Announcement about turning off hot water sample and photo

How to write an announcement about water shutoff?

  • during repair and maintenance work;
  • emergency condition of equipment;
  • emergency;
  • gross violation by the consumer;
  • the tenant of the apartment has a debt for three months or more (in this case, the management company is obliged to notify about the disconnection 30 calendar days in advance.

Act of stopping water supply

Sometimes it is necessary to temporarily turn off the water to solve problems on the part of residents. For example, there was a need to replace the outlet from the riser. Then an application to turn off the water is written in free form addressed to the head of the management company. This is a request to turn off hot (cold) water for a specified period of time (from... to... hour), then the purpose of the shutdown is indicated. It is also necessary to write down who exactly will replace the riser or install the meter.

If you have not paid your electricity bills and you have accumulated arrears for a period of two months, you will be sent a warning about a power outage. Typically, company employees convey information to the consumer by registered letter about power outages.

» » 07.11.2018, The provision of water supply is guaranteed by an agreement with the management company of the house. The Management Company must warn residents in advance about planned shutdowns during repair work. In order to minimize their discomfort and indignation. Below are samples of a water supply shutdown act and statements in the public domain for download. Dear readers!

Sample act on disconnecting water supply

At the same time, the service provider has the right to turn off the lights if there is a debt for consumed electricity, if the payment has not been paid for more than two months (clause. This norm is enshrined in legislation and cannot be changed by the provider independently. Resolution No. 354 provides for a strict procedure for disconnecting the defaulter’s home from electricity. Therefore, the contractor must adhere to it in order for the actions to be recognized as legal.

REFERENCE: A complaint is a request to protect one’s own (or someone else’s) rights specified by law, for example, consumer rights. It can be executed either in writing or orally in personal appearance.

The essence of inspection acts

An inspection report will help you appeal against unlawful actions, quality of services, or regulatory non-compliance. This document is drawn up as evidence, so it is written according to the model. The name of the person filing the complaint is printed first:

  • representative performing hot water supply services
  • a person trusted by the tenants or apartment.

These people must confirm that there was an outage, violation of regulations, or other problem. If the DHW employee refuses to sign, then assurances from neighbors will be required indicating the full name of the affected resident. At the end, the shutdown method is additionally indicated. The act is drawn up in three copies, one remains in the hands of the tenant. Each subscriber requires knowledge of consumer rights, that is, you need to understand specific cases of resource overlap, as well as time frames. Usually, when employees notify residents about a shutdown, they immediately indicate the period and possible deviations. The deadlines are established by decree, and the properties of the resource must comply with the SanPiN standard. The pressure does not exceed 0.03 MPa.

Sample notification of the introduction of water disposal restrictions

  • unauthorized connection to light;
  • ignoring incoming receipts for payment of services;
  • if the household devices used in the house do not meet electrical standards;
  • carrying out planned technical activities.

A detailed overview of the procedure for limiting and suspending the supply of housing and communal services in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 in 2021

1 According to Part 3 of Art. 21 of the Federal Law of December 7, 2011 N 416-FZ “On Water Supply and Sanitation”, an organization providing hot water supply has the right to stop or limit hot water supply, having previously notified the subscriber and local government authorities of the settlement at least one day before the planned termination or limitation, urban district, and the organization providing cold water supply and (or) sanitation has the right to stop or limit water supply and (or) sanitation, transportation of water and (or) wastewater, having previously notified the subscriber, local government bodies of the settlement, urban district, within the specified period, a territorial body of the federal executive body that carries out federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, as well as structural divisions of territorial bodies of the federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of fire safety, in the following cases: 1) receiving an order or corresponding decision of the territorial body of the federal body the executive branch exercising federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, as well as executive authorities authorized to carry out state environmental supervision, on the implementation of measures aimed at ensuring compliance of the quality of drinking water, hot water, composition and properties of wastewater with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

