthetic resins. This composition perfectly protects the roof, since it creates an excellent screen during interaction with water, which acts as a reliable protection against water. Special roof paint will also provide additional protection.

DIY sheet metal roof repair

It’s worth saying right away that there can be many reasons that could cause damage to a metal roof.
These include metal corrosion and poor-quality waterproofing during previous work on processing seams on a bonded coating. In any case, if signs of damage are identified, it is important to take measures to eliminate them, that is, to begin repairing the roof of the house with your own hands. If this is not done, then after a while you will have to face even greater problems. Features of repairing a seam roof
If you find any problems in the sheet roofing, then you should start eliminating them as quickly as possible. For example, if this is damage from corrosion, then, first of all, it is necessary to prevent its further spread to other areas.

In case of minor problems, the roof must be repaired as follows:

  • Clean the repaired area from surface damage using a steel brush.

  • It is necessary to cut a patch from a metal sheet, but with a margin so that it is larger in size than the area of ​​the defect.

  • Next, you need to carefully cover the places where the damage occurred (the edges of the damage and the edges of the patch) with a special flux, and then solder it with a soldering iron.

  • When the applied patch has cooled, it is worth filing off the excess solder with a file or sandpaper.

  • To repair an area, you can apply a layer of façade paint to it that matches the color of the roof.

If the damage to the roof is too great, it is recommended to completely replace the corrugated sheets in the problem sheets.

DIY metal roof repair

As a rule, the formation of a leaking metal roof occurs due to errors in its flooring, corrosion, or if the fasteners are significantly loose or insufficiently secured. Damage as a result of cleaning the coating cannot be ruled out.

If scratches are visible on the tiles, they must be removed using special paint. Well, if you find gaps in the spaces between the valley elements and the metal part of the structure, and sometimes under the ridge, then they need to be filled with silicone sealant.

The reason for the through-hole nature in the roof is easily eliminated with the help of a patch and a soldering iron. If there are many holes, then it is necessary to replace all damaged sheets.

In most cases, fasteners become loose because they may be of poor quality. Therefore, it is necessary to select high-quality fasteners. Over time, it can become loose, since washers, which are made of rubber, do not have a long service life and can become loose. In this case, it is not recommended to secure the failed washers, but to replace them with new fasteners.

If leaks in the seams are detected, the seam roof is repaired using self-adhesive tapes. More work is required if the roofing “pie” is done incorrectly. Usually, specially insulated pitched roofs leak quite often, as a result of the use of inexpensive vapor barrier materials. Building materials such as perforated film, although inexpensive, do not remove moisture that accumulates in it well.

The solution to this problem is to replace the outdated film with a modern material (for example, a diffusion membrane). It will perfectly protect the insulation from moisture. At the same time, it is worth recognizing that this method is not cheap, since it will be necessary to completely replace the coating, and this in turn leads to significant financial costs.

Bituminous shingle roof repair

This type of material is, first of all, good because bitumen is a universal material, and therefore all slabs and sheets can be easily replaced. Although weather conditions for repairs must necessarily correspond to the repair work being performed. It is important that the temperature at which construction work can be carried out is at least +5 degrees.

This limitation is introduced due to the physical characteristics of bitumen. In the cold, such material becomes brittle and often cracks. If cracks appear on the tile, then it is necessary to lift it and cover it with a special roofing cut on the inside or use mastic. Then you need to press the tile tightly and treat the outer part with the same composition.

  1. More serious damage can be eliminated by completely replacing the roofing.
  2. Using a small crowbar, you need to carefully lift the tile located above, and then pull out the one with damage.
  3. The nails securing the damaged shard must be removed using a nail puller.
  4. Apply glue along the inside edge of the top edge.
  5. Next, you need to insert it under the tile, which is located a little higher in the top row. It should be fixed with small nails intended for roofing.
  6. The edges located below and above the one that has already been laid must also be lubricated with glue, and then the canvas must be pressed.

The need for roof repair

Leaks in apartments located on the upper floors of an apartment building are a common phenomenon associated with a decrease in the performance of the roofing. The sooner actions are taken to organize repair work, the easier and cheaper it is to fix the problem.

Based on the nature of their manifestation, roof leaks are divided into:


  • snow (appear during the period of rapid snow melting, or as a result of thawing of the lower layer, which comes into contact with the warm roofing);
  • storm (occur during periods of precipitation);
  • “flickering” (signs of leaks appear haphazardly and without visible reasons, the main reasons include errors in the installation of the roofing pie, an incorrectly executed parapet, microcracks in the roofing, etc.);
  • “dry” (wetting of the ceilings and walls in the room is caused by condensation accumulating in the under-roof space).

