How to quickly clean up your dacha: 14 tips and life hacks

Living in a private house is pure pleasure, walks on the lawns and an incredible opportunity to eat fruits grown by yourself. But the picture is so ideal only at first glance, for owning a detached house to bring only positive things, it is necessary to put in a lot of effort.

The unconditional plus of the cottage is the absence of noisy neighbors, the minus is general cleaning of the house, which takes a lot of time. Yes, and this type of tidying up has to be done more often than apartment owners, because there is no “layer” in the form of an entrance between the living quarters and the street, and you have to go beyond the threshold more often.

But nothing is impossible. High-quality cleaning can be done relatively quickly if you know where to start and how to plan the work.

Features of cleaning a private house

Every housewife wants her home to sparkle with cleanliness and freshness every second. But, alas, achieving such a result is extremely difficult. To prevent daily pollution from causing irritation, you need to understand why caring for a house is more difficult than caring for an apartment:

  1. The cottage is usually larger in area. And maintaining order in numerous rooms is more difficult.
  2. Many houses have several floors, and this provides additional space for work.
  3. Numerous utility rooms. Pantry and dressing rooms, of course, make life easier, but they should also be kept in order regularly.
  4. Outbuildings. Both sheds and garages need to be cleaned regularly.
  5. Yard Without cleaning the local area, general cleaning in a private home is impossible. Dust, dirt, debris and leaves will be carried into the house again and again, disrupting the order.

Once the scope of work is understood and assessed, you can begin to draw up a plan and implement it.

Winter cleaning

Cleaning the area in winter is the most labor-intensive.

The work regulations include:

  • Daily snow removal from the area. If necessary, special equipment is involved.
  • Loosening snow near green spaces.
  • Sprinkling footpaths with sand and salt mixture.
  • Mandatory removal of icicles from the roofs of an apartment building. Removing ice from sewer hatches.
  • Emptying house trash cans (daily).
  • Removing waste from children's and sports grounds.

In case of heavy snowfall, according to the standards for snow removal in yards, sidewalks are cleaned two to three times a day.

Planning spring cleaning

High-quality cleaning is always a long process, and high-quality general cleaning in a private home is very long. For such work, it is better to allocate 2-3 days so that you do not have to work to the limit of your capabilities. Proper planning will help you rationally distribute the load and not forget about the little things that will subsequently reduce the result to nothing.

Labor-intensive cleaning should be carried out using the following tips:

  1. Start putting things in order from the furthest room. It doesn't matter whether it's a room or a closet.
  2. Cleaning any room begins with washing the windows, washing the curtains and cleaning the cornices. After this, move from top to bottom in the direction of the door.
  3. Washing the floors is the final stage. After this, you should ventilate the room and move on to the next one.

A pre-drawn plan for general cleaning of the house, as well as various household appliances, will greatly facilitate the work.

Living rooms

Typically, bedrooms, living rooms and children's rooms are located at the back of the house. It makes sense to start cleaning with them. Since they differ only in the type of furniture and the presence of decor, the plan for putting things in order will be the same:

  1. Removing curtains, washing windows. After this, you can wipe the dust on the windowsill and it will become easier to breathe in the room.
  2. Cleaning the upper tiers. It is necessary to wipe the dust on cabinets and shelves, after removing their contents. Remove cobwebs and remove dust in corners. Don't forget about the chandelier.
  3. Cleaning the middle tier. It is necessary to sort out things that are unnecessary, put them aside, and carefully fold the rest. A bag of irrelevant wardrobe items can be placed in the hallway and later taken out to the garage. Wipe interior shelves and furniture fronts, door handles.
  4. “Bathing” flowers and servicing household appliances. At this stage, you can water the plants and wipe their leaves from dust. Clean the surface of the TV, computer, music center.
  5. Cushioned furniture. You need to pay attention to beds, sofas, armchairs and chairs. Bedspreads and covers should be removed from them and vacuumed thoroughly. Take removable pillows out into the yard and knock them out.
  6. Floors. Vacuum soft surfaces, wash hard surfaces. Be sure to pay attention to the baseboards. General cleaning of the house and its residential part has been completed.

Taking notes will help make it easier to keep things organized. You can write down on the sheet what you should buy, what you should ask your children or other family members to sort out.

Order in the area

Clear the area of ​​debris

Pay attention to the surrounding area, because a clean home starts from the doorstep. Sweep the paths and then rinse with water.

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Comb your lawn

For this you will need a fan rake. Overwintered grass will interfere with the restoration of the lawn and must be removed. Important: carry out all manipulations with the lawn when it is dry.