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119. Unless otherwise established by federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation or an agreement containing provisions on the provision of utility services, the contractor, in the event of incomplete payment by the consumer of the utility service, has the right, after a written warning (notification) of the consumer-debtor, to limit or suspend the provision such utility service in the following order:

1) receipt of an order or corresponding decision of a territorial body of the federal executive body exercising federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, as well as executive bodies authorized to carry out state environmental supervision, on the implementation of measures aimed at ensuring the conformity of the quality of drinking water, hot water, composition and properties of wastewater to the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Shutting off water for non-payment

Due to the fact that the meter is the most common electric motor, there is no problem making it rotate; it is enough to apply an alternating voltage of 3 volts (the further the connection distance from the meter, the higher the voltage should be - 4,6,8 volts. But no more .) to the meter contact pad terminal (7-8). If the direction of rotation of the disk does not suit you, swap the wires. What does this look like in practice? For the convenience of connecting this circuit, the consumer usually takes the next step. The first step is to rephase the meter, as shown in example 2, then connect a transformer to the socket (usually a three-pin socket with grounding), where the entire decoupling takes place. Changing the direction of rotation of the disk occurs by swapping the wires (9-10). Usually the transformer is disguised in some kind of box. Let's talk about three-phase meters.

If a citizen does not pay for more than six months, the water utility has the opportunity to block. The same happens if an unauthorized connection to an internal pipeline is detected.

Information about planned power outages: where and how to look?

Temporary power outages are not always associated with an accident or the presence of debt for non-payment.

From time to time, grid organizations carry out planned restrictions on the supply of electricity to carry out various preventive maintenance work.

At the same time, they must adhere to certain rules that provide for mandatory notification of residents about the upcoming blackout, as well as drawing up an appropriate schedule.

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What is it: definition and regulatory framework

In the general understanding, the concept of “scheduled blackout” means the implementation by the resource supply organization of various preventive and repair work, during which the following activities can be carried out:

  1. replacement of wires and supports on overhead lines;
  2. carrying out repair work or updating equipment and transformers;
  3. construction of new substations;
  4. pruning tree branches that periodically cause lines to break;
  5. dismantling and re-installation of cables, etc.

The work is directly aimed at minimizing the risk of emergency power outages and is indispensable for ensuring the normal operation of electrical networks.

The main regulations governing the procedure for planned power outages are:

Are organizations required to notify consumers about upcoming power outages?

In paragraph

30 of Section III of Government Decree No. 442 of the Russian Federation states that consumers (owners of houses and apartments) must be notified of the upcoming planned interruption of electricity supply. Moreover, the network organization can do this directly (in one of the ways specified in the contract) or through the supplier of this utility service, that is, through the energy supply company.

According to paragraphs. b) p.

117 of section XI of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, in the case of planned preventive work, residents of apartment buildings and private households are required to notify about the upcoming event at least 10 days in advance . However, specific methods of sending a notification are not defined in the current legislation. However, the most common include:

  1. placing an appropriate announcement in the entrance of the house;
  2. notification via SMS or email;
  3. publishing a message about a power outage on the website of a resource supplying organization or utility data provider;
  4. automatic calls to the telephones of electricity consumers.

Announcement due to temporary power outage

Under the current legislation, an official sample of a notification about an upcoming power outage has not been approved. At the same time, regardless of the method of sending, the announcement of a temporary interruption in the supply of electricity must include the following main points:

  • address to residents (usually written as follows: “Dear citizens”);
  • the reason for interrupting the supply of electricity;
  • schedule: the exact date of the power outage and the period of time during which it will be absent (for example, from 13.00 to 17.00);
  • a polite apology for any inconvenience caused;
  • name and contacts of the network or energy supply organization.

If the resource supplying organization begins to carry out scheduled work without prior notice to the owners of apartments and private households, the latter have the right to write a corresponding complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, since this is a direct violation of their rights as consumers of this utility service (what to do in the event of an illegal power outage?) .

