Do I need brilliant green for temporary registration?

To submit an application for temporary registration in person, the following documents are required:

Application for registration at the place of residence (original, 1 pc.) in the prescribed form No. 1. The application is provided without return, that is, you will not receive it back. application (in RTF format), and also see a sample of filling out the form (in RTF format). Identification document of the applicant (original, 1 pc.). Such a document is: for adults - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation; for children under 14 years of age - birth certificate; for persons permanently residing outside the Russian Federation, but having Russian citizenship - a passport or international passport. The document is provided only for making a copy and is subsequently returned to you. To simplify and speed up the application process, you can bring a photocopy of the document with you in advance. A document that is the basis for a citizen’s temporary residence at the address indicated by him (original, 1 pc.). Such a document may be: a lease or sublease agreement for residential premises; a written statement from the person (or persons) who provided the citizen with residential premises; certificate of state registration of ownership of residential premises (purchase of an apartment, receipt by inheritance, as a gift, under a marriage contract); another document confirming the right to use the residential premises. The document is provided only for making a copy and is subsequently returned to you. To simplify and speed up the application process, you can bring a photocopy of the document with you in advance.

Will your passport be taken away when you apply for temporary registration?

Today I submitted my documents for registration at my place of stay. They took my passport. And I, overjoyed that they finally accepted everything without too much resistance, gave it away. To my question: “Why are you taking my passport?” answer: “Yes, we’ll take it.” Only then did it begin to dawn on me that this was probably somehow wrong. where did they take the passport from?

16. To register at the place of residence, a citizen submits to the persons responsible for registration:

identification document ;

application for registration at the place of residence in Form No. 1 (Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations);

a document that is the basis for the citizen’s temporary residence at the specified address (hire (sublease) agreement, application of the person who provided the citizen with living quarters).

46. ​​Upon receipt of an application for registration at the place of residence in Form No. 1 (Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations), the persons responsible for registration, in the presence of the applicant, check the completeness of the submitted documents (the maximum period for completing the action is 5 minutes) and submit within 3 days them together with arrival address sheets, drawn up in 2 copies, to the registration authority.

47. Authorized officials of the registration authority, upon receipt of documents from persons responsible for registration, consider them (maximum period for completing the action - 5 minutes) and within 3 days:

make a record of the decision made in the “decision made” column of applications in Form No. 1 (Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations). In this case, the grounds for registration are indicated with reference to the relevant paragraphs (subparagraphs) of the Rules or other grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The maximum duration of the action is 3 minutes;

49. Certificates of registration at the place of residence in Form No. 3 (Appendix No. 3 to the Regulations) and identity documents of citizens , on the same day or no later than the day following the day of their registration, are transferred to the officials responsible for registration for their subsequent transfers to registered citizens or directly issued to these citizens.

Thus, after reading this regulatory document, we were convinced that it really requires passport office employees and FMS employees to:

— accept documents from a citizen, including an identity document; — transfer these documents to the FMS unit, including an identity document; — return documents to the citizen, including an identity document.

Registration in a private house

Depending on what kind of registration we are talking about and who exactly needs to register in the house, you need to pay attention to various nuances.


Registration in a private house entails the obligation to contact the passport office with a corresponding application, which is approved by the Order of the FMS.

The application must be accompanied by:

  • documents that confirm ownership of a private house;
  • written permission from the owner or a court order regarding the move-in - if registration is not required by the owner;
  • passport + copies of all completed pages or the original birth certificate of a minor child - depends on who exactly needs permanent registration.

Additional documentation that may be needed during the registration process is the house register.

It is important to remember: when receiving registration, the applicant should not have a permanent residence permit. Moreover, citizens liable for military service must re-register at a new address.


Temporary registration may be necessary if the period of stay in another locality exceeds 3 months.

There is no need to re-register if both addresses are located within the same locality or within the same subject of the Russian Federation.

In the process of moving to another region, citizens must register in order to exercise their rights provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Documents you must provide:

  • Russian internal passport or birth certificate;
  • Documentary confirmation from the owner of residential property - drawn up in writing.

For example, if we talk about a rented private house, then it is necessary to additionally provide a rental agreement.

Without ownership

This registration option is very common, even though registered citizens who are not owners have very limited rights in relation to the private home of others.

For example, registered citizens do not have rights in the process of dividing a house or during the sale.

And yet, what rights does such registration in a private house give? All that a registered person has the right to count on is actual residence on the territory of the house and the ability to use the property located in it for the purpose of ensuring personal life.

