Internet to help, or How to find out online whether an apartment is registered in the cadastral register?
Why is it necessary to know whether a property is registered? If you want to carry out a certain transaction, make sure that
Why can a bank refuse a mortgage for a certain apartment?
How to find out why the bank refused a mortgage? If your mortgage is rejected, find the reason.
Construction expertise: who and when determines the quality of construction work
Construction and technical expertise and its types Expertise is a study carried out by someone specially engaged for this purpose.
Who is the unworthy heir?
Who are the unworthy heirs? The rules of law define unworthy heirs as citizens who deliberately undertook
How to remove a lien from real estate-1
How to release property from seizure imposed as part of a criminal case?
Briefly about the seizure of property A citizen who has a significant debt to another person and does not undertake
Debt repayment agreement. Part 1
Sample settlement agreement in pre-trial dispute resolution
One way to change the obligation is to enter into an installment agreement. This one is the one
property valuation
Mortgage on an apartment: What is a mortgage on a mortgage? Tips for registration +Video
Welcome! Today you will learn what a mortgage is and you will be able to calmly approach
failure to pay mortgage insurance, the essence of mortgage insurance
What to do if your mortgage insurance is late? Experts answer +Video
The essence of mortgage insurance If a person takes out a consumer loan, then insurance is recommended, but not
divide the mortgaged property
VS figured out how to divide an apartment purchased before the wedding
3.8 / 5 (19 votes) To understand whether property is divided during a divorce,
List of possible expenses All costs that arise when registering housing ownership are divided into
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