A planned power outage is preceded by drawing up an exact schedule, which details where and when repair and maintenance work is planned to be carried out.

As a rule, this document is drawn up at the end of the year for each month of the upcoming reporting period. Moreover, its preparation is carried out by employees of the network organization that provides electricity supply services to the population (where to go if the power is turned off?).

According to the general rules, the schedule of planned power outages indicates the following information:

  • exact dates of planned maintenance and repair work (month, date);
  • time of power outage;
  • category of subscribers (for example, residential buildings, shops, etc.);
  • addresses;
  • contact numbers of utility consumers.

Below is a sample schedule of planned power outages:

Many network organizations publish blackout schedules for the coming year on their official website, since this information should also be brought to the attention of citizens.

How and where can I find out if there will be power outages?

There are quite a lot of different ways to independently find out about upcoming power outages related to repair and maintenance work. The entire set of these options can be divided into two main types:

  • offline methods;
  • obtaining information via the Internet, that is, online.


If the consumer, for certain reasons, did not receive a notification about the upcoming blackout or missed it (for example, if subscribers were called), then you can use the following offline methods to obtain such information:

  1. call the management company (housing association, housing and communal services, etc.);
  2. look through your mailbox at the entrance (sometimes flyers are placed there with information about the upcoming planned power outage);
  3. contact the network organization directly by phone;
  4. look at the advertisements posted at the entrance (usually they are posted on the ground floor or at the entrance to an apartment building).

We talked about which numbers to call if the power goes out in this article.


Citizens also have the opportunity to find out about planned power outages without leaving home. The main online methods include:

  • viewing the corresponding section on the website of a network organization, management company or city (region) administration;
  • checking your email, including your spam folder (as already mentioned, sometimes information about power outages is sent in this way).

For clarity, we can identify organizations in several large cities in Russia, on whose website it is possible to check planned power outages:

Thus, carrying out maintenance and repair work on electrical grid facilities is often associated with the need to temporarily limit the supply of electricity. However, in this case, the network organization is obliged to draw up an appropriate schedule of such events, as well as notify all subscribers about this.

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How to make an application?

  • information about the defendant organization;
  • information of the official;
  • applicant details;
  • a detailed description of the problem indicating the time during which you have no water;
  • links to laws;
  • the requirement for housing and communal services employees to do everything possible to provide services to the population in proper quality.

Where and how to complain

In accordance with paragraph 31 of section 4 of Government Decree No. 354, the water utility is obliged to warn residents of the house about the cessation of water supply ten days before the event.

act on sample water shut-off If not sample act on water shut-off, they will drain us all at the front. If no suffix is ​​specified, kilobytes are assumed. Charters of ice baby associations backing track of developers sample act on turning off water draw up text

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Emergency shutdown of cold water: why and for how long the water can be turned off

Uninterrupted water supply to houses and apartments connected to the central water supply is the responsibility of the resource supply organization. However, in some cases, turning off cold water is still possible. These situations are stipulated by law, and when they arise, the supplier acts in accordance with a certain algorithm.

Reasons for turning off cold water

There may be several answers to the question of why there is no cold water. It is usually disabled for the following reasons:

  • Previously planned repair work is being carried out. In this situation, residents of the house must be notified of upcoming events 10 working days in advance. The responsibility for notification lies with the management company;
  • accident on internal communications;
  • failure on networks outside an apartment building.

If unpredictable emergency situations occur, cold water is turned off without notification.


Sample water shut-off act

As long as the risers go through the apartment, you will pay! And there's not a damn thing you can do about it. Place the meter on your house or entrance, if possible. With electric heating you will go down the drain even faster. And with a meter you can hire one for a small fee.

Utility outages - information portal

I think not. Where is the guarantee that you will not be included in the general heating network again and will grow marijuana on the balcony for free in winter. How will you maintain the thermal regime in the apartment? Maybe you will heat the apartment with gas from.