Combing the lawn
Photo: Instagram vashsadovnikufa

Inspect the fence and buildings on the site

They need to be repaired and everything unnecessary removed.

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The bathroom and toilet are usually the most dirty rooms in the house. Despite the fact that hygiene procedures are carried out in them every day, a lot of effort will be required to restore order, especially if there are several bathrooms. Cleaning should be planned correctly:

  1. Analysis of piles. A spacious bathroom in the house is very convenient, but it provides more space for chaotic arrangement of things. First of all, you should sort out the rubble and sort out the dirty laundry.
  2. Cleaning the upper tier. The ceiling can be vacuumed or wiped, the lamp can be washed.
  3. Middle tier. In the bathroom and toilet there are wall cabinets and a bath curtain. They should be washed thoroughly and the curtain should be washed. Sort the contents of the cabinets and throw away unnecessary items. Finally, clean the wall tiles.
  4. Bath, shower, sink and toilet. All plumbing fixtures must be cleaned and disinfected. Pay attention to mixers.
  5. Lower tier. Typically this is a cabinet under the sink and a shelf under the bathtub. Their contents need to be sorted out and unnecessary things thrown away. Wipe down the shelves and return all bottles to their place.
  6. Floor. After this, you can wash the floor and baseboards. Shake out or wash rugs.

Kitchen and pantries

The main charm of a private home is the possibility of arranging storage rooms in which items of non-daily use will be stored away from prying eyes. In order not to be distracted by trifles, you should decide in advance where to start general cleaning in the house and outbuildings.

It's better to start with the pantry. Take apart everything in storage and decide what belongs in the garage and what belongs in the landfill. Sort all the boxes, wipe the dust on the shelves and return their contents to their place. Wash the floor and the pantry is ready to receive new necessary things that will be discovered in the kitchen.

The room for preparing and eating food should be cleaned according to the following scheme:

  1. Window. Remove the curtains, wash the cornice and glass.
  2. Upper tier. This is a chandelier and wall cabinets. The latter should be given special attention, since absolutely unnecessary items often accumulate in them. All contents need to be extracted and sorted. Wipe the shelves and put the necessary things back in place. Divide the rest into 2 groups: “to the storage room or garage” and “to the landfill.”
  3. Middle tier. These are floor cabinets. All contents of the cabinets should be removed, inspected, washed and put back. The last thing you should do is clean the cabinet under the sink, wash and dry the trash can.
  4. Countertops. After completing the inspection, you need to wash or clean with disinfectants all countertops and the sink.
  5. Appliances. All kitchen aids should be unplugged and wiped down inside and out. Don't forget to pay attention to the electric kettle, dishwasher and refrigerator.
  6. Floor. Wash the floor and baseboards.

During the cleaning process, you should not get carried away and not move things from place to place. Be sure to check if there are any chips on the dishes, if there are pests in the cereals, and if the expiration date of canned foods has expired. Damaged items should be disposed of immediately and without regret.

Entrance hall or hall

A person entering a house first finds himself in the hall or hallway. It is these premises that form the impression of the taste and habits of the owners of the house. And they should be given special attention and be sure to be included in the general cleaning plan for the house.

Cleaning is carried out according to a top-down pattern. That is, first you need to wash the windows and cornices, then the chandelier. Clean up closets and cabinets, vacuum upholstered furniture and wash floors.

In the hallway, special attention must be paid to surface order. It is advisable to systematize your wardrobe so that only single items remain visible. Let shoes, outerwear, bags and umbrellas be securely hidden behind furniture doors.

Outbuildings, attic, basement and yard

If the apartment starts from the hallway, then the house starts from the yard. In order for spring cleaning to bring the desired results, it should be completed by putting things in order in the outbuildings and in the yard.

But first, it’s better to pay attention to areas that are often designed to store unnecessary “necessary” things. The contents of sheds, attics and basements should be sorted out. Sort and fold neatly. Sweep or wash the floor, remove cobwebs. It will not be superfluous to systematize things on the racks.

It is important to decide where to start general cleaning in the house, but it is equally important to decide how to finish it. Large-scale work should be completed by restoring order in the local area.

Now the house is sparkling clean, both inside and out. But general cleaning is a labor-intensive process, and it is advisable to involve all family members in the participation. Such work will not only partially relieve the owner, but will also allow them to get closer together in the process of putting things in order, and after that, everyone can take a deep breath of clean air and have a family tea party.

For some reason, there aren't many articles on the Internet about how to clean up your yard. Although people need this information no less than, for example, about cleaning their apartment. And in order to fill this gap, today we will talk specifically about cleaning a private yard. What do we have? A private house. What should be done? Get it in order. Well, shall we get started?