Registration in a private house is permitted only with the permission of the owner, who at any time has the right to remove the registered person from the register, either with or without his knowledge.

In the latter situation, deregistration is carried out exclusively through a judicial authority.

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The owner's permission is not needed if a minor child is registered, since by law he can be registered together with his legal representatives.

When deregistering a guest with a minor child, difficulties also arise, since it is necessary to additionally involve the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

In unfinished

There are often situations where citizens are forced to live in unfinished houses.

An unfinished house implies documentary evidence of its commissioning. Some houses actually exist, they have communications, and therefore citizens have the right to be in them.

However, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, if a house is considered to be one that has not been put into operation, then it means that it is considered to be one that has not been put into operation. It is strictly prohibited to live in it, so there are no rights to obtain registration in it.

The legislation of the Russian Federation allows only the possibility of its implementation. For this reason, we can only talk about implementation if the unfinished house is not put into operation.

Is it possible to register a child without parents? See here.

Minor child

Registration of minor children is carried out exclusively by their legal representatives. Children under 14 years of age must be registered with parents or guardians. In the process of obtaining registration, there is no need to obtain documentary permission.

If it is necessary to discharge the child from home in the future, it is imperative to obtain prior consent from the territorial representatives of the guardianship authorities.

Often, owners of private houses are forced to turn to the judiciary. In court, you will need to document the place where the child will be registered after deregistration.

In the absence of evidence, the judge has every reason to refuse deregistration. As for the mechanism for obtaining registration for children, it is not much different from that provided for adults.

A distinctive feature is that you do not need to contact the housing office, but rather go to the passport office, taking with you, in addition to the main package of documents, a house register.

Shared ownership

If a citizen owns a private house on the basis of shared ownership, then he can register only on his part of the building. In this case, the registration will not show the entire house, but only part of it.

If part of a residential building is isolated from the rest, has its own entrance/exit, load-bearing walls, and so on, then you can register without the prior consent of other owners, otherwise you cannot do without it.

However, this rule does not apply to minor children whose parents register them with them.

Temporary registration of a minor child

​The need to temporarily register a minor at a new address may arise due to various life circumstances. When moving to a new place of residence with their parents (other legal representatives), minors are registered with them for up to 90 days, as otherwise they risk receiving an administrative fine for failure to comply with registration rules.

It is noteworthy that not only a citizen who lives for more than 90 days in a given locality without registration at a specific address will be fined, but also the homeowner who provided living space for a fee or free of charge and did not monitor the registration of residents. Individuals and legal entities are subject to a fine as an administrative penalty.

Today we will talk about the temporary registration of a minor child, as well as the consequences for a homeowner who decides to register a child in his living space.

Why does a minor need temporary registration?

The minor may need temporary registration at a place of residence other than permanent registration for:

  1. Registration of any document (pension card, medical insurance policy, etc.).
  2. Devices for educational institutions. When admitting a minor, a school, kindergarten, or other educational children's institution must provide information about the child's place of residence (registration).
  3. Appeals to medical institutions.
  4. Registration of various social benefits and subsidies.

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Upon arrival at the place of new residence, the minor must immediately enroll in an educational institution, and also obtain a registration card at the local clinic. If his parents receive any subsidies for the child, social benefits, subsidies, then their registration also takes place at the place of new residence in the local social security department.

A certificate of temporary registration, obtained from the local branch of the Federal Migration Service, is a certificate confirming the fact that a minor is legally living at a given address. These reasons are:

  • rental agreement with the legal representative of the minor and the owner of the living space;
  • voluntary consent of the homeowner to registration;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Ownership of the child’s legal representative for this living space;
  • and some others.


There are categories of citizens whose registration has its own characteristics.


Children under 14 years of age are deprived of the right to sign due to their infancy, and instead of them, their legal representatives - parents, adoptive parents, guardians - fill out the application form and sign.

When registering their child, the father or mother must have their passport and the child’s birth certificate, as well as documents for housing and an extract from the house register.

Newborn children are also citizens, and they are required to be registered at the place of registration of both parents or one of them .

It is important to know that no one’s consent, even the owner of the house, is required for the registration of children under 14 years of age.

In share

Registering in a private house that is in shared ownership is not easy: all co-owners must approve the registration of a new tenant , otherwise you will have to look for other options.

If each co-owner has a separate entrance, and each shared ownership is separate, then consent is not necessary.

You can find out who issues a building permit and in what cases it is not required from our article.