Leaks may be caused by


  • failure of the roofing material due to the end of its service life;
  • manufacturing defects or poor quality materials;
  • violation of the integrity of the cover, mechanical damage to the roof covering;
  • exposure to external factors (temperature fluctuations, ultraviolet radiation, moisture);
  • violations of the roofing pie installation technology;
  • tearing of sheet material.

To prevent possible leaks, you should involve technical specialists from the housing office for a routine inspection of the roof at least twice a year (in autumn and spring).

Procedure for detecting a leak

To organize roof repairs in an apartment building, you need to take a number of actions. First of all, residents who are affected by the problem of leaks must submit a corresponding application to the management organization responsible for the maintenance of the house. A roof leak claim can be made orally or in writing. To prevent utility services from dismissing residents' demands, it is recommended to submit a written application drawn up according to the sample and ensure that it is accepted officially, indicating the date and time of submission and the signature of the receiving person on both copies

. The second copy remains with the applicant.

The effectiveness of several statements (based on the number of affected apartments) is much higher than a collective letter with the signatures of residents.

After reporting a roof leak, the management company must send a specialist to assess the damage and check the condition of the roof. But in practice this does not always happen. In order for things to move forward, you need to submit an application for roof repair. It must also be written in duplicate and endorsed upon submission.

. It is recommended that this application be accompanied by photographs of the leak sites and damaged items, as well as receipts that allow the assessment of material damage. Photographic documents may be needed in the future when going to court for compensation for damage.

An application for repairs must be submitted by registered mail with mandatory notification or in person. If the dispatcher refuses to accept it, this fact must be recorded in the presence of two witnesses, who must certify the drawn up document with their signatures


If the application for repair is approved, the management company sends a specialist who inspects the roof and draws up a defect report. This document is the basis for the formation of estimates and technical specifications.

Who should repair the roof in an apartment building? Repairs are carried out by the management company or it engages a third-party organization with which a corresponding agreement is concluded. The issue of who will finance the restoration work must first be resolved.

If the management organization ignores residents’ requests for repairs and does not take measures to eliminate the accident, the Housing Inspectorate should be informed about this and a lawsuit should be filed.

What is a major roof repair?

The roof overhaul plan includes a list of works to completely restore all properties of the roofing covering, including replacement of hydro-, noise- and heat-insulating layers. The joints of the floor slabs, rafter group, drainage systems and the junction of the roof with the gables and cornices are also subject to repair.

Major repairs are divided into two types:

  • repair of pitched roofs - with rigid metal, asbestos-cement, tile or polymer roofing materials on inclined rafters.
    Such roofs consist of a roofing pie of a certain structure, limited by the ridge, gable and eaves overhangs; Major repairs of a pitched roof involve partial or complete replacement of wooden structures and layers of roofing pie
  • repair of flat roofs - with a soft fused coating, which is laid on a reinforced concrete base or corrugated sheet.
    It is bordered by parapets and has an internal drainage system. The roofing pie of such roofs is mounted with a slope to drain moisture. Major repairs of a flat roof must be carried out with partial or complete replacement of the roofing pie and internal drainage system, as well as restoration of the integrity of the seams of the concrete floor

Damage to the roof covering is determined visually by the presence of holes, cracks, swelling or peeling at the joints. Invisible leaks require inspection of the entire roofing pie and rafter system (or floor slabs).

During a visual inspection to determine the type of repair to be performed, you should pay attention to the following damage:

  • failure of coating sheets, holes, cracks and disturbances at junctions;
  • disruption of the drainage system, formation of puddles on the surface of the soft roof;
  • getting wet, traces of mold or destruction of rafters and sheathing, dampening of the insulation;
  • leaks in the seams between floor slabs or in places where drainage system pipes are inserted.

Photo gallery: types of damage requiring major repairs

Various defects in a flat roof that cannot be eliminated through partial restoration require major repairs Extensive damage to the roof forces a major repair with a complete replacement of the covering Leaks on the ceiling inside the house indicate the need for urgent roof repairs Numerous mechanical damage on a slate or tile roof completely disables the roofing system coating Wear of the entire covering of a soft roof may appear after 10 years of operation, if such a roof has not been looked after at all, has not been cleared of snow and has not carried out minor repairs. Leaking of the roof in many places leads to the formation of rot and failure of the wooden structure. Wear of the rafter system can lead to to roof collapse, so it is necessary to notice this type of damage in time. Roof collapse leads to the most difficult type of repair work, since it is necessary to restore the entire system.
If more than 40% of the roofing covering is damaged and it is impossible to locally eliminate the defects, then a decision should be made to completely replace it.

