State information system GIS housing and communal services

Step-by-step instructions on how to register on the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal. Do not forget that to enter your GIS Housing and Communal Services personal account, an electronic signature is required for GIS Housing and Communal Services.

Attention! We recommend setting up and working on the portal in the Internet Explorer browser.

The portals “GIS Housing and Public Utilities” and “Government Services” are closely connected. To register on the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal, first configure your computer to work on the State Services portal

Then register on the State Services portal as an individual and legal entity.

Proceed with registration on the GIS Housing and Public Utilities portal.

The main thing about GIS housing and communal services

GIS housing and communal services

or the state information system for housing and communal services - this is a single federal centralized system containing information on all housing and communal services in the country. This system ensures transparent relations between government agencies, management authorities and homeowners.

This system contains information about:

  • list and cost of services for the maintenance and repair of common property of apartment buildings;
  • housing stock;
  • utilities and the resources needed to supply them;
  • engineering and utility infrastructure facilities;
  • debts for housing and communal services.

The system has a 24/7 support service and regular updates.

According to Art. 6 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2014 No. 209-FZ in the GIS Housing and Communal Services data comes from:

  • government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • local government bodies;
  • resource supply organizations;
  • regional capital repair operators;
  • management companies, homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives and other specialized consumer cooperatives that manage apartment buildings;
  • regional operators for municipal solid waste management;
  • housing construction cooperatives carrying out the construction of apartment buildings at the expense of members of cooperatives;
  • organizations through which payment is made;
  • administrators of general meetings of premises owners in apartment buildings;
  • chairmen of the councils of MKD;
  • legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who are the sole owners of premises in an apartment building, if the management method is not selected or the direct management method is selected.

According to the order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated February 29, 2014 No. 74/114/pr, each information provider is given items to fill out in a special section.

Management companies post information in these sections:

  • payment for housing and communal services (filling out the “Receipt and payment documents” tab);
  • management objects (filling out the tabs “Agreements for the use of common property”, “Management agreements”, “Agreements for the provision of services (work)”, “Housing facilities”, “Metering devices”, “Insurance products”, “Personal accounts”, “ Voting" and the list of works is filled out separately for each house)
  • generalized information about the organization and its employees (bank details, number of employees, legal address);
  • major repairs (filling out the tabs “Register of information on major repairs” and “Register of accounts” if the major repairs are formed on a special account).

The system is characterized by the principle of filling out the correct information once.

From January 1, 2021, management authorities are responsible for posting false information and not posting information at all in the Housing and Communal Services GIS.

From July 1, 2021, GIS Housing and Communal Services is a licensing requirement and therefore information providers must fully disclose all information. This is controlled by regional housing inspections in accordance with Art. 23.55 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and can issue fines for non-compliance with No. 209-FZ.

Owners of apartment buildings can use additional services of the GIS Housing and Communal Services after registering in the GIS Housing and Communal Services or the State Services Portal, such as chats with neighbors, paying for services, transferring meter readings, checking the correctness of charges for housing and communal services, writing complaints and appeals.

When the owner logs into his personal account, he goes to the “Home page of his personal account”, where there is:

  • premises address;
  • general information about this premises;
  • system notifications (payment of utility services, need to transfer data from meters);
  • statistics on the consumption of utility resources and payment for these resources;
  • information on the house (major repairs, chairman and members of the council of apartment buildings, registers of programs, list of services, contracts on the house, minutes of general meetings of owners, quality of services and periods of provision).

GIS housing and communal services makes it possible for all areas of housing and communal services to interact with each other. Users can pay for services and monitor all information about their home, and management companies, HOAs and others can supply reliable information and receive the same reliable information from the owners of apartment buildings, for example, meter readings and general statistics on apartment buildings. GIS housing and communal services automates and systematizes many housing and communal services processes, which means it reduces the duration of any operations and increases efficiency.

Data about the report of HOAs, housing cooperatives and residential complexes

According to the order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated February 29, 2016 N 75/114/pr, in addition to the annual report on the activities of HOAs, housing cooperatives and housing complexes, information about the annual accounting statements . This report is drawn up in free form, certified by the organization’s seals, and only after that is uploaded into the system.

The following are disclosed as part of the annual financial statements:

  • balance sheet and report on the intended use of funds;
  • cost and income estimates;
  • report on the implementation of this estimate.

Information is posted about what funds were received into the account of the HOA or cooperative:

  • membership fee;
  • targeted contributions;
  • voluntary contributions;
  • profit from income-generating activities.

It is explained how these funds were used:

  • social and charitable assistance;
  • holding conferences, etc.;
  • employee remuneration;
  • travel expenses;
  • repair costs;
  • expenses for maintaining transport, premises, etc..

Who should enter information about houses in the GIS housing and communal services: HOA or management company


Instructions for filling out the GIS Housing and Communal Services

Methodological textbooks were developed by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia together with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" on the basis of 15 joint orders of the Ministry of Construction of Russia and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia. Note that the instructions show an ideal picture, without taking into account that the GIS housing and communal services portal often has glitches, and information cannot be posted the first time.

Each instruction is accompanied by a mini-test (for example, in the test on metering devices there are only two questions), however, the textbook does not provide the keys, so in the end you will be left in the dark whether you have mastered the topic or not. All materials are detailed and include screenshots.

Users are expected to print the textbook because there is a note sheet at the end.

After reading the textbook “ Registration of a management company in the GIS Housing and Communal Services ”, you will learn how to register a company in the system, post information about it and check the information about the company representative.

The manual “Placing information about metering devices” will teach you how to enter current readings from metering devices into the system. At the beginning, the authors explain that the “Authorized Specialist of the Organization” will have the opportunity to post data on PUs only if they have the access rights “Maintaining a register of PUs of serviced houses.”

The developers of the GIS housing and communal services portal remind you that the owners of apartment buildings also have the right to enter current PU readings into the system.

The textbook “Placing Information on Payment Documents” has been written about the important and problematic section “Payment Documents” to fill out. You will learn how to:

  • post data;
  • calculate the amount of fees and make recalculations;
  • work with the “Reference Information” tab;
  • post accruals.

The information is useful, but is disclosed superficially and is focused on the ideal operating conditions of the GIS housing and communal services.

The textbook “Placing information about apartment buildings” will be useful to users who have problems posting data about entrances, premises and rooms of apartment buildings. The manual reflects the sequence of disclosure of information about an apartment building, the text is accompanied by screenshots. But that’s all, you won’t find detailed information or consideration of controversial situations here.

But the training materials certainly contain useful instructions for posting information about personal accounts and management agreements and payment details.

We recommend that you pay special attention to establishing the required role in the system for the information disclosure specialist. As follows from the textbooks, to expand a certain block you need to select a role, after which the right to place data will appear.

Still haven't signed the user agreement? Find out how

Training in GIS housing and communal services

Training materials on working with GIS housing and communal services are available to Internet users who visit the website in the “Regulations and Instructions” tab.

Methodological manuals for management organizations, homeowners' associations, residential complexes and housing cooperatives are located in the corresponding tab in the "Training materials" section.

The developers of the GIS housing and communal services identified the topics that cause the greatest difficulties for users and made brochures on them. The issues of registering a management company in the GIS Housing and Communal Services and posting data on:

  • metering devices,
  • payment documents,
  • apartment building,
  • personal accounts,
  • management contracts,
  • working with payment details.

GIS, give up! (Part IX) We place data on personal accounts in the GIS Housing and Communal Services


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