Today, tariffs for housing and communal services are becoming very high, due to this, subscribers appear who ignore payments. Often, to prevent debts, management companies stop providing certain services to owners. This is done for the sole purpose of collecting debt. This measure can serve as a warning against the build-up of debts. Most cases of blocking communications and services are considered unlawful. In view of this, owners can file a complaint.

Actions of the debtor in case of illegal disconnection

If, after 3 days from the receipt of the complaint, the hot water supply is not restored, the citizen should send a complaint to the prosecutor’s office, as well as to the territorial division of the federal service for supervision in the field of protection of consumer rights and human well-being.

In addition, to protect legal rights and interests, a citizen can apply to the courts. In this case, to the statement of claim for the restoration of hot water supply, the citizen will need to attach evidence of the fact that the provision of hot water supply services has been suspended or limited.

If all the methods described above did not lead to the desired result, and the hot water supply has not been restored, then it makes sense to involve the media at both the regional and federal levels in the problem.

A spectacular report on how public utilities illegally turned off hot water will force unscrupulous management companies and resource supply organizations to abandon their illegal intentions and restore hot water supply.

Watch the video. Disconnection of utilities for non-payment:

House No. 30

There are situations when turning off the water supply is required for a resident of the house. This happens at the time of repair, replacement of the riser, pipes and other sewer elements. To do this, the owner writes an application addressed to the head of the administration in free form. In this case there is no standard sample. As an example, you can take the following option:

How to write a complaint about the lack of hot water supply

The most fun procedure in the housing and communal services sector is cutting off utilities for malicious debtors. The joy on the faces of debtors and their gratitude to the employees of management organizations make them realize that the day is not in vain and people need you.

If the temperature in the apartment is below the required levels, citizens have the right to demand a recalculation of the cost of utilities. The payment must be reduced by 0.15% of the established tariff for each day the heating system is not working. When there is no heat, it is necessary to initially establish the reasons for the disruption of communications. To do this, you need to call the dispatch service of the management company. The specialist will explain why it is cold in the living quarters when the optimal temperature in the apartment is restored.

The penultimate part of the document contains conclusions on the entire above procedure. If there are no complaints about the equipment, then here you need to enter that the equipment will be put into operation on such and such a date at such and such an address (the address of the enterprises where it will be used is indicated).

Sample application for housing heating

When called on the same day, a site technician must appear. His duty is to draw up an inspection report of all premises and indicate the air temperature. He should measure it not just anywhere, but in each room at a distance of one meter from the outer wall and at a height of one and a half meters from the floor. It is believed that air of average temperature “walks” in this place. Be sure to keep a copy of this act for yourself. If within two days no one came to the rescue or there was no benefit from this visit, it’s time to move on. Step two - you need to submit a claim in writing (we publish a sample) addressed to the head of the housing office.

Even better, addressed to the head of the district housing trust or, as they are now called, the management company. I advise you to simultaneously contact the housing and communal services department of the district administration (each office has such an office). Write the application in two copies.

Sometimes it is necessary to temporarily turn off the water to solve problems on the part of residents. For example, there was a need to replace the outlet from the riser. Then an application to turn off the water is written in free form addressed to the head of the management company. This is a request to turn off hot (cold) water for a specified period of time (from... to... hour), then the purpose of the shutdown is indicated. It is also necessary to write down who exactly will replace the riser or install the meter.

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How to correctly, and most importantly, where to complain about the water utility

Vodokanal provides technical maintenance of water supply networks. Usually this is a structural unit of the administration of a locality or a separate organization.

Interacts with subscribers through the management company.

Where can I complain?

Vodokanal maintains urban water supply networks. The most common reasons for requests:

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  • Announcement of water shut-off: sample notification, as well as features of writing an application (application), notification and act of water supply shut-off

    concluded between you and our organization, the deadline for the consumer to fulfill his obligations to pay for consumed electricity is set until the XX day of the month in which the payment document is issued.