Also, the basis for major repairs is the assessment of the service life of the elements of the roofing pie, floors, rafters and drainage systems, specified in the instructions VSN 58–88 (r).

Table: service life of roofs made of different materials

Roofing elements of residential buildings and drainage systemsService life of pre-overhaul, years
Floors made of precast concrete elements and decks80
Wooden rafters and sheathing50
Insulation made of foam concrete and expanded clay40
Insulation made from mineral wool boards20
Roofing made of slate or ondulin30
Roofing made of metal tiles and corrugated sheets40–50
Soft roofing made from roll materials10–15
Internal gutters made of cast iron pipes40
Polymer drainage systems10–20

To determine the cost and sequence of repair work, it is necessary to draw up design estimates based on the set of rules SP 17.13330.2017 “SNiP II-26–76 Roofs” and SO 002–02495342–2005.

Based on the finished project, the amount of required material, its cost and the schedule of work that must be completed in dry weather and during daylight hours are calculated with mandatory supervision by an engineer and technical employee of the responsible organization.

Roof leak detection

Before submitting an application for major repairs, you must clearly identify the area that is damaged. Most often, this involves comparing the location of the leak and then locating the source of damage on the roof. This is very easy to do on soft bitumen roofs - air bubbles form at the defect site.

In this case, the carpet should be replaced completely, and the necessary area should be thoroughly dried. You should not carry out this work yourself; it is better to entrust the work to specialists. But if you wish, detailed descriptions of the entire progress of work with videos and photos can always be found in our articles on roofs and their repair.

Sometimes it happens that the problem of leaks on pitched roofs can also be complicated by rotting wooden rafter legs. In this case, not only the roof covering, but also individual structural elements usually need to be replaced.

Roof repair methods

Work on the restoration of roofs of buildings with many apartments is usually divided into two large groups: current, or temporary repairs of the roof, and major, or complete.

Thus, current repairs to the roof of an apartment building are carried out if any defects in the roofing system are discovered. Very often, all work comes down to replacing the old and damaged roofing covering, which is usually roofing felt, with a new one, eliminating cracks and crevices that have appeared. Based on the need, the new coating can be laid in either one or two layers. Upon completion of the repair work, all seams and joints of the roofing sheet are completely sealed with special substances.

Regarding finances, this type of repair is not too expensive, so it is more common. However, there is another type of routine repair when laying a new roofing sheet is not necessary. At the site of the defect, after a preliminary incision, the edges are folded back and the internal space is carefully cleaned. Next, it is dried using a gas roofing burner and treated with a layer of construction mastic, both the coating and its base. The edges are returned to their place, after which they must be pressed tightly against each other, waiting for complete adhesion.

Places where rot has appeared are completely cut out, and the roof is cleaned. All defective areas are filled with the same mastic, and then a new piece is glued to the area being treated, close to the old material. Of course, this method of repair is far from the highest quality, but nowadays it is quite common, especially on the roofs of old houses.

A major renovation of the roof of an apartment building involves a complete remodeling of the roof. The old covering is removed from it, after which a fresh screed is poured in and a new roofing carpet is laid in two layers. Such repairs should only be carried out by specialists, since during the work the interior decoration of the apartments located on the upper floors may be damaged.

If the roof of an apartment building is leaking, this may be a consequence of improperly performed work. The main work during a major overhaul consists of fusing roofing felt with a special gas burner (read: “The roof is leaking in an apartment building - what to do”)

The underside of the roofing carpet is heated from below, after which the material is carefully pressed against the base of the roof

It is very important to control the temperature of the fire, since its incorrect indicator can lead to the destruction of the material. The coating must be laid according to the overlap principle, and all seams must be treated with construction sealant

At whose expense is the major repair done?

The current legislative framework classifies the roof as the common property of all residents of an apartment building. Accordingly, material costs are divided among everyone, taking into account the area of ​​privatized housing. The decision to carry out a major overhaul is made at a general meeting; it must be supported by at least 51% of the total.

The decision to carry out repairs is made at a general meeting of residents

Then there are two ways to receive funds.

  1. Contact the management company. The monthly payment includes contributions for major repairs; these amounts must be accumulated in special accounts. It is almost impossible to achieve a positive decision in this way; management companies have long used financial resources for their own personal purposes. At best, tiny amounts will be allocated, the rest falls on the shoulders of the residents.
  2. Ask for help from the state in accordance with Federal Law No. 185. Funds must be allocated by local councils and a government fund. A prerequisite is that residents contribute at least 5% of the required amount.