Non-permanent registration has its own end date, which must be indicated when filling out the application form. If the need arises, the owner can extend the temporary registration of his guest.

In unfinished

Is it possible to register in an unfinished house?

An unfinished house cannot serve as housing, and this excludes the possibility of registration in principle .

Even having a certificate of ownership will not help with registration until there is an act of acceptance of the house into operation.

How are minors registered?

Registration documents are submitted by parents of minors along with their documents. The procedure is free for all citizens. The list of documents for temporary registration of children is quite short:

  1. An application filled out by the legal representative of the minor on the prescribed form.
  2. A copy of the birth certificate with the reverse side showing the citizenship stamp. If the child permanently resides abroad, then his foreign passport is presented.
  3. Children over 14 years of age submit a copy of their Russian passport.

Within 3 days, the FMS authorities check all the information provided along with the application, and after that they issue certificates of temporary registration. You can also submit documents remotely (by mail, through the government services portal), but you can obtain certificates only by visiting a FMS office.

If a minor is not yet 14 years old, he can only be registered at the place of permanent or temporary registration of his parent (legal representative). Persons over 14 years of age can register without parents. In this case, the package of documents is expanded with the written consent of the parents of the minor or his other legal representatives for temporary registration at the specified address.

It is important to note that consent from both parents is required for temporary registration . If there is no agreement between the parents on this issue (one is for registration, and the other is against), then the issue is resolved in court, since the ordinary procedure does not provide a general solution for disputes of this kind.

It is also noteworthy that deregistration at the place of permanent registration of a minor is not required . The law does not prohibit having permanent registration at one address, while registering temporarily at a completely different address. The certificate of temporary registration must indicate the period during which it is valid. After its expiration, the minor must be temporarily registered at some other or the same address, or within 7 days leave for the place of his permanent registration.

Rights of the registered

Most owners still have concerns that registering their living space in a private home may result in problems with registration.

There is no need to worry about this, because registration is just a notification measure and has nothing to do with ownership rights .

And yet, some of the owner’s fears are partially justified: having received registration in a private house, the new tenant, without any agreement with the owner himself, may well register one or more of his minor children here, which is really difficult to get rid of.

The registered person has the right to live in this private house , and other actions with the living space of someone else's house, such as:

  • rental;
  • sale;
  • registration of collateral;
  • registration of your family (except for young children), etc.

It is impossible to carry out this without being the owner of at least a share.

Also, having registered at the address of a private house , a tenant can:

  • be served in medical institutions at the place of registration;
  • enroll a child in kindergarten or school;
  • use the services of the employment service, pension fund in the area where the home is located;
  • Find a permanent job with full social benefits. package, etc.

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It does not matter whether the registration is permanent or temporary. Only temporary registration has its end, and those registered on a permanent basis can sometimes be expelled only with the help of the judicial authorities .

What does registration without property rights mean?

Registration in any case does not give ownership rights.

Bodies empowered with the right to register can only, in accordance with their powers, carry out registration, and at the same time cannot issue any guarantees on the behavior of the new resident .

Without government participation The owner of the organs has the right to draw up an agreement and sign it bilaterally before going to the passport officer. Such an agreement is intended to determine the scope of the tenant’s claims.

Such an agreement, if there are signatures of both parties, may well be taken into account by the judicial authorities if the document is drawn up correctly: the details of the parties are indicated, allowing them to be identified, the date and place of signing. also important to provide the following information:

  1. Data about a residential building - address, area, form of ownership, details of title documents.
  2. Under what conditions does the owner agree to register the tenant?
  3. Validity period: with temporary registration, the period must coincide with the time during which the tenant intends to live here, and with permanent registration - 1 year, for example, or another period, at the end of which the document can be extended.
  4. Degree of relationship (if any).
  5. Signatures of the parties.

At first glance, this is not serious, but those who have this opinion are mistaken: such an agreement is legally quite legal, moreover, the tenant was initially warned about the limits of his real claims in this private property.

What does the owner risk by temporarily registering a minor?

By law, children must be registered where their parents live, and the consent of the property owner is not required for these actions. This creates certain risks for the property owner .

A typical example of this: a citizen entered into a rental agreement and moved into an apartment with his child. Following this, he carried out temporary registration at this address for himself and for the child. The tenancy agreement has expired, there are no grounds for extending the temporary registration of the employer, but only through the court can the minor be re-registered at the same address. As a result, the owner will not be able to sell or otherwise dispose of his apartment while a child is registered in it, albeit temporarily.