Lifehacks for quick cleaning and creating comfort

First dust, then a broom (vacuum cleaner), then wet cleaning of the floors

This is the “golden rule” of cleaning. It is important to do it in this order, because residual dust from surfaces can move to the floor, and washing floors before dry cleaning threatens to spread fine dirt throughout the house.

Use disinfectants

Especially if there is mold and mildew in the house or you find traces of rodents. Special products will help protect yourself and your household from infections and get rid of uninvited “guests”.

Beautiful house outside the city
Photo: Instagram svetachok

Wipe down cabinets with vinegar water

This is the easiest way to disinfect surfaces for storing things or dishes.

Knock out upholstered furniture, dry textiles

If this is not done, unnecessary moisture will remain and all actions against mold and mildew will be a waste of time.

Textiles at the dacha photo
Photo: Instagram svetachok

Finally, take away all unnecessary things

We are used to taking unnecessary things to the dacha - “they will come in handy someday, don’t throw them away.” Do you recognize yourself? You got rid of them in the city apartment, now it’s time to empty the dacha, it’s not rubber either. Throw away what you don't use without mercy.

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Show your imagination

If you don’t have a big budget to make your dacha cozy, you can’t do without imagination. Handmade decor and furniture look very nice in a country house. For example, mirrors in self-made frames or furniture made from construction pallets.

An old kerosene lamp (provided it’s working), vintage suitcases or a collection of grandma’s sets can also find their place within the walls of a country house. Retro notes suit country interiors very well.

Accessories in a country house
Photo: Instagram svetachok

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Stage two. Yard cleaning plan

First, go out into the yard, inspect it and assess the scale of the work ahead. If your yard is covered in tiles, and all the cleaning involves removing leaves and sprucing up the area in the spring, that's one thing. And it’s completely different if a huge scale of work is visible on the horizon. Let's find out what often clogs the courtyards of country houses.

  1. Construction Materials . As a rule, this is the main source of clutter, since many site owners prefer to call old boards, reinforcing bars, rusty nails or tin, etc., construction materials. And they don’t throw it away just because “it might be useful in the future.” And from a theoretical point of view, this is true - all this rubbish can be useful during the construction of various utility structures or minor repairs. Even so, it is still better to move the accumulated building materials to a specially designated area and clear the rest of the area of ​​debris.
  2. Trees. They can also be trash, so carefully examine everything located on the site. It often happens that, for example, an apple tree grows for quite a long time, people expect fruit from it for years, but there are still none. And the reason may lie in the fact that the tree is simply unpollinated. In such cases, the “empty” tree is cut down and another one is planted in its place. Therefore, you need to inspect all the trees and determine whether there is trash among them. Moreover, you should not pay special attention to age, since very old trees are often found that still bear fruit well.
  3. Broken electrical appliances. People like to store old electric stoves, refrigerators, etc. in their yard. And even if not a single possible option for using all this comes to mind, the devices are still stored. Usually it’s a pity to throw them away, but don’t feel sorry for them - these are just broken devices, their place is in a landfill. But it will free up several square meters of space on your site.

  • Grass. Of course, the rate of weed growth depends on the specific region. There are places where it is difficult to determine from the excavated soil what is more there - plant roots or, in fact, earth. There are several possible ways to control weeds: mowing regularly with a lawn mower to create a natural lawn, digging the area by hand and removing the roots, or treating with herbicides (such as Roundup). Be that as it may, do not forget that in addition to plants and rhizomes, there is still a huge amount of seeds left in the soil, so the growth of grass will be repeated again and again.
  • Old furniture. There are several reasons for storing broken or old furniture. Firstly, this is the traditional “it’s a pity to throw it away.” Secondly, disassembled furniture can be useful in the construction of the same outbuildings. And if you can’t or don’t want to throw it all away, then sort the furniture to find out what can really be disassembled into boards (say, a closet), and what is impossible to disassemble or is not used for building a shed at all - this is, for example, upholstered furniture. Having finished sorting, place the “useful trash” separately, protect it from moisture, and safely send the rest to the landfill!

Stage three. Drawing up a site cleaning plan

After preparing and sorting the accumulated junk, sketch out a small plan for the upcoming cleaning of your yard. By the way, according to the same plan, you can restore order to the entire suburban area. Such a plan should look something like this.

Stage 1 . The junk is identified and sent to a landfill (or, in the case of iron, for scrap metal).

Stage 2 . Next, you need to allocate and arrange a special place for building materials, where they will be stored. As a result, the rest of the yard will be free of them.

Stage 3 . Next, you should remove household garbage, leaves and branches, because all this accumulates on the site in any case.