The legislation specifies standards for major repairs of apartment buildings

No one can predict the result of the appeals; it all depends on the honesty and desire of officials. And how they differ from officials in developed countries is described at the beginning of the article.

Video - Major renovation of the roof of an apartment building

You learned how to make high-quality roof repairs for an apartment building. Residents are often forced to perform this work instead of housing office employees or management companies. Residents are forced to take on them due to the critical situation with leaks, which cause significant damage to the interior. What to do with your own house under asbestos-cement slate? Can this roofing material be repaired? How to proceed in this case is described in the article on the pages of our website.

Seam roofing from 450 rm2

Defects in seam roofing can occur:
• Due to improper installation of seams, leading to incomplete tightness of the coating.

• Use of fastening elements without special washers.

• Mechanical damage to the metal sheet, resulting in the formation of a hole.

• In places adjacent to vertical surfaces - chimneys, parapets, dormer and dormer windows, antennas and ventilation devices, and other roof equipment.

• Due to severe wear of the material or deflection of the sheets, which means the rafter system is improperly constructed.

All defects in seam roofing can be corrected if you contact our specialists. Depending on the type of defect, the seam roof can be partially repaired or completely replaced with a new covering. At the conclusion of the contract, our specialist will inspect your roof and draw up a defective statement, which will serve as the basis for developing a roof repair or replacement project.

Materials and equipment for roof repairs

The choice of material needed for repairs directly depends on the type of roof and coating used previously. Therefore, in order to find out what material is needed, you need to have an estimate drawn up when installing the roof.

If the work was carried out without strict regulations, then you will need to either contact specialists or solve this problem yourself. In any case, it is necessary to conduct an unscheduled inspection in order to identify which problems need to be solved first.

Depending on the type of roof, the following materials are used for its repair:

  • soft roofing - flexible bitumen tiles based on fiberglass. The required volume of material is selected based on the total number of damaged sections. For example, even if only a small section of the shingle is damaged, it is completely replaced;
  • flat - corrugated sheeting, bitumen roll coating, waterproofing membrane, etc. The amount of material is calculated based on the total area of ​​the roof and the need to completely cover the damaged area with a new fragment;

    Repair of flat roofs is most often carried out using bitumen roll materials

  • roll - bitumen roll materials and mastics. For example, “Tehnoelast”, “Stekloizol”, “Rubemast” and other modern derivatives of roofing felt. During major repairs, the required amount of material depends on the area of ​​the roof. For routine repairs, it is enough to replace damaged areas with overlapping joints;
  • metal - sheet and rolled steel, profiled sheets or metal tiles. When repairing, it is necessary to completely replace the damaged canvas. Sometimes patch repairs are allowed to cover the defect;
  • glass - a two- or three-chamber double-glazed window based on an aluminum or steel profile. It is possible to partially replace damaged glass and restore the tightness of one of the chambers using special equipment;
  • resin - roofing felt, resin tape or roofing felt. The material is laid over the entire roof area with preliminary preparation of the working base or covering existing defects.

To construct the roofing pie, a vapor barrier membrane, thermal insulation mats made of basalt or mineral wool, and slabs of expanded polystyrene foam are used.

The list of tools and equipment required for repairs depends on the work being carried out and the type of roof. The basic set includes:

  • metal scissors;
  • construction knife;
  • hammer;
  • gas burner;
  • screwdriver;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • roulette

This tool is enough to carry out routine repairs of soft, rolled and metal roofing.

Features of the overhaul

Major repairs are carried out every few years, a work project is drawn up by specialists, deadlines and a source of financing are established, and estimates for all processes are established. The development of a repair project depends on the materials for installing the roofing pie, on the configuration of the roof structure, also on the scale of damage, and on their type. What is usually included in the overhaul package:

  • Updating the roofing pie.
  • Replacement of load-bearing roof elements.
  • Installation of a new drainage system.
  • Fire protection and antiseptic treatment of wooden roof parts is carried out.
  • Professionals also regulate the humidity regime. Temperatures under the roof, it must meet the standards.

Repair planning

The timing and frequency of repairs of buildings (facilities) or their elements should be determined based on an assessment of their technical condition. In accordance with clause 2.2 of Regulation No. 312, the frequency of repair work can be set in accordance with the recommended minimum duration of effective operation of buildings (facilities) and their elements given in Appendices 2, 3 to Regulation No. 312. Recommended duration of operation of roof coverings (roofs) before its overhaul (replacement) is:

  • 15 years for galvanized steel roofing;
  • 10 years for black steel roofing;
  • 10 years for roofing made of rolled materials (3 – 4 layers);
  • 60 years for ceramic tile roofing;
  • 30 years for roofing made of asbestos sheets and corrugated slate;
  • 10 years for non-roll mastic fiberglass roofs.