    You have not paid bills totaling RUB XXXXXXX. Due to improper fulfillment of the obligation to pay for consumed goods, we warn you that XX.XX.20XX. at X hours XX minutes there will be a partial restriction of electricity supply to the power supply facility.

    You must be present when the power supply limitation procedure is carried out.

    Before the specified period, Vali must take measures to repay the resulting debt; a message about the payment made must be sent to the address: (address or e-mail or fax) indicating the amount, date of transfer of funds and the number of the payment document.

    Director of OJSC "Organization Name" _______(full name of the director)_________ _(Signature)_ /_(Decoding)_ Accepted _____(full name of the recipient) __________ _______(Date of receipt)____ Sample notification of a power outage in SNT: Notification of a power outage - document , which must be sent to the payer without fail.

    Violation of the deadline for sending a document, its incorrect preparation, or a power outage without any notification may entail consequences for the company responsible for supplying electricity to the apartment. Power outages without warning occur in the following cases:

    1. the threat of an accident near residential buildings or power supply networks;
    2. if a power outage in the apartment occurs at the request of the tenant.
    3. identifying the operation of devices that exceed the established standards for the use of electricity and do not comply with the technical characteristics of the installed equipment;
    4. establishing the fact that the consumer consumed the provided electricity illegally;
    5. occurrence of natural hazards: storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc., during which electricity transmission channels may be damaged;

    Direct power outage without notification applies to those cases when the power supply is turned off at the will of the consumer.

    Then the payer himself draws up an application for disconnection and sends it to the supplier.

    The sample application for power outage usually includes:

    • for what period is the shutdown performed;
    • name of the electricity supplier organization and its official representative;
    • the address at which the power supply will be suspended;
    • date, signature.
    • level of introduced shutdown;
    • why this decision was made;
    • full name of the application originator;

    Remember that interrupting the supply of electricity unilaterally is impossible.

    It is necessary to convey your application to the authorities of your management company by contacting the company office directly.

    From the above we can conclude that, in accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, power outages can be carried out in several cases:

    Log in with your password

    Last fall, Lebedev Studio, among other specialists, asked Applicants to revise the following advertisement: I did not submit an application, but I decided to complete the task.

    In my opinion, the problem was more about the text, and not about the layout, so I will first tell you how I rewrote the ad, and show the result at the end. I'm rewriting the text. First you need to clearly formulate the main thing. From June 16 to June 24 there will be no hot water in the house.

    The stupid title “Dear Residents” and years in dates are not needed. The news reported in the announcement is unpleasant.

    In theory, we need to explain to people what to do in this case, but sending them to the bathhouse or advising them to heat water in pots will sound like mockery.

    Then we’ll show you care by telling us why the water needs to be turned off.

    We will carry out scheduled pressure testing of heating systems to find and eliminate possible faults. Artyom Gorbunov advises: “At the end of a good ad there is a signature: name and position. This is personal responsibility and humanity.

    Contrary to a common misconception in Russia, “Administration” is not a signature, but its emulation.” Agree. I think it's also helpful to leave contact details so people can get answers to questions.

    Nikolai Aleksandrovich Dobrotin, chief engineer of the 5th branch of EVAZhD Now you can typesetting. Ad format - A4. Most likely, it will be printed on an office black and white printer, so I will make a design without color.

    I'm typing texts. I make the headline large so that the ad can be read from a distance.

    I add the days of the week to the dates - now it’s clear that I’ll have to go without water over the weekend (yeah, I’ll go spend the night with a friend on the weekend) and the whole work week (yeah, that means I’ll go to the gym every day and take a shower there). I add the name and address of the office.

    We can finish here, but I want the announcement to be even more noticeable.

    What if he has to hang on the board with a bunch of others? You cannot use color, but you can use a picture.

    What's the worst thing when there is no hot water?

    You can't take a shower. I select a picture and make a color version just in case.

