Determining the meaning of the red lines on the cadastral plan
In order to separate plots belonging to different owners from each other, land surveying is carried out. Similar
Dear residents, keep the entrance clean
Creative note We kindly request, as soon as you enter our COMMON entrance, adhere to the following,
Payment of utilities (housing and communal services) through Tinkoff Internet bank without commission
Now, to pay for housing and communal services, you don’t need to stand in line at the post office or house management. Such
How often should hot and cold water meters be checked?
Calibration interval - what is it? This term refers to the time period after
General principles for the formation of land plots from existing plots
Home / Real Estate / Land Back Published: 11/16/2017 Reading time: 8 min
Features of mortgage lending
How does a typical mortgage transaction work?
Mortgage, general idea Mortgage lending is the longest among existing loans. This scheme has
Panel house
Modern “sockets”: bright facades, varied layouts, relatively low prices
The majority of multi-storey buildings in modern Russia are panel buildings. With this real estate model
How to check the reliability of a developer - a non-standard quest with horror elements
Construction in Russia is always a risky business. Although... What kind of business is there in our God-saved
Eviction from housing
Deregistration - procedure for eviction
Claims for eviction and deregistration are filed by citizens, owners of housing provided under
How to conclude a lease agreement with the apartment owner
How to draw up a sample of an exclusive agreement for the provision of real estate services?
The most difficult part of being a realtor is dealing with client objections. Often agents
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