Current repairs are carried out at a frequency that ensures the effective operation of the building from the moment of completion of its construction (major repairs) until the moment it is placed for the next major repairs (reconstruction). In this case, natural and climatic conditions, design solutions, technical condition and operating mode of the building must be taken into account.

Current repairs are carried out according to annual plans (with tasks distributed by quarter) and plans drawn up for the long term (three-year and five-year plans). Annual plans are drawn up on the basis of data from scheduled (unscheduled) technical inspections of buildings and its individual elements.

Technical inspection of buildings as a whole (general inspection) is carried out twice a year (clause 3.5 of Regulation No. 312):

- in the spring. During the spring inspection, the readiness of the building for operation in the spring-summer period is checked, the scope of work to prepare for operation in the autumn-winter period is established, and the scope of repair work included in the routine repair plan in the year of the inspection is specified;

- in the fall. During the autumn inspection, the building’s readiness for operation in the autumn-winter period is checked and the scope of repair work included in the next year’s routine repair plan is clarified.

In addition to general inspections of buildings, partial inspections of its elements are also carried out. For example, roof inspections are recommended to be carried out every 3 to 6 months (Appendix 5 to Regulation No. 312).

We repair ceramic and natural tiles

Ceramic tile roof repair

Most often, tiles leak due to cracks on their surface. They are formed as a result of unequal compression/expansion of areas of the coating due to temperature changes, as well as due to the fact that the mortar in the seams between the tiles crumbles over time .

In the first case, you need to strengthen the roof structure by reinforcing the rafters with bars or boards that will connect 3-4 rafter legs. Seal the cracks with cement mortar.

In the second case, remove the old mortar from the joints and replace it with a new one; it should consist of one part of lime and two parts of sand. Add tow fibers to the mixture.

A common cause of leaks is ruptures in the waterproofing laid between the rafters and the sheathing to which the tiles are attached.

Repair of such defects occurs in the following sequence.

  1. At the repair site, use a trowel to pry up the tiles and set them aside. Drive wooden wedges under the top shingles first.
  2. Pull out the fastenings of the slats on the rafters.
  3. Insert a piece of thick cardboard under the slats and use a saw to cut out the sections above the damage.
  4. Use a utility knife to cut off the torn part of the waterproofing. Apply a slightly larger patch to the area, having first coated its edges with polymer glue.
  5. Measure the gap between the cut ends of the timber and cut the missing pieces. Soak them in antiseptic. Nail the new pieces to the rafters with anti-corrosion nails.
  6. Replace the shingles. If the old tiles are damaged, replace them with new ones.

Note! After this, it is recommended to protect the coating from mold and moisture with a special primer made of synthetic resins. When it interacts with water, it polymerizes and creates a waterproof screen.

Who carries out roof repairs in an apartment building

Roof repair happens:

  • capital - the entire roof is replaced, not only the top outer layer, but also the internal ones;
  • cosmetic - helps get rid of minor leaks, often includes antifungal, anti-corrosion treatment, paint coating;
  • emergency - these are temporary measures that eliminate leaks, but do not completely solve the problem of their occurrence. Used in emergency cases;
  • planned - utility workers do not wait for the roof to leak, but prevent breakdowns with timely maintenance and restoration.

Roof repairs fall on the shoulders of utility workers, but are carried out at the expense of residents. This does not mean that all of them should be spent on building materials. The corresponding expense item is already included in the receipts for payment of utility services.

This is why it is so important to pay your bills on time.

Utility workers can repair the roof themselves or involve third-party specialists in the process.

If utility services monitor the condition of the house, then they carry out scheduled roof repairs on time, without waiting for it to leak.

If the repair is emergency, it will be carried out immediately. They try to carry out other types of work in the spring-summer period, when stable warm weather sets in outside.

Work is not carried out in severe frost or during heavy precipitation in the form of rain and snow. This is dangerous for specialists and residents.

How to monitor roof repairs in an apartment building

The best confirmation that the restoration was carried out according to all the rules is the absence of roof leaks after snow, rain, or when the air temperature changes outside.

The completed repairs are accepted or rejected by a special commission. She inspects the work site, inquires about the procedure for carrying it out, and interviews residents about the results.

The commission includes:

  • management company employees;
  • specialists from the housing department of the administration;
  • residents of the house.