    Done, you can print and hang.

    Certificate of lack of water supply in the apartment

    During this period, the complaint must be considered and appropriate measures must be taken, and a response must be given to the complainant. If a complaint to the management of the HOA has no effect, then a complaint with a similar structure and content must be addressed to higher authorities.

    Such an authority is the Housing Inspectorate for the district or city.

    Write an application to the management company with a request to correct the shortcomings and recalculate for services not provided or of poor quality (if desired).

    2. Write an application to the prosecutor's office, the housing inspection and the housing and communal services committee - if the requirements are not met within the specified period.

    A sample application for low water pressure in MS Word (*.doc) format can be downloaded from here or the following text can be copied into a new document: To the managing director V. Grishov.

    M. from the owner of the apartment. No. st. Polbina, d-30 Statement In the apartment No. that belongs to me, located at the address st. It's fast and free!

    1. How to make an application?
    2. Complaint against the management company
    3. Act of stopping water supply
    4. How to write an announcement about water shutoff?

    How to write an announcement about water shutoff?

    The organization can also apologize for the inconvenience caused.

    In the lower right corner the name of the administration is indicated again (instead of the signature). Since June 26, 2013, cold water supply on the upper floors does not comply with the standards of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the Rules for the provision of utility services.

    Simply put, it is nothing. The water pressure is almost always unstable, and sometimes there is no cold water at all. This is especially pronounced in the evening hours - at a time when many residents of the house actively consume water, and nothing reaches the upper floors.

    The situation is aggravated by the fact that the water supply is from below, not from above, and those living on the upper floors can feel like residents of American skyscrapers, for whom problems with water supply have always been very pressing.

    Verbal complaints to the management company do not yield anything (even calls late at night with hysterics that there is no water), so you need to do the following: 1. Having indicated the period of time you will be absent from the apartment, you can ask to be disconnected from heating and water supply services and ask not to charge fees for this period.

    It is necessary to assure that documents confirming the fact of absence will be presented upon arrival.

    This could be a paid receipt from a hotel in another city, a medical certificate from a hospital in another city, etc. You can write a request to turn off the water upon arrival, but no later than thirty days later.

    Water Cutoff Announcement: Sample 2021

    Emphasis on culture and traditions.

    Lots of useful tips on how to avoid skin irritation and how to dry your hands.

    Advice. You can't offend people in a public announcement. There is nothing easier for an offended person than simply not obeying your request. Instead of insults and attacks, show concern.

    How to gently tell people not to throw paper, pads and tampons down the toilet. Force. They told me what to do in case of a blockage - it’s immediately worse. At the same time, we took care of the paper.

    Advice. It is better not to prohibit, but to help solve problems. Employees leave their uneaten lunches in containers.

    They spoil over the weekend, on Monday the refrigerator stinks, and is generally an unpleasant sight. You need to warn that the cleaning lady will throw everything away.

    Force. We took care of where to throw away food and where to wash containers. It’s stupid when someone finished the boiling water from the kettle and didn’t put a new one on. Force. "Everyone is equal". Putting boiling water on means showing a civic position and maintaining dignity.

    A strange situation: an employee got into the habit of drinking milk from a carton next to the coffee maker. Dumb, but that’s how convenient it is for him.

    Force. We explain the consequences. We offer an alternative. Tell us which ad was missing.

    I will try to write it and add it to the site. To make the announcement detailed, tell the details: what is happening, what is the problem, why the announcement was needed.

    My name is Maxim Ilyakhov, I am an editor.

    Studying how people read text and trying to make that text interesting and caring.

    I often see poorly written, wordy, and unclear ads. They don’t work, litter the walls and create bad taste in the reader. Here is my attempt to influence this.

    If you want to do something similar for your organization, or especially if you work in government agencies and want to improve government communication with people, write: Support if you agree: Website made on April 16, 2021.

