Who will do the landscaping? Each owner has his own ideas about comfort on the site. Someone's dreaming
Mortgage lending for teachers is the provision of funds to solve housing problems
A registry error is a mistake made by a cadastral engineer in technical terms, boundary plans,
Job Responsibilities of a Real Estate Realtor A realtor is an intermediary between the seller and the buyer. At the legislative
09/04/2020 1 581 0 Reading time: 8 min. Rating: Author: Konstantin Bely
Home › Cadastral number › What is Ox on the Cadastral Map Consultations: information about
The essence of the gas meter verification procedure is to study the accuracy of the working mechanism. Based on the diagnostic results, it is determined
Methods for purchasing a garage There are several methods for purchasing a garage building that everyone should become familiar with
Deadlines for taking water meter readings To transfer calculations to the management company, a date is selected from 15 to
What is the resettlement program? Even the most reliable housing eventually comes to