One of the effective methods of an organized, and most importantly civilized, solution to this problem is the creation
Payments for major repairs are not coming - is it possible not to pay? Even when there are no bills
What is “privatization” and why is it needed? To find out whether a privatized apartment is divided
—> More than 1,000 military personnel and their family members received answers from a military media lawyer
From August 1, 2014, a fee for major repairs of an apartment building will be introduced Until the end of 2012
Having a share in an apartment or house, you can dispose of it as you wish. In
Article updated: March 25, 2021 Alexey BessonovPracticing Moscow lawyer Hello. I am a visiting lawyer
Contents of the statute of a housing cooperative Article 52 of the Civil Code defines what a legal entity is, such as a housing cooperative
Many owners today are remodeling their homes, including panel houses.
Licensing To receive such a document, the broker needs to be activated. However, FXamo doesn’t think so