    Updated April 18. Cm.

    also: Ilyakhov, Editor-in-Chief, Redpolitiki In connection with an accident on the Rostelecom main line, the Khabarovsk Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Vodokanal" replaced telephone numbers: In connection with the restoration of the functionality of all telephone numbers, we inform you that the problems have been resolved, all phones are working.

    In connection with the planned work on re-cutting a new water pipeline and inserting a gate with a diameter of 500 mm on the street. Progressive, 6 Municipal Unitary Enterprise of the city of Khabarovsk "Vodokanal" we ask residents of the microdistrict of the Piotrovich Regional Children's Clinical Hospital to make the necessary supply of drinking water for October 27.

    Water will be delivered by tanker trucks (schedule attached). Comments by acting Deputy Director for Operations Vladimir Elchev:

    “As part of the program for the overhaul of the networks of the municipal unitary enterprise of the city of Khabarovsk “Vodokanal”

    A new water pipeline was built, which will increase the reliability of water supply to the Piotrovich Regional Children's Clinical Hospital. Therefore, the planned activities for re-cutting this water pipeline and inserting a gate with a diameter of 500 mm are of a socially significant nature.

    We ask the population to be understanding, we will try to complete all work on schedule and with good quality.

    Water cut-off announcement

    For example, exactly how the shutdown was carried out.

    This could be welding bends from a riser with a welding machine, for example. The act is drawn up in triplicate.

    The third copy is given to the owner of the house. If the representative of the hot water supply refuses to sign such a document, then it will be sufficient to collect the signatures of several neighbors in the house, with the exact indication of the full name. and residential addresses. The norms for the established deadlines for possible water shutdowns due to repair (preventive) work are stipulated in Government Decree No. 354 of 05/06/2011.

    “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”


    Appendix No. 1 describes specific cases of possible temporary shutdown. Water properties (color, smell, taste) must comply with SanPiN 2.1.4.

    Permissible temperature of hot water: degrees Celsius (deviation is possible only by 5 degrees) The pressure at the outlet of a fully open tap is permissible not lower than 0.03 MPa. You have read the sample notification of water shutoff, then how to write a complaint against the housing and communal services management company. The procedure for contacting the management company is described in detail in the law of April 2, 2006 No. 59

    “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”

    How to make an application?

    It can be problematic to prove that it was the notification about the restriction (disconnection) of services that was sent in court and to supervisory authorities. Therefore, do not spare a little money and notify the debtor with a valuable letter describing the investment


    . The debtor, when paying the debt before restoring the provision of utility services, will still compensate the management organization (HOA) for all costs associated with the introduction of the procedure for limiting (suspension) of services

    (Clause 120 of the Rules).

    The mechanism for limiting/suspension of corporate capital is provided for by law. The courts consider it a last resort, since it affects the consumer’s rights to favorable and safe conditions for the use of residential premises.

    Apartment owners and tenants of residential premises in a multi-storey building are required to pay for utility packages provided by resource supply organizations. In the absence of proper payments, the management company has the right to reduce the supply of housing and communal services (HCS), up to their complete shutdown.

    A detailed overview of the procedure for limiting and suspending the supply of housing and communal services in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 in 2021

    Cases and grounds for changing the amount of payment for utility services when providing utility services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, as well as during interruptions in the provision of utility services for repair and maintenance work within the established duration of breaks X. Procedure for establishing the fact provision of utility services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration XI.

    If a small child lives in the apartment, it is almost impossible to complete such a procedure. The easiest way is to turn off the hot water in one apartment for debts. Gorvodokanal employees can install plugs on the main pipes, which, of course, is an illegal act. The supply of gas and light is limited.

    Clear announcements for management companies and residents

    On the rules for complying with the procedure for disconnecting utility resources.

    About the rights of the owner, even if he has debt on utility bills.

    The answer to the question of whether water can be turned off for non-payment is contained in government decree number 354, adopted in 2011.