To avoid such disputes, the terms and conditions must be carefully spelled out in the rental agreement. After all, according to the law, if the parents do not have permanent registration anywhere, the child cannot be discharged into the void. In the court of first instance, the owner of the property will most likely be denied the forcible eviction of the child.

A similar situation may arise when a newborn (adopted or taken into custody) child appears to a family that has moved into an apartment. With the arrival of the baby, the parents will temporarily legally register him at their place of residence, and for this they will not even need to obtain the consent of the owner of the home.

Temporary registration of newborns

Anything can happen in life; it is not always the case that a newborn baby is sent from the maternity hospital to a home where both of his parents are permanently registered. It happens that a newborn needs to obtain temporary registration at the place of residence of either of his parents. To do this, you will need to submit the following documents to the local FMS authorities:

  1. Certificate of temporary registration of the parent.
  2. Application on a standard form.
  3. Birth certificate with a citizenship stamp on the back.
  4. An information certificate from the passport office at the place of residence of the second parent stating that the newborn is not registered there.

Within a general period of time (from 3 to 8 days), the FMS body checks the information provided by the parent, after which, in the absence of objections (inaccurate information, missing data), temporary registration of the newborn is carried out at the specified address. The consent of the owner of this residential premises is not required.

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Consequences of fictitious temporary registration

It happens that parents of children, wanting to enroll them in a prestigious educational institution, temporarily register them at the address assigned to this educational institution. In reality, neither the minor himself nor his parents even appear at the specified address.

In such cases, the person who made the fictitious registration (parents of the minor), as well as the person who provided living space for such illegal actions, is subject to punishment. Those who intend to generate income by registering an unlimited number of citizens in their living space must be aware of the responsibility for such actions.

The legislative framework

Regardless of which property you should register in, the registration process is regulated by the following laws:

  • Federal Law No. 5242-1 - reflects the need to obtain any type of registration (temporary or permanent);
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 713 - displays the standard mechanism for obtaining registration;
  • Art. 19.15 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - provides for the possibility of bringing to administrative liability in the absence of registration;
  • Art. 322.23 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - provides for criminal liability in case of detection of fictitious registration.

This list can be considered exhaustive, since it contains all the necessary information on the issue under consideration.

Material risks of the homeowner

Here it is worth explaining each risk in detail, given how different they are:

  1. Risk of loss of property rights. Does not exist, since temporary registration has absolutely nothing to do with the ownership of real estate, no matter who the temporarily registered person is, no matter what age he is.
  2. Increase in utility bills. That part of them, which is paid not according to meters, but according to the number of registered persons, will increase in proportion to the number of residents. If the rental agreement does not indicate the obligation of tenants to pay for utilities, then the owner of the property will pay for them.
  3. Inconsistency between the timing of registration of the minor’s parents and the minor’s own. For example, if the child’s registration period has not yet expired, but the temporary registration period for his parents has expired, then they will be able to legally register with their child again.
  4. Erroneous registration of a minor, not on a temporary, but on a permanent basis, will not allow him to be later discharged even in court. You will have to sell your home, from which the new owner can remove the minor on the basis of Art. 292 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Article 31 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

To summarize, we can say that registering a minor does not entail any risk for the owner of losing rights to real estate, but it is much more difficult to register a minor than his parents, and sometimes this is only possible in court.

Temporary registration in an apartment: what is it and how is it dangerous for the owner?

The procedure for notifying the FMS authorities about the movements and places of stay of citizens in our country is mandatory .

Having a permanent registration at any address, a citizen can live in another city for a long time. What is temporary registration in an apartment?

In this regard, a citizen who resides for more than 90 days at a place other than his/her permanent registration is required to apply for a temporary one. How does it threaten the apartment owner?

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

The essence of the process

What is temporary registration in an apartment? Registration at the place of residence is the procedure for registering at the address where a person lives for a certain period.

If you come to work or study in another locality and stay there for more than three months , you must inform the FMS authorities about this.

Failure to register temporarily is considered an administrative violation and is subject to a fine .

Moreover, penalties threaten not only a person who does not live at his place of permanent registration for more than 90 days, but also the owner of the premises in which he lives.

Temporary registration is valid simultaneously with permanent registration . In this case, the stamp in the passport remains with the permanent residence address, and an additional certificate insert is issued with the residential address written on it.

It gives a person the right to live at a given address for the period specified in the insert.