Any home owner has the right to join the commission at his own request. An obstacle may be the fact that the owner of the premises is a persistent defaulter on utility bills.

To those who reported the problem, utility workers must report personally on the fact of the work done - the victim is sent a letter describing the work performed.

Utility companies will not compensate the costs incurred by injured residents to eliminate traces of leaks in the apartment. If a citizen insists on this, he needs to go to court, present evidence of the management company’s guilt in what happened and wait for a decision on his claim.

The roof after repair is accepted by a special commission

That is why many experts confidently say: the best way to protect yourself is to insure your property. Including roof leaks. This service is currently provided by dozens of insurance companies throughout Russia. If the roof leaks, repairs and furniture are damaged, then the losses will be compensated at the expense of the insurer.

Video: commission inspection of roof overhaul

Let's sum it up

Now you know who is responsible for the integrity of the roof in an apartment building and who should repair the roof of an apartment building. If you have any questions about fixing roof leaks, ask them in the comments to this article.

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December 14, 2021

House,Roof,Roof repair

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Elimination of roof leaks from RUB 3,000

Roof leaks can occur for various reasons.
The first signs of their manifestation are stains on the ceiling and adjacent walls. Even if no traces of leaks are visible inside the house, there are clearly some on the roof. To protect yourself from this phenomenon, you need to periodically inspect the roof from the outside and inside. Leaks should be repaired immediately, avoiding destruction of the rafter system or roofing pie if the roof is flat.

If leaks are associated with the expired service life of the roofing covering, then it is necessary to completely replace it.

Small localized leaks can be repaired by patching or filling with sealants. The junction of the roof covering to vertical surfaces must be arranged in accordance with building codes and regulations for each type of roof individually.

Factors causing roof leaks in apartment buildings

There is only one way to avoid leaks - by performing a major roof repair. The reasons for the occurrence of these unpleasant defects can be very different, but most often they appear after heavy rains or during a period of massive melting of the snow cover.

Thus, the causes of roof leaks in apartment buildings may be the following:

  • damage to the integrity of the roofing carpet caused by removing snow or ice residues. Usually occurs due to the negligence and inattention of workers;
  • expired coating life. Like any material, roofing material also has its own service life, which after a certain period of time tends to collapse.;

  • Leaks can also be caused by improper roofing installation technology;
  • the use of insufficient quality material. The desire to save money can result in serious consequences for the integrity of the roof, since often cheap material does not have all the qualities necessary for good operation;
  • possible difficulties when installing a green roof. Plants located on the roof can damage it with their roots, thus leading to leaks;
  • violations of the temperature regime in the attic space. So, according to building codes, the temperature inside it must be identical to the outside. This means that insulating the attic, which is often done today, is not necessary at all.

Finding leaks

You can determine the location of the leak using water.

But before you order a major roof repair for leaks, you need to correctly determine the location of the damage. Usually, to do this, it is enough to go up to the roof, compare the location of the leak, and find it on the roofing. When using soft, bitumen roofs, such a place is very easy to find - air bubbles give it away.

In this case, it is recommended not only to replace the piece of material, but also to completely remove the entire carpet and thoroughly dry the damaged area, since the moisture has most likely already managed to saturate everything. Only specialists should carry out such work; it is almost impossible to do it efficiently and reliably on your own.

Instead of looking for leaks in the under-roof space, where they are clearly visible, a big problem here can be created by wooden rafter systems, which begin to rot under the influence of moisture. You may have to change not only the roofing material, but also some structures.

Welded roofs

Most often, a major roof repair involves laying overlay materials, as we have already said. According to the standards, service organizations must conduct inspections of the condition of roofs twice a year, routine scheduled repairs with partial replacement of the coating. What does it include?

This process boils down to fusing roofing material and other soft materials using a gas burner, which must overlap. Such repairs are carried out for pitchless roofs, which are the majority in high-rise buildings. This material is of quite high quality; it successfully withstands rain, temperature changes, and direct sunlight.