    This resolution approves the rules that management companies and owners of residential premises must adhere to in legal relations regarding the provision of utility services. According to these rules, the supplier can restrict access to utility resources if the owner is late in paying bills for their use.

    But no less than three months. It is strictly forbidden to disable:

    It often happens that management companies turn off water to debtors without warning. Even if your debt is longer than due, but there was no notification, the water supply must be restored. True, after restoration, the debtor will most likely be given a warning, but he will have 20 days to repay the debt.

    • For home, entrance, stairs
    • Turning off hot water
    • Gas check
    • Important phone numbers
    • Smoking on the stairs
    • Debts for housing and communal services
    • For home, entrance, stairs
    • Invite to a meeting of owners: renovation
    • Residents' meeting: concierge
    • Temporary no parking
    • Don't park all the time
    • For office
    • Warn about power outage
    • Wash dishes after yourself
    • Where to throw away toilet paper
    • For office
    • Take food from the refrigerator
    • Don't leave the kettle without water
    • Where to get milk

    Talk about ads in simple language so there is less text hell around:

    We explain why the water is turned off, when exactly it will be turned off, and how to reduce the inconvenience.


    . We suggest installing a heater so that hot water does not disappear during maintenance.


    . Caring is good. If our actions make a person feel uncomfortable, we need to help them make it comfortable.

    Gas workers will come to us on a certain day. They need someone to open it for them.


    . If it is inconvenient, call them separately for money.


    . A person is willing to endure inconvenience if he understands the benefits or believes in dire consequences. A gas explosion is a sufficient reason to open Mosgaza.

    If the organization's actions are unlawful

    The owner of the property is obliged to timely pay for the provided household needs. The premises can be purchased, received by donation or in another way, but the specifics of payment do not change. This is indicated by paragraphs of the Housing Code. They clarify that the obligation to make contributions for economic services applies to all people who live in privatized and municipal premises.

    Signs of legality of the shutdown procedure

    If the consumer has not paid for the electricity provided for two months, the management company has the right to send a warning to the debtor. If payment is not received, the company can suspend the supply of electricity without a court order. But this should be done only in compliance with all the necessary requirements of the law, otherwise the actions of the Criminal Code may be challenged in court.

    Having an idea of ​​those recipients who also received a complaint about illegal water shutoffs, utility services will be interested in eliminating the problem outlined in the complaint as quickly as possible.

    If an emergency occurs or threatens to occur in centralized networks of engineering and technical support through which water, heat, electricity and gas are supplied, as well as water disposal - from the moment such an emergency occurs or threatens to occur.

    What to do if the housing office turns off the water

    A citizen in respect of whom the management company or resource supply organizations have introduced an unlawful restriction on the provision of services or suspended their provision will need:

    • draw up and send to the organization that has limited or suspended the provision of services a claim with a requirement to immediately resume the provision of services, as well as recalculate for those days on which the service was not provided,
    • if, after 3 days from the date of receipt of the complaint, the provision of the service is not restored in full, send the complaint to the territorial division of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare and to the prosecutor’s office,
    • collect documents proving the fact of non-provision of hot water supply services. Photo and video recording materials and eyewitness testimony can be used as evidence. In addition, you can invite an employee of the management company or resource supply organization to draw up a report on the fact of turning off the hot water. In the future, this act can be used as evidence,
    • submit a statement of claim to the court demanding that the company be obliged to resume the provision of hot water supply services.

    Please note! For illegal restriction or termination of the provision of services, management companies and resource supply organizations may be held liable:

    • administrative, for arbitrariness and violation of standards for providing the population with public services. For committing these acts, a fine is imposed on officials - from 1,000 rubles, and on legal entities - from 10,000 rubles,
    • criminal, for arbitrariness and termination or restriction of sources of life support. Those responsible for committing these crimes can be fined from 80,000 to 200,000 rubles. If aggravating circumstances are established, the perpetrators may be sentenced to actual prison terms of up to 5 and 2 years, respectively.
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