You can register in any premises intended for residence :

  • apartment (own, municipal, service);
  • private house;
  • hostel;
  • hotel;
  • boarding house, shelter;
  • sanatoriums, hospitals.

If the period of residence in a given territory is less than three months, it is not necessary to register your presence in it. To protect yourself from law enforcement agencies, you can present a travel document, sanatorium card, etc.

Find out from our articles about how to fill out an application for temporary registration, how to obtain a certificate of registration at the place of residence, and also how to extend the period of temporary registration.

Is it possible to register if there is no green card?

1. Is it possible to register a child if there is no house register but there is brilliant green paper.

1.1. Hello! No, you cannot register without a home register, since the registration record at the place of residence is entered in the house register.

2. Is it possible to register a newborn child according to the father’s registration if there is no green card for the house but only a house register.

2.1. only if you have a certificate you can

3. Is it possible to register if there is no brilliant green?

3.1. You can register, Murad.

4. Is it possible to register a person in a house if there is no brilliant green, but there is a house register?

4.1. -Who will prescribe? This is only the right of the owner. no certificate - no owner

4.2. Please clarify your question - is the apartment not privatized? and who decides the issue of registration (registered person or not), whether the registered person is a relative, etc.

5. Is it possible to register if there is no greenery in the house where I want to register?

5.1. If there is no “green stuff”, as you say - or rather, if you are not the owner - well, where do you register and how?!

Why is it needed?

Temporary registration in an apartment is necessary for the exercise of social rights and interaction with government agencies.

A citizen can perform the following actions:

  • receive medical care;
  • register the child in an educational institution;
  • apply for a job;
  • take a loan;
  • apply for benefits.

Using the certificate, you can also register the purchased car. Registration of a car will also be temporary, for the duration of the document.

Find out on our website also how to temporarily register a child, including a newborn.


Is it possible to register a person temporarily? You can register an apartment only with the consent of its owner . At his own request, he can register any person in the living space: both a relative and a complete stranger.

This may also be a citizen renting an apartment under a rental agreement. The number of persons registered in their own real estate is not limited. How to temporarily register a person in a privatized apartment?

To register, you only need the consent of the owner or all owners if the apartment is divided into shares . The consent of other persons registered in the living space is not required.

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The owner may not be present when submitting documents, having issued a notarized consent or power of attorney to any person.

Grounds and conditions for registration

What do you need to register in a private house? In private domains, registration is possible only if certain grounds and conditions are met.

Home ownership

If someone who is not the owner wants to register, then for this it is necessary that the owner does not object to the registration of a relative or friend in the living space of his house.

For example, it is completely impossible to register in a residential building that has not been completed and has not been put into operation in accordance with all legal requirements.

If you managed to obtain a certificate of ownership of a plot and a house that is not quite finished, then you also need officials to sign the act of putting the house into operation, which is unrealistic if there is no sewerage system, it will not solve the heating issue, etc. You cannot register in an unfinished mansion .

When a house is owned in shares by several owners, permission must be obtained from each of them. If the owner has not registered ownership , then he will not be able to register not only a stranger, but even himself personally.

A non-privatized private house is a dwelling for which all the documents are missing, such housing is not listed in the cadastre database, it simply does not exist according to the documents, which means that registration in a non-privatized private house is impossible.

A private mansion can be non-privatized and still be ready to accept a tenant, if only this building belongs to the municipality . In this case, registration is possible under the following conditions:

  • the consent of the employer and all his adult household members;
  • the owner, that is, the municipality, does not object.

The consent of the employer's family members must be in writing . If there are no objections from the municipal authorities, the employer's application must include a visa for the responsible employee.

Status of residential premises and land plot

You can register both within the city limits and outside it, but what matters is the status of the building and the land underneath it.

In 2021, registration at a dacha is also possible if the owner has registered ownership of it, the house itself is suitable for year-round living, and the land under the house corresponds to the category permitted for construction - for example, the land being classified as agricultural land will become an obstacle to registration actions.

The owner must have documents for both the building and the site.

If a private house is built on a plot allocated for individual housing construction (Article 49 of the City Code), then this is the most prestigious option, not counting mansions in the city.

Here, the owner and any relative can register without any problems; no questions will arise if the ownership is legally registered for both the building and the land plot. The land for individual housing construction must be annexed to any locality .

Agricultural land. the purpose for the construction of a permanent residential building is not allocated; it can be purchased by mistake, overlooking the category of land and intended use.

