What do you have to fork out for? Let’s say right away that expanding the living space on the ground floor is not fun.
How to obtain a taxpayer certificate You can obtain a TIN from the regional authorities of the Federal Tax Service, on the website, at
Features of the shared ownership regime Shared ownership implies ownership and disposal of a certain part of the total
The procedure for replacing collateral in Sberbank Sberbank is the largest credit institution, highly popular among
Home / Real estate / Housing rights / Registration Back Published: 03/19/2020 Reading time:
A slight confusion of concepts and the regulatory framework After the construction (or reconstruction) of housing has been completed,
One of the legitimate reasons for a power outage is the user’s refusal to pay for services. But in
Is a metal garage without a foundation, but with a cellar, considered real estate? 2.1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Real estate insurance for a mortgage When a person buys an apartment with a mortgage, it remains pledged
What characteristics of the apartment are reflected in the deed? The right to premises arising as a result of an agreement is subject to registration.