Registration of ownership of real estate 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This Privacy Policy regarding the processing
The divorce process begins with the submission of relevant documents to the authorized body. From completeness and correctness
A cadastral passport is an extract from the state cadastre. The document was prepared by Rosreestr and was used until
A garage is a different type of real estate. Its acquisition, according to the law, is formalized as a civil contract.
Can neighbors turn off the water? According to Art. 12 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, the water use agreement provides for
What is the division of buildings and premises into new premises In the field of construction and real estate
Advantages of DDU for investors Strict regulation of the text of the agreement. It specifies the responsibilities of each
Conditions and requirements Housing space that has undergone the privatization procedure becomes the property of a citizen or group of persons who participated
How does the document recovery procedure work? If any of the above happened, then you should contact
Why do you need real estate insurance? The bank insists on real estate insurance when issuing a mortgage, despite