If a person has built a house on such land, then in order to legitimize the house and transfer the land to another category, he will have to go to court, which may accommodate the owner of the land not intended for housing construction, or may refuse.

But these are the problems of the owner himself. Neither the owner himself nor his relatives will be able to register in such a house until the issue with the category of land and the legalization of the building is resolved.

Temporary registration of owner

Situations often arise that require temporary registration in your own apartment if you have permanent registration at another address.

You can also temporarily register in an apartment when it is sold .

In this case, the person is checked out of the apartment to complete the transaction and at the same time receives a certificate of temporary registration.

You can register temporarily in your own apartment at any time and for any period. To do this, you need to write an application and provide a Certificate of Ownership.

Failure Cases

In what cases can registration be refused? Registration in a private house may be denied if :

  1. The mansion is unfinished, that is, there is no certificate of acceptance for operation.
  2. The land under the house is classified as not intended for housing.
  3. There are no title documents, that is, there is no privatization.
  4. The personal papers of the person requiring accounting measures are not in order.

The refusal will be issued in writing, specifying the reasons for the refusal.

What to do in case of refusal? Having received a written refusal, you should delve into the essence of the document and try to correct the situation , that is, eliminate the comments of the migration service and try again.

Will a construction expert be required?

In such cases, construction expertise is not needed; it is important to complete the building, connect all communications and bring the building to a habitable condition.

Specialists who accept housing projects for operation have sufficient experience and knowledge to determine whether the housing is ready for use .

A private house, properly decorated, is quite suitable for registering both its owner and relatives.

Registration will not take much time if all documents are in perfect order .

You can learn how to register in a country house from the video:

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Where to apply?

How to temporarily register a person in your apartment? The registration of documents is carried out by the Federal Migration Service . It is the employees of the territorial organizations of this state structure who issue the passport insert, which is evidence of temporary registration. What needs to be done?

  • passport;
  • application of the registrant (Form 1);
  • statement of consent of the owner (or all owners);
  • a notarized apartment rental agreement (if it exists, the presence of the owner is not necessary);
  • arrival slip;
  • proof of ownership;
  • home Book.

When submitting documents through the MFC, State Services or mail, copies of these documents . After checking the documents at the FMS office, you will be able to receive an insert for your passport.

For temporary registration, you do not need to cancel your permanent one. Depending on the method of submitting documents, it takes from 3 to 7 days . There is no state duty charged to citizens of the Russian Federation.


The registration period does not depend on the exact method by which the required package of documents will be submitted.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish strict time frames, however, according to generally accepted rules, the period does not exceed 3 days, provided that reliable information is provided.

If the applicant has not provided a complete package of documents, the period may be increased to 10 days.

How is registration of children in a privatized apartment completed? Information here.

What to do if the individual entrepreneur has changed his registration address? Details in this article.

Risks and consequences

What are the consequences of temporary registration for the owner of an apartment? After its registration, the following unpleasant moments may arise for the owner of the living space:

  1. Increase in payment amounts for housing and communal services. If payment is made not according to meters, but according to the number of residents, you will need to pay for everyone registered (more details in our article).
  2. Problems with tax authorities.
  3. Registration in the apartment of minor citizens. If a child is born to a temporarily registered person, he will be registered at the same address, and without the consent of the owner. It will be possible to discharge a child only by court, and even then only if the parents have their own housing.
  4. Financial difficulties. All fines, summonses, and notices from credit institutions will be sent to the temporary registration address.

How can an owner avoid problems? In any case, the law will always be on the side of the owner, and temporary registration can be canceled at any time . Therefore, rumors about the dangers of this procedure are somewhat exaggerated.

Even with temporary registration, an unwanted tenant is evicted at the request of the owner of the living space. To avoid possible problems, it is better to issue it for a short period of time and extend it if necessary.


Temporary registration ends after the expiration of the period for which it was issued. There is no need to perform any additional actions. Simply put, the insert becomes invalid as soon as the date indicated in it as the registration period has passed.

In addition, the owner can contact the Federal Migration Service with a request to terminate the registration earlier than the specified period .

Since a temporarily registered person does not have any rights to housing, only the owner decides whether he will be registered or not.

You can lose your registration the very next day after registration if the owner of the property suddenly changes his mind. In this case, no evidence or justification is required from him .

If a person registered in a certain territory no longer needs this registration, he can write an application to the FMS office with a request to cancel it ahead of schedule.

But you don’t have to do this; you can simply move out of this address and not use the insert anymore .

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