Making a yard cleaning plan

Now we’ll draw up a brief plan for cleaning up a cluttered yard (the same plan can be applied to cleaning up garbage in a summer cottage):

- identify the trash and take it to the nearest trash can or sell it for scrap.

- allocate a separate place for building materials where you will store them and clear the rest of the yard from them.

- remove branches, leaves, household garbage that still accumulates in the yard

- remove excess grass. Go over it with a lawn mower, trimmer, or treat it with special compounds (Roundup, etc.).

— looking through trees and bushes. We remove dry and unnecessary branches, remove unnecessary trees.

— if a child is playing in the yard, organize a place for toys.

— improve the yard by planting flowers, putting up garden decorations, and organizing a place to relax.

Stage four. Now - directly to putting things in order!

Having drawn up a rough plan for further actions, you can safely get to work. Let’s immediately make a reservation that in no case should you try to cope with everything in a day. The area of ​​your yard is large, and, as you know, your strength is limited.

  1. Calculate in advance how many hours a day you can spend cleaning up your yard. Perhaps you will only have one hour (in the evening after work) or you will be able to devote exclusively to cleaning Saturday and Sunday.
  2. Encourage other members of your family to take part in the cleaning too.
  3. Hire hired workers if necessary. Order a lawn mowing specialist or a specially equipped vehicle for transporting waste. All this takes a lot of time, but at the same time you can delegate the work to other people (for a fee, of course).

That's all, good luck with your work! Let your yard always be clean!

Cleaning the yard in a private house is the main disadvantage of own homes. But this is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. If you do everything wisely, you will spend little time on general cleaning. For everything to go quickly and efficiently, you will need a great desire to restore order and knowledge of where to start and how to plan the work.

Let's start work

And now let's get to work.

Don't try to do everything in one day. The yard is large, but the strength is not limitless.

— Decide how much time you can devote per day to cleaning the yard. Maybe it will be an hour after work, or only on weekends.

- Involve other family members to help.

— If necessary, hire hired labor. You can order garbage removal or grass cutting with a trimmer. This work requires a lot of time and at the same time it can be easily delegated to other people.

I wish you successful work and a clean yard!

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A cleaning plan that will save time and effort

  1. Rubbish collection and garbage removal. Most often, cleaning the yard of a private house begins with collecting trash. Mostly, yards are littered with old boards, rusty sheets of paper, fittings and other unnecessary building materials. The main thing is not to listen to your inner “it might come in handy”, otherwise cleaning the yard will turn into moving things from one place to another. Of course, you can leave something, but it must be stored in a specially designated place. Some may still store broken electrical appliances and old furniture in their yards. It’s a shame to throw it away, so they keep it. If you want to free up your yard, stop complaining - all these things belong in a landfill or scrap metal. Everything delicate is loaded into the car and taken away from the site.
  2. Removing roots, grass and weeds. If you live in an area where vegetation grows rapidly, then you should know basic grass control methods. There are three ways to get rid of vegetation: dig up the lawn by hand, pick out the roots, or mow it with a trimmer or lawn mower after treating the soil with herbicides. Do not forget that in addition to the removed grass and roots, many seeds remain in the soil, which give constant growth to weeds. They can be removed using chemicals, but it is worth remembering that chemicals remain in the soil for a long time and negatively affect garden crops. Therefore, such weed control products should only be used in certain cases.
  3. Trimming trees and bushes. First you need to inspect all the trees and cut down the dried ones. And if you want to give your yard a unique look, you can give your trees and shrubs a “hairstyle” that will give them a special personality. To do it yourself, you will need the right tool, a little creativity and desire. Suitable tools for this are garden shears and pruning shears. There should be no rush in this matter; mistakes made for this reason may turn out to be irreversible. It is best to practice on small trees and bushes.

Take more breaks while working and take care of your health. Wearing a cap or hat will protect you from the sun, and gloves will protect your hands from scratches and dirt.

Preparing to clean up your yard

First of all, we certainly need a great desire to clean up the yard, because cleaning the yard of a private house requires time and a lot of physical effort. And here even the usual reference to the fact that this replacement for physical activity does not help: after a couple of hours of working in the yard, your back hurts, you can really get sunburned in the sun, and it’s a pity to look at your hands.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is take care of yourself.

— Do not work for a long time without a break, especially if you are not used to physical activity. Rest - ideally, after about an hour of work, you should lie down for a while and relax.

— If it’s sunny outside, wear a baseball cap or hat.

- Choose comfortable clothes and shoes.

— Be sure to use work gloves. There are now excellent options in stores in all sorts of colors - they are comfortable and they perfectly protect your hands from scratches and dirt.

- Stock up on garbage bags in advance.

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