Estimated cost of roof repair

Name of worksUnitPrice for work without material
1Repair of a simple roof with complete replacement of the existing covering with a covering made of galvanized steel sheets and partial (up to 20%) replacement of the sheathingfrom 590 rub.
2Repair of the roof of a house of medium complexity with complete replacement of the existing covering with a covering made of galvanized steel sheets and partial (up to 20%) replacement of the sheathingfrom 650 rub.
3Roof repair of medium complexity with complete replacement of the existing covering with a covering made of rolled galvanized steel with double-seam fastening and replacement of sheathing (up to 20%)from 710 rub.
4 Roof repair in 2 layers, including partial opening of the old roofing carpet (up to 20%) m2 from 155 rub.
5 Roof repair in 2 layers, including complete removal of the old roofing carpet and repair of the screed in places (up to 20%) m2 from 290 rub.
6 Roof repair with installation of copper coating and production of products m2 from 790 rub.
7 Repair, elimination of leaks and sealing of roof windows (with replacement of flashing) PC from 2960 rub.
6 Repair of drainage funnels with sealing PC from 570 rub.
9 Repair of roof overhangs with sealing and partial replacement (manufacturing included) m.p from 410 rub.
10 Repair of dormer windows with dismantling, installation and production of copper frames PC from 3800 rub.
11 Repairing valleys with the addition of sheathing m.p from 340 rub.
12 Repair of roof connections to ventilation outlets and pipes PC from 1900 rub.
13 Repair of wind zones with dismantling of the old foundation m2 from 160 rub.
14 Roof repair in 2 layers, including complete dismantling of the old roofing carpet and partial repair of the screed m2 from 386 rub.
15 Repair of valleys with carpet replacement and mastic treatment m2 from 390 rub.
16 Roof repair in 2 layers, including partial dismantling of the old roofing carpet m2 from 290 rub.

Features of membrane coatings

Repair work to restore flexible roofing is carried out extremely rarely. After all, the guaranteed service life of membrane roofs is 35 years. The greatest advantage of this material is its resistance to sudden temperature changes. The roofing membrane is a polymer that consists of fiberglass, a plasticizer and modified bitumen.

Membrane roof installation

Today, the following methods for producing flexible membranes are used:

  1. Plasticized polyvinyl chloride reinforced with polyester mesh. Installation of this material is carried out by welding individual panels into a single coating using hot air.

Important! Advantages: resistance to ultraviolet radiation, fire resistance. Disadvantages: the color fades, the material is not resistant to oils, solvents and bitumen components. . Glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic olefins

The plates are not elastic, so they are inconvenient to install. During installation, the panels are welded into a single coating. This is the most durable material with a service life of 60 years. Synthetic rubber reinforced with polyester mesh. Very elastic material. The installation of the canvas is done using glue. Over time, joints can peel off and allow water to pass through. Cheaper than analogues.

  1. Glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic olefins. The plates are not elastic, so they are inconvenient to install. During installation, the panels are welded into a single coating. This is the most durable material with a service life of 60 years.
  2. Synthetic rubber reinforced with polyester mesh. Very elastic material. The installation of the canvas is done using glue. Over time, joints can peel off and allow water to pass through. Cheaper than analogues.

Installation methods and installation of membrane roofing

Repair of membrane roofing is carried out in one of the following ways:

  • Mechanical – for roofs with a slope angle of more than 10 degrees. Installation is carried out using fastening equipment.
  • Ballast - for roofs with a slope of less than 10 degrees.
  • Adhesive installation is used on the roofs of buildings with high wind loads.

Repair of seams is carried out by welding; however, welding old and new material without special equipment is quite problematic. Therefore, during repairs, it is recommended to use a chemical method of connecting membranes. This method of joining canvases allows for repair work to be carried out at any time of the year.

Repair methods and installation of bitumen roofing

Repair of bitumen roofing is carried out in the following stages:

  1. Roof preparation. Cleaning of old coating, dirt and debris. Repair of minor defects: peeled, swollen and wrinkled areas are cut out and filled with mastic.
  2. Cleaning and drying the roof surface is done using a stiff brush. Surfaces are thoroughly degreased using special cleaning products.
  3. Using polymer fabric or polypropylene tape and a base layer of mastic, it is necessary to strengthen the areas freed from the coating.
  4. After strengthening all repaired areas with flexible reinforcing fabric, it is necessary to apply a finishing layer of bitumen mastic.

Installation methods and construction of roofing felt roofing

Roofing felt roofing repairs are carried out seasonally. This material is most often used in the construction of buildings and structures with flat roofs that require constant inspection by technical personnel, which leads to additional wear and tear. Roof felt roofing is repaired in spring or summer. In winter, it is impossible to replace the roll material. Major roof repairs are carried out in the spring, since after the winter season all damage and leaks are noticeable. Specialists carefully inspect it, find places of damage, carefully clean the surface of the old coating and begin installing new roll material.

Methods, design and roof covering with bicrost

Bikrost consists of fiberglass, on top and bottom of which a bitumen composition is applied. Bicrost is good for protecting the roof from moisture. Bicrost also allows you to replace another roofing felt coating during repairs. The roof is covered with bicrost from the bottom up. It is often used as a waterproofing material under bitumen or membrane roofing. Just like bitumen sheeting, roof covering with bicrost occurs in several stages. The service life of this material is 5 years.

Soft roof repair

Safety precautions when performing work

Many people who undertake roof repairs for the first time in their lives forget about the importance of following safety precautions. .

You need to understand that no roof is worth ruined health.

When performing roof repairs, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • work only during the day and during periods without precipitation or fog. In winter, carry out restoration if the roofing is relatively dry, without heavy icing;
  • wear comfortable, thick clothing and shoes with non-slip soles;
  • use personal safety equipment: plastic goggles, respirator, canvas gloves, apron.
    And also build a belt for carrying hand tools; It is better to carry out roof insulation and repair work in the warm season
  • use a safety belt with a rope at least 22 mm thick (for working on a pitched roof with a slope of 16°);
  • check the functionality of all tools before lifting them onto the roof. If hot mastic is used, the melting container is equipped with a thermometer and installed in a pre-prepared place.

Winter roof repair is a labor-intensive process.

It is difficult to work at low temperatures, and the rolled material is not so pliable: difficulties may arise when laying it. Therefore, only urgent repairs are performed in winter.

In other cases, it is better to put everything aside until warm.

Types of roofing damage

The main reason for damage to the roofing carpet is the poor quality of installation work and the use of cheap materials, the quality of which does not correspond to current operating conditions. Lack of regular maintenance also leads to both minor and critical damage that requires immediate repair.

The most common types of flat roof damage include the following:

  • surface damage - occurs due to the use of roofing and insulating materials that are not intended for use at low temperatures. In some cases, defects are associated with overheating during installation work;
  • local holes, cracks, cuts - occur due to careless handling of roofing material and failure to comply with the technology for its installation. Sometimes damage may occur during transportation of material to the work site;

    On roofs in use, damage most often occurs in the form of cracks, holes or cuts.

  • peeling of the material - occurs during installation due to poor preparation of the working surface. For example, dirt, dust and abrasive particles were not previously removed from the surface of a flat roof;
  • swelling and wrinkling - occurs due to poor contact of the insulating material and the working surface. Moisture penetrates under the canvas and evaporates when heated. As a result, steam rises, forming defects in the coating;
  • wear of the coating occurs as a result of high mechanical load. Most roll materials are not intended for walking or moving heavy objects across their front surface.

In order to prevent the condition of the roof covering, it is recommended to conduct a routine inspection of the front surface of the roof. If problems are discovered, a decision must be made on how to proceed with repairs to prevent further damage.

The roof of an apartment building is leaking, who should repair it?

To do this, the material must be removed and the necessary work must be carried out to restore the system of rafters and sheathing, as well as the base itself located under the covering.

Sometimes it is impossible not to complete such an important part of the work as replacing the waterproofing layer and installing additional high-quality insulation. If the damage is insignificant, you can simply apply patches and treat all joints with sealant.

Any cracks and crevices should be filled with polyurethane-based sealant and covered with special polyurethane adhesives

It is important that the area of ​​damage to be repaired is degreased and treated with a primer before all work. After the restoration is completed, it is customary to coat the roof with paint specially designed for a specific roof, the functions of which are to give the coating greater strength and increase its service life.

Thus, the activities described above represent work to perform routine and major repairs. It turns out that doing them yourself is not at all recommended, since any independent work is fraught with the emergence of new, no less serious problems, so it will be better if the entire reconstruction process is entrusted to professional roofers. One way or another, it is impossible to calculate the cost of roof repair in this case, since each option for the roof system and its damage is individual and special.

Repair of pitched roofs

Pitched roofs are most often covered with another material, these can be metal sheets that are galvanized or painted. Repair in this case consists of identifying damaged sheets and replacing them, inspecting the condition of the surface under the sheets. To do this, the roof covering is completely removed, the necessary work is carried out on the rafter system, sheathing, and the surface that will go directly under the sheets.

Often it is necessary to replace the waterproofing layer and additional insulation. For minor damage, patches are often simply applied and the joints are carefully sealed.

Cracks, holes, and crevices are filled with polyurethane sealant and covered with special polyurethane-based adhesives. Work areas should be degreased and primed before sealing. After repair, the roof is painted with special types of paints.

We reviewed the main options for planned and capital work. But, unfortunately, it is problematic to carry them out on your own. Therefore, we do not give an example of a system of calculations and costs. Each case is completely individual.

What to do, how to solve such a problem? You will have to visit the management company more than once or organize roof repairs at the expense of the residents of the house.

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